Am I the only one who would beat my son senseless if he came out as gay?

Am I the only one who would beat my son senseless if he came out as gay?

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Maybe you should consider whether it's better that you not have kids.

Most homophobes are secret gay themselves. Just saying

Probably. I'd just disown him.

Things like that are why a girl unable to have children would be a relief

Nah. I think it'd be cute to have a trans daughter

I wouldn't, I'd just want him to be a good and happy person no matter who he wants to fuck.

>If you don't like something it means you are that thing LOL
Goddamn playground logic right there

>OP wants to beat off his son
Gayass board lmao

this argument is so overdone its not even funny anymore

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If my son had talked to someone long enough to actually have sex i would buy him a car.

Thank fuck u 2 spergs will never get laid

I know exactly what you mean which is why I hate to do this to you both. But.. Me thinks thou protest too much

Sure, I'm the bad guy for not wanting my son to engage in the activity most likely to give him incurable diseases.

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Thanks for your input reddit

I know it triggers you that people dislike faggotry

consider the following: your father did and then beat your faggot ass

its been scientifically proven moron

i dont remember the study, but they took tests of arousal to certain pornography and the homophobes got the horniest from gay shit

who knew?

Look out goys the jidf are here

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What's the point? Your son will be a faggot either way.

I would do what a sensible parent would do and just subtly favour the children who have a chance of leaving me grandkids.


coming from the guy who cares who other men are fucking lmaooo

I'd help him go trans so she can become a woman. Then the relationship will be straight desu. They do it in Iran so it's very conservative.

Teach your kid safe sex retard

Or better yet, teach him sex in the missionary position with females for the purpose of procreation, as god intended.

Look desu. Gay men is against the Bible. Transgender is not.

I'd beat his bp senseless with my deek. If he race mixed though I'd honor kill him.

Someone who got molested by their priest shouldn't be giving advice to anyone.

I would beat my kids if they turned out to be heteros personally

>hurr if you hate me its only cause you want my dick in your ass too!

ITT: faggotry squad in defensemode

I would too. I hate sodomites and dream of killing them.

How would I know if your son came out as gay, you wacky nigger?

Why doesn't Jow Forums have ads like the other boards is this /our board/?

>worshipping a dead kike on a stick
absolutely JUST teir

Am I the only one who would came senseless if he my son beat out as gay.

The younger his partners are the less likely they're to have incurable diseases

And you dont? Lets let men fuck kids then becasue apparently it is none of our business. Sex isnt some meaningless fun thing to do on a whim with anyone.

nice strawman


Caring about sexual propriety is an instant incel tell

>Sex isnt some meaningless fun thing to do on a whim with anyone.

Exactly, how many men have died in the pursuit of this hedonistic nonsense? One of my coworkers was out of work for months because his ass was falling apart from years of butt faggotry. People are so concerned about not hurting the fee fees of fags that we can't even have a real discussion about the downsides of this lifestyle.

No but it would be pretty hard to truly love him after that. If he comes out as something like a bisexual furry though I'm disowning him.

Not caring about sexual propriety is an instant degenerate tell

I wouldn't be angry or violent, but a little disappointed.

That's not a strawman, you nonce. He's not comparing the two, but rather, telling you that people - you - do in-fact care about the sexuality of people; whether it be homosexuality, or pedophilia.

No, I'd be hypocritical off me, since I came out to my parents and they took it well.
I'm actually bisexual, but I do not plan on having children, I'm too depressed and suicidal to be a good parent and I don't see that part of me getting better, in fact, It will probably just worsen since I'm too tired to seek out therapy.

>since I came out to my parents and they took it well.

Why do people do this? Its so silly.

it just makes no sense

i really dont know man. maybe set him on fire

Its not like people come out as having a foot fetish or having rape fantasies. Only fags have to give a fucking press conference to tell the world they love dick. Its backwards and just further proves that fags are weirdos who have to brace their parents for their degeneracy.

having children is dumb.
humans already are overpopulating this earth.
if I ever considered having a son or daughter and they'd come out as gay I'd disown them, though.

Just kick them out

If the kid comes out to me?
I'll laugh in his face.
I don't give a shit what he likes.
I'm fine with anything.
I have a degenerate fetish, who am I to judge someone.

If the kid also has a boyfriend lined up I'll fucking buy him anything on the spot.
Boy getting laid before me.
Would be proud as fuck, that he didn't grow up like the sad virgin I am now.

(Also helps that I live in the country with the gayest party on Earth. Gay pride in canals.
I don't mind em, they gave me good dress advice and are funny as shit to talk to.
They're absolutr savages when it comes to talking about woman colleagues.)

It's overdone yet it's true as fuck. Homosexual attraction among straight-identifying men and anti-gay attitudes are correlated, and this is only more true when the man's parents are homophobia. Homophobia is a favorable evolutionary adaption that allows you resist homosexuality to facilitate reproduction and decrease disease spread. My hypothesis as to why homophobia and homosexuality are correlated is because the more likely it is that a family will produce gay children the more useful homophobia is. This is both by directly reducing peoples desire to engage in homosex, and creating societal conditions in which being gay is so stigmatised you and your family will CHOOSE not to have gay sex. Three decades ago when homosexuality was more stigmatised, the amount of people having gay sex was less than half of what it is now.

I'm sexually attracted to the bodies of both sexes, but I'm disgusted by same sex acts, and the combination makes me effectively straight. I'm a non-repressed closeted bisexual homophobe so I 100% believe in the homosexual = homophobe meme. I believe my bisexuality has some advantages such as helping me understand what makes myself attractive so I can make myself more attractive to the opposite sex, and my homophobia is advantageous as it keeps me away from buttpiracy.

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You are the big gay originally

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i'd only ever beat my son if he acted like an asshole. i'm not taking lip from my own sperm.

It seems like having any kind of homosexual attractions makes people also believe that you can't also think its gross and choose not to participate or advocate for said behavior. I think I'm bi but choose not to act on it because it doesn't seem worth it or fulfilling, but I'm also the least homophobic out of everyone around me. I only stay in the closet to keep gays from thinking they have a chance with me.

>I only stay in the closet to keep gays from thinking they have a chance with me.

This is a huge motivation for me as well as averting people trying to hook em up with men. Just as strong as a motivation is avoiding the stigma.

>63% of women, however, say they wouldn't date a man who has had sex with another man

Men who have sex with men have a lot of AIDS. Even if they only have an average amount of sexual partners the people they're fucking are way more likely to have diseases than average. Liberals aren't good enough at brainwashing people to erase a stigma rooted in instinct and rationality. So that stigma will persist. I choose to be straight even though it would be really really easy to get somebody to suck my penis if I let a guy do it and the blowjob would probably be fantastic.

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>63% of women, however, say they wouldn't date a man who has had sex with another man

Yeah that's one of those unfortunate double standards, woman can be casually bi but for men its usually a problem, so much so that some don't even consider male bisexuality a real thing. I'm glad I can at least say that I've never hooked up with another guy, though the trap boom almost ended that streak.

my fucking sides god dammit fuck you