Discord thread: use filters not report

Post servers

The archive
Cave of robots
And any server with 50+ members

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>use filters not report
u mad whyte boi?

Already a thread up

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>The archive
Kys dormin your server is shit

but circumventing the spam filter is against the rules! I will report every thread that I see with one of those stupid shortcodes and not a full fucking link, so help me Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

the archive does suck. there's literally a role for females

work on your reading comprehension faggot, not even OP but you are retarded as hell.


Well I guess you can come in here if you think you're cool enough


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do not join this discord.

Anyone have an invite to Youth?

Seconding this and bumping for this

t.someone who got banned for being a faggot

Here's the Youth

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Thirding for this

I'm going to have to fourth this just in case

Damn, triple dubs, this deserves me fifthing this.


>the archive does suck. there's literally a role for females
lol you're so autistic

Hi it's my server, can join if you want.

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>not being in the Archive
I knew you couldn't handle it.

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>Literally a separate role to segregate and put women above everyone else

>Literally only one role exists (@Automation)
How brain dead are you


join this dead server before it gets deleted

Anyone got a actual comfy server? H


Don't listen to the blacklist whoever made this thread is guaranteed banned on all those servers for being a giga sperg and salty about it.

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He's right, there's no reason to have roles like that unless you want to encourage orbiting and attention whoring. It's dumb even from from a female perspective, why make gender clear right away and have it visible as a role if you want actual conversation and not just thirsty bots treating you different?
>using Jow Forums nu9k discord servers for socializing in the year 2018
Take a guess.