Suicide Thread

What is your suicide plan Jow Forums? my plan is

>Live for at least 2 more years
>See how life goes
>Document my entire life story
>Record videos for friends and family to see
>Some screenshots of online history
>Put all of it in a folder for download
>When 2020 comes around enjoy my last days
>Will probably hang myself in my room after i run out of money 3 months before i turn 27
>Can't function in society
>Would not be happy wageslaving
>On my last day before i die i will eat my favorite food watch all my favorite anime movies and tv shows play video games but maybe since i will be out of money i will escape hiki-neetdom before i die

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Other urls found in this thread:

>last day
Make that a week so that you'll have plenty of time to complete all that content.

>Make that a week so that you'll have plenty of time to complete all that content.

Ahhh good point user.

>try to live long enough to enjoy the shit I want to do still. So maybe 1-2 years 3 tops
>go outside to some isolated place in the woods ideally
>shoot self in mouth ideally hit brainstem and instantly die.
A more ideal death though
>get a boat via rental or purchase doesn't matter
>sail to the north or south as far as can make it
>die in the comfy cold sea same method just this time out at sea and let body fall into ocean.
That'd require money though so won't happen.

drive off or sling myself across the Grand Canyon

>drive off or sling myself across the Grand Canyon

Sounds dramatic.

it will be an adrenaline rush.

Good advice. Ended up delaying my necking due to this. Will probably neck myself before the end of the week, but we'll see. Got my rope and hangman's noose ready, just need to tie it to something to hang off of. Hope you guys enjoy your final day(s) or week(s).

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>On my last day before i die i will eat my favorite food watch all my favorite anime movies and tv shows play video games
>wasting your last day with escapism

>>wasting your last day with escapism

Nothing wrong with that

everything in life is escapism the only thing that isn't would be dying. Just delaying the inevitable and such otherwise.

>everything in life is escapism the only thing that isn't would be dying. Just delaying the inevitable and such otherwise.

This guy is not wrong

>Acquire a gun, or a rope
>Probably not a gun, unfortunately, hard to get in my country
>Prepare the notes, I alreadly have them ready though, on my phone. Alreadly have a suicide message ready for my BF
>On my few last weeks, I'll eat whatever the fuck I can, I've been like a retard obessed with containing my weight, which lead me to becoming anorexic.
>Maybe go into town and slut myself out, always wanted to be fucked, suck a dick, something like that. Not sure if I would od this as much as I want to, cheating is still scummy, so, I'd probably just jack off really hard, like I'd do normally.
>Go to the lonely forests
>Hopefully with a gun
>more reliable
>but as mentioned before, probably a rope
>send out my messages to my parents and my BF
>turn off the phone before they can react properly, I don't want to know what they'd say, I'm too scared
>Blow my brains out, or hang myself
I wish I had a better plan, I'm too tired to think these last few years.

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Why not go to aokigahara or spend all money traveling japan before you go out?

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I'd like to die in a place I recongize, I do not like change.

Maybe you should kill yourself you failed roastie.

That's the idea f a m. Working on it!

You should kill yourself for being a pathetic whore.

>I do not like change.

Then why die? That's the biggest change you can make.

>Then why die? That's the biggest change you can make.

Because user is a failed roastie and whores like her need to die.

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>see how the next year of school is going to go
>become a loner so normies cant fuck with me
>if it still goes like shit ill put a plastic bag on my head and tape it shut around my neck
I heard that its one if the more painless ways to die. Also easy

Sounds kinda painful user.

>That's the idea f a m. Working on it!


user, I'm a he. I just wanted someone to dominate me for someone to take control of me, that's all

sodium azide, I can go any time and fear is the only thing holding me back now

>I'm a he


Yes, hey incel, before I die, how about I take your virginity?

Get a chain and 2 of the strongest padlocks i can find. Tie one end around my necl and the other around a pole. Feed that shit through the car window and slam the pedal down until my head comes off.

At least i can die like a man.


Haaaaa i'm not from reddit user.

>Before I die, how about I take your virginity?

Sorry i only like little girls and women.

yea suffocation is extremely fucking painful. this is how you know somebody isn't serious. when it's clear they haven't stayed up til 4am austistically weighing their options with different methods


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Take 10 xan and shoot myself with my .38 revolver, its just a waiting game I hope I dont have to resort to suicide, but I always think about it and I get into moods. I also contemplate taking a fuckton of xanax and dying of CO poisoning in the garage, just take a nap in my car

Dude chill out

Get some help m8

Probably kill a lot of people in a short period of time followed by a single bullet to the head.

>Clean my room
>Make my bed
>Have a shower
>Do my hair really nice
>Paint my nails
>Put on something really pretty
>Arrange all my favourite stuffed animals on my bed
>Lie down on bed
>Get ready
>Take my meds
And then I'll shoot myself.
I'll try and aim away from my stuffed animals, but I want to take some of them with me, so I guess it doesn't matter.

That's always an option too.

