How is it possible for "incels" to exist in a sexually liberal society? Makes no sense.
How is it possible for "incels" to exist in a sexually liberal society? Makes no sense
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Yeah, you're right. It doesn't make sense. Good thinking sherlock.
Sexual liberty only benefits women and Chads. Don't pretend to be retarded.
>how is it possible that starving people exist in obese society?
obligatory heroin addict post
It makes perfect sense. Women are free to choose sexual partners so undesirables are ignored more often or for a longer period of time.
This supposed incel is a chadlite himself
what a fucking mess
joey a cute!!! you should not go on tinychat on your phone though, it's even worse than the desktop
Are you in the tinychat?
If so, does your name start with an S?
please stop your hurting me
Sexual liberty only benefits the top tiered men, and of course women. The lower tier of men get cast aside and to be honest it does make sense. Would you want the autistic sperg with nothing going for him, or would you want the rich good looking chad who has money, connections, and a lot going for him? Yeah, it's not fair and it's horrible but it's true.
I don't go on the r9k tinychat but I run one with some of my other internet friends
Because people who identify as incels are unwashed retards but still believe that "muh sexual liberation" means women should throw away their standards and fuck anyone who cries for it. I might add that these "incels" are some of the pickiest fuckers ever with whom they decide is worthy of their precious virginity
>must be a virgin
>must be thin
>must have 120+ IQ
>Jow Forumstard requirement: must be 100% pure white (this one is literally impossible and this should be common knowledge for anyone who passed 9th grade)
tl;dr - incels are delusional, hypocritical fuckwits who will blame anyone but themselves for their flaws
How is it possible for poor people to exist in a economically liberal society?
A perfect example why sexual liberty should be revoked.
> How its possible that poor people exist under capitalism? Like, lmao!
>It's a fact that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society
Incels only aim for cream of the crop women without being decent themselves.
how do retards exist in the information age?
>how is it possible for poor people to exist in a capitalist society
Actually for this incel she needs 140+ iq have never even thought about sex before, and I don't see her eat.
do ever get tired of saying the sameshit based on assumptions of about people you never met?
I'm below average in looks and have fucked tons of tinder chicks. Its easier than ever for anyone to get laid.
>how is it possible for poor people to exist in a capitalist society
that's how capitalism operates nigger, lmao, besides "poorness" is relative.
post more of that delicious spic user
>I'm below average in looks and have fucked tons of tinder chicks
from my experience this is just not true.
They are right. Incels are hypocritical Stacy chasers, just like Elliot Rodgers. They feel entitled to women out of their own league, and once they face the rejection by one they are mad that the world has wronged them.
Incels, in theory, dont exist.
If a person has 0 sexual value, then why would somebody pick them over somebody with more sexual value
tell why she isnt a spic
You must suck at tinder.
reverse image user.
They aren't assumptions. I've watched people who were once incels (many of them bearing the traits I mentioned before) improve themselves and find someone, both here and in real life. Ain't my fault you haven't done the same yet. I'd encourage you to though. I find that most people on here are zoomers or millennials so I'd wager there's time
Can we see what you look like to go with your statement?
I keep trying to tell the robots this but they don't have the power to see what they can accomplish, feels bad.
My most laid-from-tinder friend is one of biggest (ok he fat), smallest penis'd (he always mentions this) friends - he just brings that Chad energy.
mostly refering to "I'm below average" when one usually isn't, hell even I'm guilty of it but some I'm sure as shit not in bottom 50%.
why do you think im asking for more, it doesnt show up
I appreciate you trying to help, but do you have any advice for those who already lowered their standards?
Tried getting Jow Forums? I've gotten /fa/ over the past few years, so that'll be the next step for me
Oh no. The backbone of a "liberal society" as you call it is nothing else but the market. And under the free market only the most competitive win. Under capitalism laissez faire extends to human relations, this the most brutal blackpill you can find.
We need state communism with government issued gfs. Otherwise women will only flock to the highest tier males and leave everyone else hanging.
fucking christ user here, just remove the $
Err, have you succeeded yourself yet?
nice thanks user, i dont get it why it would show up for you tho
He looks qt as fuck in the OP but ugly here.
need more joey stat
In getting laid? Yes actually don't kick me out though pls r9k is comfy most of the time
My first time was with a hamplanet but it's gotten much better
that's the trick man
>he just brings that Chad energy
Blessed with it, many people aren't so lucky.
how much you want user? I'm a collector of such fine things
i want to be joeys cumslut
>sexually liberal
good one. explain to me why 20% of all men are having 80% of all sexual encounters with women then you'll see why our society isn't sexually liberal. faggot.
Am I the only one that thinks this guy is kinda cute as hell? Like obviously not the hottest guy ever, but way far from what I picture when I hear guys call themselves incel. Im surprised ive been seeing people on this board for the last several days calling him ugly.
I think he only looks cute when you can see his blue eyes. He doesn't look bad here though . just cuter in the first post i quoted.
i saw a joey shirtless once but now i cant find, do u have?
Nope you're not the only one user. I would marry him
Joey looks best when he looks pale and skinny if you ask me
Why do you have so many pics of him?
also this
also this
also this
shut the fuck up liar
shut the fuck up faggot
shut the fuck up faggot
"chad energy" lmao faggot lying virgin kill yourself
>shut the fuck up faggot
thats not an argument
omg where did you get these
if someone happens to have this please post
I searched through the r9k archive for hours to find as many Joeys as I could
I might have one of the largest Joey picture collections aside from him and his family/friends
Post them all user! I want to collect Joey pics too! I wish I had some to share. What else do you know about him?
