Any robots legitimately into nudism? Clothes feel tight and like shit all the time for me, so I like to wear really loose fitting clothes. I usually wear clothes though, as it'd be awkward being nude with parents around. I guess I'm pretty closet nudist. How bout you r9k?
>tfw sitting out on your patio with an ice cold beer while nude
Walk around boxers most of the time until the senpai gets home then I put some b ball shorts... but i guess it helps being skelly
Whenever in home i am naked. I cant wear pants too long. It like cuts my waist and it hurts. Also jeans get tight with more swamp ass i get. Really dislike it. Clothes were made by the jews to brainwash you to needing to buy clothes.
at least put a towel down, fatty
I'm 120lbs and I still like being nude, it feels nice.
I'm usually naked at home. Clothes feel constraining and being out of them is more comfortable.
I haven't wore underpants for 10 years, does that count?
yes but I'm afraid the neighbors will stare at me or try things in my sleep so I don't do it often, and the fence isn't high enough for me to walk around buck naked like I want to
femanon ]
Be my nudist girlfriend, ty, ty
Then buy bigger pants
No, I'm a human and not some retarded animal, so I wear clothing.
how fucking fat are you exactly
Nah, when you sweat, pants become uncomfortable.
A desire to strip naked is a symptom of autism because of the associated sensory issues. Autists are more bothered by clothes than other people are.
So naturally, yes, there are probably tons of nudists on Jow Forums
My apartment is on the top floor, so there's no one to see. Feel free to come over and we can play vidya and watch animu together naked.
So take a shower, dumb fuck.
Not in a non-sexual sense. I don't wanna be surrounded by fat, old people with balls low enough to be tickled by the grass.
I just want to fuck a girl in the woods like an animal. No clothes, no condom or birth control, no talking, just doggystyle sex while David Attenborough narrates the "mating session" like a BBC nature documentary.
You'll just start sweating again though.
>not just posting nude girls in wilderness
Most people don't sweat 24/7 you fat retarded hog. Most people also take a shower and cleanse their body every day.
I guess since you live and look like an animal, it makes sense you'd want to walk around naked like an animal too.
Don't test me, user. I could show you nude qts frolicking about in nature you wouldn't believe.
Does sleeping count? Technically naked a third of the time
This thread needs more nudist femanons.