>Probably kill a lot of people in a short period of time followed by a single bullet to the head.

That's pathetic.

>Dude chill out


>Get some help m8

Already tried didn't work.

>That's always an option too.


Nobody on this board is capable of getting into any sort of military. Who the fuck would go into battle alongside a suicidal Jow Forums clusterfuck? You're not even worth the cost of your equipment , let alone the lives of your comrades.

Even if you went to some third-world insurgent militant kebab group, the best case scenario is they'd have you in the kitchen making literal kebabs.

I can't join the military i have autism.

This plus who would wanna join the military these days anyway when it's full of traps crybabies and SJWs now.

Exchange contact info before we go?

>Exchange contact info before we go?


literally every recruiter tells u to lie about your med record

it's present but wayyy blown out of proportion. Drumpf trying to ban trannies really scared the shit out of em.

ever since gf left me ive tried standing infront of trains only to wuss out and run last minute

so i stopped working and started pursuing my hobby closer and enrolled into university, hopefully i can get something out of that

>Muh gf broke up with me

Oh boo hoo poor normalfag hAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NOBODY CARES.

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[email protected]

dude i was lonely as shit, she came along i got used to her then she left. i wouldve been better off alone this entire time but since i got a taste for it i really get torn up about being alone. You incels got it easy

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I got the perfect plan brehs, I will start eating lots of apples everyday and then collect all the seeds in an airtight container hidden in my room. Once the container is full hopefully there will be about 2000 seeds, if not I'll just start filling another container. Then I will crush the seeds and eat them all while watching some kino and die from the cyanide. Dont even need to leave the house

I wish I lived alone in a guns country so I could just shotgun myself

>have as best as a life as I can
>if it doesnt go well I'm putting a .50 in my brain
>Hunter S Thomson will influence me to the day of my death

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Also I want my ashes scattered in my country of birth.
There's a Vietnamese legend that says if you don't do that you cant move to the afterlife.

>Getting kicked out in a month
>No reason to live
>Suicidal for all of my adult life and most of my teenage ages

>tried to kill myself just under 2 years ago
>made the mistake of going to a suicide spot
>working up the courage to jump
>'helper' who works/volunteers there shows up
>sits next to me and starts talking to me
>radios others and police show up
>try to leave because I just wanted to be alone
>they detain
>keep over night on suicide watch
>send me home the next day

That was nearly two years ago and I wish so much that I had jumped. I have spend most of that time miserable. In that time I have only got bitter and angry at so many things. If I had died then I would have died depressed but at least some what at peace.
I live with my abusive and neglectful mother, nothing super horrible tho. She is kicking me in a month as a power play because I no longer want to speak to her.

Making plans to kill myself using carbon monoxide poisoning, bought a a few disposable barbecues, bought some sleeping pills, deciding if I want to do it in my bedroom or in a tent in a field.

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Regardless you're still a normalfag.

fuck off, i wouldnt know how to meet women if you screamed it in my ear. I swear im going to get left behind. Not even charasmatic enough to talk to a stranger. Girls dont even approach me in the clubs, but alas i keep pursuing. You a faggot

Why not? If I'm going to die anyway.

To all anons planning their grisly deaths in this thread, can you PLEASE livestream it here for all your robot bros when it's time? It's the least you can do for us. Thanks in advance

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>i wouldnt know how to meet women if you screamed it in my ear.
And yet you did.

Cute catgirl. I saved it. Thanks.

I'll go and get myself a nice kebab, eat it and walk around in the forest.
Then maybe go for a swim in a public pool and shower afterwards and eat a pizza.

Back to the forest and go to a spot where people don't walk by. Take two cable Binders and combine them and choke myself to death with them

i found her on tinder and she started messaging me, of course i responded. I try that on any woman and they dont give a shieet. The whole "you dont choose a waifu the waifu chooses you" philosophy is accurate, i cant get girls but as soon as one give me time and attention im in love

Xanax, bacardi bottle and drown myself in a lake

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save it, its all yours my friend

i really appreciate the comment lori

You guys actually believe you will have the courage to end it after spending a whole day/week doing things you like lmao

Do It Today

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>hoard my brain medication for 4 months
>wait for everyone to leave for work
>make myself a nice breakfast
>take like 250+ pills mixed with booze and grapefruit juice to intensify the effects and to nuke my liver
>take one of my brothers rifles
>step outside
>shoot myself in the head

>You guys actually believe you will have the courage to end it after spending a whole day/week doing things you like lmao

Yes it's called feeling free.

>Do it today


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>To all anons planning their grisly deaths in this thread, can you PLEASE livestream it here for all your robot bros

No i will not become a joke on the internet and be bullied in death just like Shuaiby

What would be the most painless way to die?

>What would be the most painless way to die?

Pop pills and fall asleep.

