Anyone ever here met his school bully again? How akward was it? Any greentext?

Anyone ever here met his school bully again? How akward was it? Any greentext?

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>got diagnosed with some hormonal disorder
>never went into puberty

Saw him 2 months ago thinking to myself: this kid really looks like someone who used to bully me. He literally looks like a 13 year old. So that confused me. I hope he got bullied so hard in highschool that he is traumatized for life.

He called me a fag and laughed
I hate him so fucking much, have had so many dreams with him in it, with his arrogance and confidence I just want to beat him up
>tfw getting an erection thinking about him bullying me

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>Mom saw old bully of mine
>Back then, punched, bullied and was a general cunt to everyone weaker than him
>Now looks like a fag, and cuts the hair of old ladies

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yeah all the time at the gas station and elsewhere
i see their regret all the time when they cant even look me in the eyes out of shame

i also feel like they know that all the shit i went through made me a better human being then they could ever be

>Long-guy spat multiple times in my face because boylet in school, 5 years ago
>a meetup with class again
>realize i'm now bigger than him
>put myself in front of him and spit him in the face

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yeah he's my master bf now

not really a bully because it was just a one-time thing but still worth mentioning
>7th grade
>guy way bigger and taller than me breaks my hand for no reason as we pass each other walking down the hallway because "i looked like a pussy" (his own explanation for doing what he did)
>grabs my hand and twists it until it breaks in several places
>several years pass
>see him at a party when we're seniors in highschool
>he's still way bigger and taller than me
>says something like "haha sorry man i was a dick"
>i laugh and accept his halfhearted apology
>he later gets kicked out of the party for snorting coke in the host's bedroom
>he's been arrested several times since we graduated highschool, crimes ranging from DUI to armed robbery

Don't larp on the internet little man

Jow Forums here. Felt good knowing I could crush his skinny ass at the snap of a finger. I wasnt even that big at the time but I could already mog him. Its funny, he acted like we were friends kidding around the whole time, but im pretty sure when he looked in my eyes I didnt buy any of that shit.
Also left home with a stacy that was hot at the time but got a bit fat over time.

HS renuions make or break a person.

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I never really had a true bully, feels bad man.

he was actually nice to me, spoke to me like we were some kind of old friends

I have a really good one for this thread. Not a greenposter so fuck off.

Highschool bully got really caught up in drugs, heroin to be exact. Dude went into a downward spiral and catalogued it fairly well on social media for me to lurk on. Ended up trying to kill himself and now he just relentlessly posts positive brainwashing crap about how lucky he is to be alive. Counting down the days til he snaps and tries again. Fuck that guy.

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>Being bullied
>Not just getting passive aggressively pushed out of every group leaving you with no friends and always being talked about being your back

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the guy was my friend in kindergarten, my mum and his mum used to be friends ,during elementary school/middle school he turned into a really bad yankee weed smoking faggot, really racist etc, always bullied me, got into fights with him etc etc. I was a sensitive soul back then.

Last time I saw him was like, 1 or 2 weeks ago. I had heard rumors that he had a kid at the age of 18 with his girlfriend (whom I had seen a few times prior to that). Anyways, that exact same dude was this time with another girl, he told her to wait by his house while he was going to get something(probably hiding something from his parents or pregnant girlfriend).

He used to be a really bulky kid, he loved insects, dinosaurs and guns quite a lot. Nowadays he is thin, he reeks like cigar, weed etc etc.

When I saw him it was pretty awkward, he probably realised it was me but we didn't say anything to eachother. It's a great shame because I know his parents, and the they both always were some really really awesome people.

It's funny how close relationships/ friendships change a person. He went from a soccer playing kid to a weed abuser in like 2 years. I believe he was the result of his close cycle/ edgy teenage friends.

I can't wait for him to realize how wrong he has been for the past 10 years. And that's if he realizes anything.

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i can expand on what specific bullying i took from him and his friend. if you guys are interested

i saw him at the bar a few days ago, he's pretty cool nowadays, he said he was sorry for being such a dick when he was younger and bought a drink for me and gave me a hug.

he grew up to be a manlet and just nodded his head when I went by him.

>grabs my hand and twists it until it breaks in several places
lmao stop exaggerating.

>go with dad to Marshalls
>immediately see the guy who bullied me in elementary school
>he looks the same, still fucking ugly
>but he's ripped and taller than me (I'm pretty tall)
>his arm around some hot chick with a nice body
>instantly reminded of the time he choked me and stole my gf
>want to cry and leave but we literally just walked in
>spend the whole store trip hiding behind my dad
>I'm pretty sure he saw me

It's not fair

>Now looks like a fag, and cuts the hair of old ladies
So basically, he's stylish and has a respectable profession.

>be me skinny kid with glasses and shit name to boot
>Also not a beta cuck who takes everything, so i bite back
>top dog picks me out, thinks it'll be easy.
>immediately bark back and tell him to fuck off
>never had anyone try me ever again

The fuck is wrong with you user, grow a spine.

So im sitting there eating my fruit cup right out of the cup and joe sits down besides me. He says 'champ whatre you doin besides sucking off some fruit?'

I says 'pardon?'

He says 'hey champ...whatre you doing besides sucking off some fruit?'



I roundhouse him in the bck of the head. Smack him upside the face with the half eaten fruit cup, then finish him off with an office chair to the solar plexus. I was feeding him so many lefts he was begging for a right.

As he was laying broken on the floor I stood over him and said 'hows that? Is that 'whatre you doing besides sucking off some fruit' for ya?'

Ever since I've been the champ

one of my bullies is a ski instructor in colorado and it looks comfy as heck. Another is a park ranger in my county, and 2 of them are in jail, but they were heading for that system anyways.

>group of cool kid football chads bully me all four years of highschool
>am now 27, moved to a nicer state and city, 7/10 blonde white GF who I share a home with, good job, etc
>travel home after a few years to catch up with friends and family
>learn down the grapevine that 3/5 of the chads who bullied me are now worthless heroin addicts who no woman will touch because they peaked on a highschool football team
>laugh, never think about them again
>one is now in jail for armed robbery and drug charges

If you are an underage cunt browsing here, dont worry, getting older I have learned through my own experience and others these peoples lives drastically fall apart after high school a lot of the time.

Wait what??????


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i share similar sentiments
kill us now

shes a hippie/whore/drug addict now

>he didnt accidently kill his bully

That's nice. Good on You for not being bitter, user

This sounds like one of my outings

did you offer to suck his uncircumcised member?

>ran into him at the gym
>I've been lifting for a few years, he's a NYR fag
>See him barely benching 75lbs, bar included
>After middle school, he shot up into a lanky skelton and can't build muscle for shit
>Gave him a few tips and spotted his lifts
>At the end he asks about my name, suddenly realizes it's me
>He apologizes for everything
>We friends now

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I personally never met up again with him but I'll tell it anyway. This guy who used to fuck with me in middle school asked my mom how I was doing. I was really surprised when she told me this. Really shows how people change over time.

>tfw all my school bullies are now uneducated laborers in some literally where Midwestern town while Im at an elite uni and applying to top law schools
Heh nothing personnel

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I remember being a senior in high school and running into the kid who bullied me in the 7th grade. Apparently he stopped growing in the seventh grade because he was like 4 ft tall. Looking at that uber manlet, all was forgiven. All I could do was laugh.