Something about their face, something about it, just makes me attracted towards them. Any other fembots relate?

Something about their face, something about it, just makes me attracted towards them. Any other fembots relate?

Attached: 40CDD2A4-2A2F-4B51-B0BB-729A5938717D.jpg (1869x1203, 361K)

Absolutely, especially with Joey. I have a feeling you and I might be the two girls constantly posting about him

>Something about their face
You mean like how they have a conventionally attractive facial structure? Stop being so shallow.

Dark brown hair and blue eyes will never not be attractive.

Cruz is ugly as fuck but Joey is a real qt

They all have a fixated gaze and low eyebrows.

only person i recognize is cruz

who are the others?

one's just a random stock image
the guy above in all 3 upper pics is one guy Joey he is a moderator for /rk9
he's somewhat a paradox because he's objectively very cute and a lot of femanon's like him but he has a number of mental health issues that makes him believe he's unlovable

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moderator for what?

I was thinking literally the same thing last night, with those exact same three, was even going to make a post about it. Kinda weird.


*cough* I'm pretty similar desu. Can I have you're contact info? I just don't want to post my pic here

I think its the dark hair and strong defining dark brows desu. I have a weakness for both. The face itself is decent enough, and blue eyes with dark hair is always striking without fail.

he mods some tinychat you fag not the actual board

Not really, they look stupid. I mean actually low IQ.

Women have a tendency to be attracted to known psychopaths because they think they can protect them. Except that most of these guys would cower in fear from a Chad meathead getting in their face if they didn't have a gun in their hand.

Why these guys don't pay to get laid is beyond me.

I just think its the fact that he has a relatively handsome face. Especially not what most would expect a poster on here to look like. I think even more girls would like Joey IRL if he had a good personality. Until then he is probably going to continue being orbited by fembots here, as long as he doesnt get fat.

They look retarded and emotionless. I would never. Fucking gross desu.

None of these guys would have to pay if theyre not exclusively looking for 8-10/10s.

American psychopaths sound like pussies.

you must be attracted to them because you probably relate to them in some way, and you like the idea of these psychopaths hating everything and everyone, except for you.

Are you fucking stupid? Moderators are supposed to be 100% anonymous. If it was public knowledge he was a mod, he wouldn't be one for long, you DUMB FUCK

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Cruz just looks like an ugly version of Joey