This is someones son

>This is someones son

What went right?

Attached: wwr.jpg (442x750, 47K)

Nothing of value was lost
The world didn't have another beta incel and got a qt trapfu

if my parents supported me from a young age I bet I could be as cute as she is

I wonder when she started transitioning

I feel genuine pity for his father and other fathers who have to deal with the same thing

Shoulders back, hips turnt to the side to give the illusions of curves. I see through the bullshit now.

she's actually not that good looking :\

looks like this

Attached: pc.jpg (600x820, 72K)

there's a lot of Photoshop too

>implying that had a father figure.

They all look the same face down ass up.

>she's actually not that good looking :\
complete retard opinion

Attached: 2a930358ba0162fa7181cefb8da215726f86dc2b4e988d37bdf9c0c4d8072cf9.jpg (575x1022, 112K)

this. 99% of people are worthless worker ants wageslaving for useless corporations. at least we got something nice to fap to out of her.

what a beautiful wig and filters

thats not op's pic

is op's pic not meowriza?

Attached: DjE0o1iXsAA1DvY.jpg?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (900x1125, 121K)

Seriously, why are all traps dicklets? Were they born with 2in flaccid or did the estrogen they take shrink their boy parts?

I mean if you're born with a 3 inch dick and a feminine build you might as well go trap

>I feel genuine pity for his father and other fathers who have to deal with the same thing
you mean a dick?

It always looks tiny when flaccid.

my dick is 3 inch flaccid and 7 inches erect

Estrogen does something called atrophy to your dick which turns it into a dicklet, excluding those who already are small. It shrinks.

This dude has a nice ass, but he's never going to pass with a face like that

Nice hips. And small waist. Would bang.

mfin goals

who cares, less competition

those curves make my dick diamonds, i would give this faggots asshole a creamy jizz load filling for sure

Not before me.

Whoever has the biggest dick gets the ass
Now draw!

first visit to r9k and this is what im greeted with

20cm take or add 1cm depending on my energy level.