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We'll die either way one day or another. Nothing to do to change that fact. The sun will also die eventually and take the world with it as well. The species will die etc. Doesn't matter when user.
"The world" isn't going anywhere; the cancer that is humanity is.
On the contrary, we only need to survive long enough to invent Intergalactic travel.
But I like Earth.
Why didn't they listen bros? They could have stopped this.
Of course, they care.
Why do you think they are so desperate to milk every bit of money they can from the government and the stock markets? They need to set up safe places to live so that it is YOUR world that ends, and not theirs.
>"The world" isn't going anywhere; the cancer that is humanity is.
correct answer
anything that results in less humans on this planet is good for the planet
fuck humanity
Climate change isn't going to effect our long-term survival so it doesn't matter. Life will become uncomfortable for some of the lower class, but major powers like the U.S. and Russia won't really be phased by it since most of our important food production is far above sea level and can already survive unpleasant conditions.
aint shit any of us little people can do, friend.
In my country numerous plant harvests are ruined this year. People seem totally oblivious to the consequences tho.
You can stay till the end man but I'm fucking off to Andromeda.
democrats care. you don't have to be afraid to say it user, as much as Jow Forumsfags will bitch, there are people who care about climate change on one side of the isle
American Republicans are either retarded, evil, or both. There's no one else.
You'll be dead way before climate change kills us, lmao. It's our children's children that should be panicking
I mean eventually everything will cease in the observable universe and we will never leave that. So there's no escaping the inevitable. why bother trying?
Here OP, have some reasurrance. Cites are within the articles
We can already grow food underground and live in bunkers for centuries, something like climate change of a few degrees is nothing to us. You underestimate humanity.
But I like living on the surface. And I like wildlife existing.
>I mean eventually everything will cease in the observable universe and we will never leave that
I wouldn't be so sure
We already understand their existence, so travel to other universes is likely possible
>he likes going outside
>he likes non-irradiated non-mutant animals
Normie begone
Yall white folks finna take us wit you den. Yall aint finna steal our resources and fly off wit dat shit! Yall got me fucked up!
I hope climate change is real, I want hte world to end instead of killing myself.
What would you do on the last few days before day ends Jow Forums? We should have a meet up and have an orgy or something, I'd suck all of your cocks.
As the bible says; The Meek shall inherit the earth.
I care greatly. Indeed, I look forward to the end of humanity.
Disaster caused by climate change is pretty much the only thing that can slow technological progress, at least a little.
misanthrophes are so fucking autistic. humanity is the reason you're not eating squirrels grunting at whoever gets close to your bush, dumb edgy faggot
What do you think a climate change apocalypse would be? There wouldn't be a "day", stupid. There'd be food shortages and you'd slowly starve to death. Sound fun?
I don't deny climate change
I just think spending billions of dollars trying to fix it would be fruitless effort
But at the very least we should try to keep our planet clean
Do you want that orgy, or not, user?
Literally isn't real, you stupid fuck. Way to fall for it like a good little sheep.
>we are already at 1 degree Celsius of warming above industrial revolution levels
>on average this number increases by 0.17 degrees C every decade
>in five decades we hit 2 degrees of warming
>then all hell breaks loose once our shaky natural defenses against extra warming fail one after another once we reach critical mass, like the methane clathrate gun going off, natural carbon sinks like forests literally going up in flames, and the snowpack in polar areas melting
Seriously, get me on the first god damn interplanetary transport off this rock. I don't want to be here when people start to starve.
Sign me up for Mars. Or Alpha Centauri.
First it was ozone shit , now the ozone is ok . Now it is global warming , give it 15 years max and it will be ok .
Baby boomers are confirmed retarded, they will sink the ship until zoomers get trenchfoot.
We know better, it baffles me that we stay the same. But hey, I guess if money is to be made it doesn't hurt to assassinate defectors. I guess I need another garage with brand new cars and a 5 million dollar pay raise.
plox B B8.
That was a direct result of ozone-depleting chemicals being banned, allowing the ozone layer to naturally recover. There exists no such easy fix for warming.
Even if we burn only the fossil fuels we've currently drawn out of the ground and stop drilling tomorrow, we hit 2.5 degrees of warming, which is still enough to trigger runaway climate change as per It's fucking over for humanity. And we go out like a cancer patient without the benefit of morphine or euthanasia.
