Hi my name is Olivia, I have autism, BPD, and anorexia. I'm trying to tell a certain person that I'm probably going to be okay.
Hi my name is Olivia, I have autism, BPD, and anorexia...
Other urls found in this thread:
i know youre not talking to me, but i kinda wish you were. have a bump for visibility. glad youre doing well
Thanks. I will use your post to reply and bump the thread.
how long do you think your thread needs to stay on the catalog before your friend sees it?
I don't even know if they come on here any more so I have no idea. I'm just giving it a shot I guess.
Show them titties already
denial isn't a productive state of mind tho
>I don't even know if they come on here any more
so, a shot in the dark. i will help you bump it while im here. have a pic i saved from the annie thread earlier today.
bump for olivia rewarding me with sex
how many bumps do you require for us to become one of your orbiters
shut up faggot. i was here first. if anyone gets thank you sex from olivia it should be me.
I don't think that sex is on the table. Sorry friends. Is my genuine appreciate enough?
How ever many you want.
Another one. curious to see who comes after you.
>autism anorexia BPD
full doubt, no self-diagnosis allowed roastie
eh, sex is immeasurably better desu but it is a bit of a pipe dream. you dont mind if i post cute girl pics, do you?
Oh hey Brooke, also known as Olivia
Laura.. that name makes me feel something hahaha
lmao brooke is a fatty. definitely not anorexic
No, not at all. I've made a name and code so people can easily identify me whenever I post here.
Another what?
Sorry I don't have any paper work with me.
I'm very different from Brooke honestly.
Not this again. Tell me what you mean.
Sure you are, Olivia Grace
hope you and your friend are both ok.
which is the real OP?
oh cool i was wondering what br**ke's new trip was going to be, thanks
Is that Brooke's real name?
She should be fine. Her life is pretty normal and healthy.
Me. I don't like trips.
You have BPD, which is all right for a woman. You'll be fine.
based. i can't get a boner if a girl weighs more than 150 lbs
I feel like you're just mocking me.
Tell you what I mean? Don't worry about it
not mocking at all. i usually receive hate online when i admit to liking anorexics. im not shitposting when i say im attracted to them
are the seizures gone yet?
Stop lying Olivia. Someone who has BPD will never be ok.
Please don't mess with me. I'm not good at handling those kinds of things?
Who are you? They're still happening once or twice a month.
I have autism and bpd too op
do you also have anorexia, user?
where do i find anorexic autistic girls? bpd optional.
thats an improvement at least, hopefully you get better.
>Going to be OK.
Pick one.
desu just finding anorexic ones is difficult enough, as much as its frowned upon. trying to add additional criteria will really put a wrench in the works
Are you ever relaxed?
You ignored my question.
Okay, I get it. BPD is a shit mental illness. I'm aware.
Messing with you? I don't understand..
i'm not even attracted to anorexic girls, i just have a major messiah complex desu
anas are unironically superior
im not trying to play games with you or anything, i just dont think my identity matters at this point.
Not really Tbh, I love food but I have a BMI of 17
Is BPD really bad?
Constantly anxious or sad
>BPD is a shit mental illness
That's a massive understatement, and if you were telling the truth you'd know that.
Looks like something from a low-budget horror movie.
>Is BPD really bad?
not OP, but its really hard to deal with if youve gotten feels for a bpd girl. and its really, really easy to get feels for them
looks like gf material to me
Why do you see significance in the name Laura?
All this does is stress me out.
I stopped including anxiety when talking about my mental health. At this point I just assume that it's a result of my BPD.
I'm starting to view myself as a monster. It's scary to look back and see how emotionally abusive I can be.
I'm a skinnyfat turbomanlet, and i'd probably crush her in my sleep.
You ARE a monster. It's good that you realize it. Everyone you love and care about will eventually hate you - if they don't already. You're life is gonna be very lonely because your craziness will drive evryone away. Probably better off just killing yourself now.
It's just the name of the girl I used to love before I drove her away
theyre not as fragile as you think, user. uber skinny girls need love too
it wasnt my intention to stress you out. i was just passing by, after all. youll forget soon enough regardless
>but its really hard to deal with if youve gotten feels for a bpd girl. and its really, really easy to get feels for them
kek might as well be talking about all women.
regardless, fucking is where I draw the line.
she fucks anyone and its au revoir for good.
Yeah, I'd love her and take her on many, many dates to McDonalds.
>might as well be talking about all women.
no, bpd is its own beast. i have stories i could tell, but i really dont feel like it right now
can't you dm them
I didn't want them to see me during this current trial. I removed any possibility of being able to contact them privately. I needed to go for both of our sake. I couldn't accept that she wasn't ever going to give me what I wanted and she didn't need to deal with how poorly I can handle that.
>she wasn't ever going to give me what I wanted
what is it you wanted?
I hated that she wasn't the awkward, reserved girl that she used to be. She wanted to expand, be with other people, and never came close to loving me like I did her. I feel that I ruined her though. If I never came she would still be what she originally wanted to be. I became jealous to the point of attacking her for even being online at the same time as other people. I wanted her to only focus on me. It hurt me to feel like other people could draw her attention from me. I know my desires are unrealistic. It's why I got out.
>my desires are unrealistic
highly unlikely, but it's possible to achieve them. you just have to find someone who is as horribly clingy as you are and then dont push them away
>Sorry I don't have any paper work with me.
you don't have any paperwork period. BPD and autism should be mutually exclusive diagnoses. go back to redtit please
I was diagnosed with Asperger's at five and was diagnosed with BPD this year. I don't know what to tell you.
I should try to sleep. If this is seen please tell me that you saw it. I don't know how you'll prove that it's you. I guess that was an oversight.
idk man
An anorexic thot is a patrician's choice
Any vids of legit anorexic skeleton girls taking huge dick? Imagine the stomach bulge!
very, very hard to find, user
Come back to the server. Weve been waiting for months. We miss you
I GRIEVE IN STEREO. The stereo sounds strange. Origgnl.
>my defining attributes are all mental illnesses
why do people always do this
LOL. Sounds like a classic case of "You are Gay". Common symptoms include autism, BPD, and anorexia. Congratulations. You're retarded AND gay. come to Joxer for redemption. I am your only hope. Come to me.
Interesting OP, do you have discord I wanna add you so you can be my gf.
I met an Olivia here in March. Though I don't think it's you.
You may grieve in stereo, but life moves in it.