What's the new R9k tinychat?
how new do you mean?
his attitude is 100% the problem. I haven't seen a second of video of this guy or listened to a word come out of his mouth. his looks are 100% not the problem.
>incels are hypocritical Stacy chasers,
do you actually know that or did you just here someone pull it our their ass and ran with it
personally i can tell you with me and i assume others it isn't this way, i don't feel entitled to anyone, i mostly just feel hurt, that i've never been good enough in anyones eyes, i've never chased a "stacy", i won't lie i did like them and was attracted to them, or else there would be no point, but i was ignoring almost all women i met, while holding out for some super model like the meme says. i just didn't get the chance, why is so hard for normalfags to comprehend or accept, that some of us don't have a chance,
dude has legit chad eyebrows and gorgeous blue eyes. get a haircut and hit the gym he'd look like a 9 easily.
Incel here, I have mild aspergers plus I got homeschooled so I am completely unable to flirt or make friends or really interact with people in a non autistic fashion. Prostitution is illegal here so that is out of the question and also immoral imo. It's quite painful tbqh
The one right after the r9k ezcape chat ended and any newer ones since then?
he looks a little heavy here, but his face is very decent and he has beautiful eyes. Cant believe there are guys (who probably identify as incels) who are trying to reaffirm his supposed ugliness or convince us of it. If he is what the average incel looks like, maybe the problem really does have nothing to do with the way they look (in most cases then.) But then I dont understand the emphasis that seems to be placed on it so often.
joey runs r9kdeathcult on tinychat
Are girIs allowed?
>i won't lie i did like them and was attracted to them, or else there would be no point, but i was ignoring almost all women i met, while holding out for some super model like the meme says. i just didn't get the chance, why is so hard for normalfags to comprehend or accept, that some of us don't have a chanc
yeah you dont have a chance with Stacy, just like how hideous slampigs dont stand a chance with Chad. Real tough isnt it
the r9k ezcape chat is now randomly run through a snapchat group - where people are called to a room to be active - we usually use dead rooms to do it - do you want another r9k ezcapechat? We can make that happen
i don't even fucking go for stacy you meme believing shithead
Sexual liberation doesn't make it easier for guys like us to get a great.
>yeah you dont have a chance with Stacy, just like how hideous slampigs dont stand a chance with Chad. Real tough isnt it
>im the evil entitled internet misogynist thats going to kill everyone but the guy who calls women "slampigs" is totally cool
as for you point i can sympathise with an ugly lonely women, we are living the same problem.
post a pic or leave
Not if you are JC or that tranny freak. I'm okay with the tranny being involved in the room but not the moderator. He was a shit moderator. Anything JC is a no go.
>being more attracted to women that they find more attractive=They feel entitled to women out of their own league
Normalfag logic
i don't like posting pics of myself on the net, and its against the rules anyway
Dope doesn't chat anymore - Spider told me he runs some sort of twitter gathering
JC is banned from all of ezcape and I could make the room we use the most now user only. For context its usually me, internetstranger, drseuss, runny, chad rodreigez, sometimes plusvat, kunt, sootpiss, and numbers
you're not really. fembots and normalfags are saying we only go after stacy to change the dialogue in their favor. you not being able to get chad is still not as bad as us not even being able to get you.
cool so shut the fuck up
but i'm a man tho,
many based robots in the comment section
or I can just start a thread next time we're all in the chat, right now it's dead because some of the people are chatters from officialr9k on tinychat, so they've grown lives and shit
nah I'm staying, nigger I don't know why you'd you can tell people to go from random forums when your just an user same as me
But you can easily get a fat girl...or an ethnic girl...especially if you are white like most guys who call themselves incels are...but nobody wants that.
Okay most of the people there aren't faggy at all. Yeah I say okay make it. Why did JC get banned? Why did the ezcape chat die anyways? Who are you when you say it's usually me?
why can't i get an ugly normal weight girl of my own race?
No, no women have appeared to have any interest in me.
Also all non-white girls in my country live in ghettos with very high crime.
not that i even can get these fat girls, why don't you people ever put your theories to the test and cat fish a girl with an ugly guy profile using your good personality like how incels cat fish with chads with horrible personalities
Labor - but I'm nothing like who I was, moving and dealing with a new state has changed how I act
Banned for inappropriate content, he did always have a tendency to pull his dick out at random times.
and yeah, I'll snap them now to see if they are up for it - I'll set up a room or see if any of us own an old dead one so we don't have to just create it at random
You can easily. Would you really give her a chance? I mean genuinely ugly, although I doubt you would have to even stoop that low if you are another one of those severely exaggerating their ugliness on here..
I think the last time we were in there was when nux died, just to have a drink and talk about the shit he used to do on cam
exactly. Male incels dont exist because they almost always have a looks/race requirement. Femcels will settle for just about anyone regardless of their race, looks, social status, and occupation as long as the guy is willing to love them and commit to them as their life long partner. Females are the true incels.
t. femcel
please fuck off lmfao you're pathetic
correction, i wasn't ignoring