I wanted to commit suicide too, even now I feel empty. There were a lot of people in my life who underestimated, mocked and discouraged me into social anxiety. Suicide seemed to be the only solution to quit my suffering, but that would be victory to all that Brad-type fags and roasties who made me exist in this state. For now, I quitted into alcoholism, but how long will it take, before I get sick of it Idk.

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Thanks user and goodbye

Whenever i feel like it could be a week a month or till the end of the year but i am definetly going to kill myself before the year is over




I tried it and it's fucking terrifying. It's really slow and people are bound to hear you gasping for air if you live with people. Just get a rope.

What if I have self harm scars all over my body? I can't really lie about those. I've been thinking about the foreign legion. But I don't know if even they take mental fuck ups.

Im too much of a bitch to end it all. Im gonna just wageslave til i die a lonely death and my body gets discovered because of the rotten smell

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i went in the forest with a rope yesterday and when i finally found a tree big enough that i was also able to climb i saw a flashlight and got out of there. it was like 1 in the morning, did i just get unlucky or did someone call the police on me or what
i just wanna end it fucking leave me alone

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Well, I'm still a teenager. It's too early for me to decide whether suicide is a good option or not. If things are the same after 23-24, I'm probably going to an hero myself. No suicide notes and fancy stuff. Just a gunshot to the head. We'll be forgotten anyway.

user please don't do this. You never know what life has in store. At the end of the day even if it's shit, it's everything that you will ever experience. It will end naturally anyway. In the meantime maybe music or movies will come out that you will end up liking. Maybe you will meet a person that you will connect with. I know that you had a very hard life and that you are very sad. But please don't forget that there were at least some good things in your life. And in the future there might be some more

I think my plan would be simple enough. Gunshot to the head after recording a video explaining it to my family. I might even livestream it too.

Please break up with your boyfriend and wait for a few years. This could potentially traumatise him for life.

>What is your suicide plan Jow Forums
Walk out into the woods at a local park and shoot myself in the head

it should be as meaningless and sudden as this life was

You're doing great user! You are very brave for not giving up. If there were some good things in the past there will also be some good in your future. The fact that you had a GF proves that you are capable of forming human connections. If it happened ones it can happen again. I'm rooting for you!

Hey user! I am in the same situation. I had my first relationship with a girl 2 years ago. Lasted less than a year. I sometimes have the same thoughts as you, but I try to stay positive. If I managed to find a person that liked me there have to be others. We have to remind ourselfs to fight agains social isolation. When you've been rejected many times it's easy to just hide into your shell and never come out. We have to fight against that urge and in the end with a little bit of luck, maybe we will meet someone again. If not, there is more to life that having a relationship. Good luck !

I am in the same situation. I had my first relationship with a girl 2 years ago. Lasted less than a year. I sometimes have the same thoughts as you, but I try to stay positive. If I managed to find a person that liked me there have to be others. We have to remind ourselfs to fight agains social isolation. When you've been rejected many times it's easy to just hide into your shell and never come out. We have to fight against that urge and in the end with a little bit of luck, maybe we will meet someone again. If not, there is more to life that having a relationship. Good luck !

Im waiting for my 10,000th day.
Less than a year to go now.

Peace at last.
I can hardly wait.

What made you want to do this user?

Just placed an order on face mask for helium suicide on amazon. Not ordering the helium or tubing yet because the mask would take at least 3 weeks to arrive anyway.
Only now did I realise how expensive this method is but on the bright side, if I pull this off, I'll save lots of money from having to continue living.

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a bunch of helium tanks have oxygen in them to, be careful

I'm planning to buy one advertised as 98% pure so this is probably the best shot I'll ever get.

could try carbon monoxide poisoning, disposable barbecues in a closed room. Meant to be painless but if you fuck up it could cause brain damage.

I bought some and sleeping pills, trying to work up the nerve.

>disposable barbecues in a closed room
That sounds more troublesome and likely to fail. Where do you get sleeping pills though? Do you get prescripted for some illness?

>That sounds more troublesome and likely to fail
why do you say that?

>Where do you get sleeping pills though?
I just went to the pharmacy and told them I was having trouble sleeping and I want something to take very occasionally when I have to get up early so i want something strong. Bought a box of sominex, no idea if it will help.

id do the complete opposite, id delete every trace i possibly can leave nothing behind nothing at all, but then again i missed my easy government funded an hero window when i was a conscript so i will probably never do it, and honestly its too much work trying to delete and eradicate very trace i have left.

>why do you say that?
I dunno, I guess it's about how big the room is and how difficult it is to fill it up with enough CO. Also, wouldn't it release CO2 as well, which could cause some annoying irritation?
Not that I'm an expert on this so don't take me seriously.

charcoal-burning suicide is a pretty common method and causes hypoxia which is meant to be painless.

>found my father's gun years ago
>chickened out
>he hid it away later and im left being miserable with no way out and only myself to blame
It doesn't get any better, robots. If you have the opportunity, seize it.

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Too long to explain. But Ive always had trouble elucidating my thoughts anyway.

10,000 seems like a nice, round number