Boyfriend performed these songs at my birthday party

>boyfriend performed these songs at my birthday party

The Final Cut - Pink Floyd
I Wanna Rock Out In My Dreams - Andrew Jackson Jihad
Sylvia - The Antlers
Fight Test - The Flaming Lips
Repetition - Purity Ring
He's Just Like The Others - Acid Ghost
An Introduction To The Album - Hotelier
Whole Wide World - Wreckless Eric

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So..? That's nice I guess

Fuckin nice.

Speaking of, Ive only listened to two of their albums. Knife Man and People Who Can Eat People. I hear they made the transition into gay Pop Punk after that, but I havent listened so I wouldnt know.

No. not nice. No one told him to sing and not for so long and not some sad songs.

is this thread for real
am i still on r9k

>yfw when gay "culture" is being normalized through Jow Forums
The world is fucked

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Your bf sounds like a real loser. You should have gotten Chad's dick instead for your birthday.

Just accept it at this point. I just tell myself this place is /b/

I'm a fembot, I don't get Chad. I get shitty boyfriends .

>admitting your boyfriend is shitty
Wow what a bitch

where have all the robots gone that would reeeeee ath these threads, this is so sad
i think im gonna leave too, bye

Do you feel validated? Are you glad that you're a dumb bitch?

it's cool you had a /diy/ show for your birthday, user!!!
I prefer shitty pop music but I saw The Hotelier and Joyce Manor on my birthday a year or two ago and it was v fun, lmk if your boyfriend's cover band ever wants to book a show in Missoula!

women should unironically be culled.

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if you think he's shitty, break up with him

>boyfriend performed these songs at my birthday party

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No. Too expensive to live alone and he's tolerable sometimes. He's open about certain topics that normies are too afraid to talk about openly.

You don't sound like a very nice girlfriend. I hope you at least swallow his cummies.

Lmfao what kind of emo faggot performs a bunch of suicide ballads at his gf's birthday party? I call LARP, no way in hell this is real.

If I were a nice girlfriend I'd be married now to a Chad, but I'm not so I constantly deal with unsatisfying relationships and loneliness and self-hatred. I fake a smile and tell my family that I love my boyfriend.

Please, tell me this is bait.
If not, get of my board, roastie toastie.

thats nice. i hope you burn in hell.

i wouldn't call it pop punk, but yeah, they strayed from the folk punk quite a bit. i still enjoy their new albums, just not as much.

i feel bad for him. does he really think you like him?

So do you swallow his cummies or not?

Nah it's just some faggot and his faggots boyfriends.
OP you should get balls, friend.

Yes. A lot of the times he just doesn't care or realize he's being anti-social.

If you have a penis you're still a female, genius.

I spit. I don't like the feeling of swallowing cum.

Listen here bitch, dont put perfectly good dudes through the ringer if you hate them and deal with dissatisfaction to quell your own feelings of worthlessness.

Be a hoe, get a sugar daddy. Dont feign emotional attachment solely for the purpose of having a fuckable roommate. I dont necessarily like promiscuity but its a MUCH healthier alternative than emotional manipulation.

Let your bf find a girl who wants him.

Would you swallow Chad's cock porridge?

But you'd slurp up Chad's load and ask for seconds wouldn't you?

You are truly an awful person. Jesus fuck.

If my boyfriend can do better he's free to break up with me. I'm not forcing him to be with me.

I would treat Chad's cum the same. I don't really like cum.

I dont really have much interest in them after that then, Folk Punk is my absolute jam (and I really need to listen to more of it).

Also, do Mountain Goats count as Folk Punk? I always describe the genre as extremely happy music about extremely depressed people/depressing things, and I feel like they fit that bill.

>treats people like shit
>won't swallow

>I'm not forcing him to be with me.
You're lying to him both actively and by omission. You sound like a fucking kike.
>The Vaginal Jew: "Hehehehe I'm under no obligation to be honest with males I claim to care about." *rubs hands together connivingly*

stop orbiting you little cringe shit cuck

Dont get me wrong, I still think shes a manipulative bitch who should spare her bf the pain of dealing with her, but have you ever heard Folk Punk? That shits fucking awesome and I take any opportunity to talk about it that I can.

>Mountain Goats
What an absolute shit song fuck you, you faggot.

Which one?

Mountain Goats is a band (or one guy if youre looking at All Hail West Texas era)

>All Hail West Texas
My favourite Mountain Goats album too.

Have you tried telling him what aspects of his behaviour you don't enjoy so he can improve? What do you offer to him?

I'm leaving and I hope you die.
Please go far away.

I don't hate folk punk or midwest emo. I just didn't want my boyfriend performing acoustic covers of those kind of music when it's supposed to be a happy time and my family of normies was there. My mom told me I'm lucky to have such a talented musician as a boyfriend and I had to hide my disdain for him at the moment.

I tried, but I don't have the energy to be direct with him.

No energy why? He's not open to it?

It sounds like you're just tired of the routine and substandard things in life. What about holidaying or taking some time on yourself for an extended period to reflect on what good things he does provide.

And to take some exotic foreign chad cock.

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No, cheating is bad. I'm saying that substandard routines cause a downward spiral where all you end up focusing on is negatives. Any positive force turns into something you become numb to, but the little annoyances gradually become major. Why do you think everyone here is so depressed? NEETs doing the same thing, every day.

I listened to the podcast he did with the Night Vale guy about that album, and its so fucking cool to hear as a wannabe filmmaker with delusions of being an auteur. I love conversations about art and how it comes about.

The album itself is pretty fucking great too. Not a huge fan of the last couple of songs, I think theyre a bit weak, but that fucking triple gut punch of Riches And Wonders, Distant Stations, and Jeff Davis County Blues is fucking glorious.

Have fun!

You make a fair point, thats not exactly party music. Still, I do hope you get the energy to be straight with homeboi.

Satisfaction is an internal state. It's not something you can find """out there""".

I am jealous, of the first person to say this. I am also jealous of you for having a boyfriend.

>Not playing anything by Behemoth

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Why the fuck would you even come here and post this?
Are you this starved for attention that you're coming to a board for single males, known for orbitting anything vaguely feminine, and casually announce it's your birthday, and then complain about your boyfriend?

This isn't your personal fucking international bank of orbitters, literally get a fucking blog, you don't fucking belong here.