>he thinks the US won't be an uninhabitable desert
Canada and Russia, on the other hand, will have more arable land than they currently do, but that won't do us much good when we have several billion refugees with mouths to feed.
The ozone is slowly recovering because they all decided to stop destroying it.
That isn't close to happening with climate change.
We arent a cancer, were a virus.
And like any living organism, the Earth is just sweating us out, a little at a time.
You seem pretty retarded to just assume things get better for no reason.
You seem pretty retarded to believe the dramatics and hysteria of the climate change lobby.
>Implying that wouldn't be more meaningful than this artificial, consumerist simulation of existence.
Ah yes, the infamous climate change lobby who only wants to make a quick buck by peddling fear and ensuring that US government officials stifle economic growth by regulating it to death so that our race can have a future.
Good thing President Trump placed Scott Pruitt at the head of the EPA and drained the swamp and put a stop to all that.
Oh wait, it's some other guy, more rats leaving the sinking ship I guess.
No no, you don't understand. It's a power game. The U.S. will still have the power to demand resources from wherever it wants besides Russia or China.
>but muh economy
is a meme, as long as the pentagon and CIA don't lose the nuclear weapons, we're good for like 24,000 years.
>implying you'd be able to make meaning of it whatsoever without humanity's education system
The edge is so thick you could bounce a quarter off of it.
this is what americans actually believe, good god.
good luck fighting a guerilla war against canadians who have a country bigger than yours to hide in with a fraction of the population density
your bleeding heart liberals didn't even have the stomach for iraq, afghanistan, or vietnam. how do you think they'll react when you're fighting white people?
>detonate some nukes
>cause nuclear winter
>nuclear winter balances out global warming
>comfy, normal equilibrium temperature is achieved
There you go, I just saved the human race. You're welcome.
>He thinks modern systems of education exist to teach people to be autonomous, critical, well-rounded citizens and not passive, helpless, docile corporate statist consumer worker serfs.
>all systems of education are identical and my experience must be exactly the same as everyone else's
our babies will even have extra limbs for activities, this is a great idea
Good luck fighting a guerilla war against EMPs and hundreds of multi-megaton warheads.
>b-but muh ethical protests
Do you think the pentagon would give a single fuck about the opinion of the masses when faced with a disaster scenario? Liberals may have the loudest voice but they don't control what happens with the nukes. Sorry buddy but winnable war against the U.S. was removed from lists of options 73 years ago.
Wrong, OP, I care.
I care a lot.
I'm actually very happy that the world is going to end. Roll some coal, kill some baby seals.
Good. Human eradication is the only thing that is good.
We can avoid mutations if the US would just detonate the secret cryobomb at the north pole already, but they're a bunch of kikes.
the worst part is it's like maybe 20 people who are actually making 90% of the pollution for their own profit
even if every person stops using coal today all of the corporations would still crash this planet's ecosystem with no survivors
The irony of you using political science terms to casually dismiss the entirety of human education as cunning plan to trick you out of your hard-won gold amuses the hell out me.
How do people like you function at all?
>Russia and China
Funny you left out Europe which is by some measures the world's largest power.
>you can't win a war against the US anymore
Literally has occurred 3 times in the last 3 wars the US was involved in. Occupations are hard, especially for the US for some reason.
Yeah, completely ignore the effects global warning and pollution has on animals, forests and marine life.
Apocalypse is sadly an empty fantasy at this point. In reality nothing can or will destroy our civilization now. I used to think I could fight it, but I now know that we are as harmful as dust to those in control. We can only bow down in awe before their power and live in their shadow as they allow us to live so that theh may prosper. I was wrong in thinking that it is almost too late, it is too late and has been for many decades. This world is no longer in the hands of the masses, but in the hands of a few thousand individuals forevermore.
Oh, you mean the continent that's going to be both mostly underwater and uninhabitable due to drought and heat.
Scandinavia will be okay but very, very little else in Europe.
American education at work. Europe will remain the world's leader for a long time still, US is declining and China's bubble is starting to fizzle.
I remember how I used to feel peak oil was inevitable and how we'd all be fucked. That the problem couldn't be fixed no matter what.
" " " They " " " will fix the problem. New York & the Netherlands aren't going underwater anytime.
