iz okay , b glad fren
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im sad to fren
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i fight meanies so we won't be sad anymore frens
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Unemployment benefit never came in this month
Attached: how could this happen dawg.jpg (579x472, 36K)
based and redpilled, my fren
I brought you snaks fren!
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fembot here. its been pretty bad
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fuck off roastie. Get attention for your beef somewhere else
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I feel like everyone that posts in these types of threads would have a really good time hanging out irl
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don't be mean fren this is palce of frenship
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Femoids can't be robots fren. We find a comfy place and they come in with their orbiters and swoosh away our place and frens.
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Me thinks fembots can be frens.
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attack helicopter here whooosh
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do u suk bbc fren
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See how unfriendly one femoid roastie made this place. See all this
henlo fren
i luv dogs, dey r best frens ever!
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ur all my frens now except for that one roastie
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when i feel sad I litsen to music
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i like kraftwerk is good music
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not forget kot fren is also gud
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