Oh, occuptaions are hard, sure. That's because
1. we don't throw everything at it since it isn't important
2. we're not fighting for occupation but rather to eliminate and supress possible nuclear threats
We don't use nukes in modern warfare because we don't need to, it's enough to hold people at bay or even lose once we made sure everything is safe for us. I should have calrified, no one can win an all out war with the U.S. You can destroy us, but you'd never survive it. Fighting the U.S. in all out war where the existence of the U.S. is at risk if they lose is suicide.
You probably don't even know Europe is the world's largest economy.
Climate change isn't a big deal now and it won't be in 100 years if we invent profitable fusion technology or even if we don't manage that we could just put a regulatable shielding in orbit which could filter out and use wavelenghts of light which are dangerous for us and thus cool down earth again.
Actually that would be the Americas.
See, I can make meaningless agglomerations too.
Eat shit Sheckelstein, it's true. It's the reason polymaths don't fucking exist anymore.
The thing is, humans are incredibly selfish. If we truly cared about the Earth and it's future we would simply shut off our power grids, dismantle all factories, and cease any emission producing activity. The problem is, we are greedy. We want to have our techno toys and internet and heating. Being thrust back into the 1800s is the only surefire solution to ending climate change.
>ending climate change
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
t. just watched the godzilla trailer
We won't reach those things if if climate change fucks the economy hard enough
if you don't believe that mankind has been severely affecting the planet's climate for the past 100 years you are a fucking moron
We could already do the latter it would just be expensive.
Intergalactic society is impossible for humans since there is no way at all to mitigate nasty relativity issues. How do you expect to have relations with another world when for every year you experience, they experience five?
no the world is not gonna end, poor people are gonna end. That means people like us mostly. Rich people will find a way to survive
>caring about the environment
>buying meat
Choose one.
This. The apocalypse will not be some absolute planet ending event. It will most likely be just a collapse of modern society. Billions will die of war, disease, and starvation, but those will mostly be chinks and indians. Life for your average Bulgarian or Spaniard will probably not change much.
The world began with climate change and it will end with it. Humans are not needed to have it happen.
Hey but atleast you arent an "LEFTIST SJW FASCIST LIBTARD" thanks mr goldenberg
Republicans have ruined this world
>muh democraps
right-wing fascist here, the environment needs protected
hitler was all for that shit by the way
>will die before climate change has any meaningful effect on my life
Thus there is a grand total of 0 (zero) reasons for me to care. Pretty crazy though that such an event is occuring and not that many people are freaking out.
I don't really care apart from the fact that elephants and rhinos can go extinct, those are my favorite animals
orangutans are pretty cool, too, so that's a shame but oh well
People are racist and callous and indifferent to one another and so they organically don't care about the implications. I agree with the poster who said that it's poor people who will end and not the planet itself. Africa, the middle East, India, and probably much of Eastern Asia will be fucked and Whites will simply not give a shit.
Sweet mercy, would you climate cucks STFU?
Scientists that think AGW is a thing
>the average temps will go up 1-2 degrees C which will cause some more extreme weather in some places
Scientists that do not
>average temps will probably go up 1-2 degrees C which might cause more extreme weather in some places
Climate cucks
Thats why Im not having any kids user
Wow! No harvest ever failed ever until now!
Said no one, ever.
*aisle you illiterate faggot
Even in a list about fucked countries the Latin America is forgotten.
Nobody here is going to have children, so why would you?
Yes, climate change is real and we all need to do our part to help. This means being politically active and reducing your own carbon footprint.
>except global average temps have been flat for 20 years, the methane clathrate theory was disproven 18 years ago, +2 degree will not make trees burst into flames, and snowpack is fine
Read a book
Well you'll be dead so that's kind of a moot point.
20 years after the ozone hole freakout it was finally admitted that all that was seen was a seasonal variation- those
>banned chemicals
Are not banned anymore.
Remember acid rain? I do
>OMFG! ban all power plants or all the trees and fish will DIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Five years later?
>never mind
Before that was the Ice Age!
>OMFG!!!! Ice Age coming! We have 5 years to ban all cars and become vegetarian or we ALL DIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!
5 years later
>never mind
Most emmision is created by cars, meaning that everybody who owns and drives a car is part of the problem. The second main problem is power generation, and it would also be a lot easier to switch to green power sources if we didn't accept all these third world immigrants and "refugees" into our countries.
What a good Little cuck you are
Reminds me of recycling, which does zero to negative to the environment
All you have done is replaced facing Mecca with riding a bike.
Just replace coal with nuclear
so would you say there is any point to being mindful of how our actions affect the planet and each other