How badly do you hate your parents?
How badly do you hate your parents?
I don't hate them, but I wish they didn't hate me either
I've gotten over it, mostly. They had good intetions, but there's still a bit of resentment. Mostly towards my father. How about you, OP?
my mom is my best friend
I don't really socialize with my dad but he provides for us
I genuinely hate them to the bone.
Father abandoned me when i was 7 and bitch mother is an unstable mess who called the police for mocking her and shouting insults for less than a minute in the bathroom
I don't hate them, I just hate myself.
I feel like if there wasn't abuse, if there wasn't any actual bad shit they did, if they had good intentions, then hating your parents is just unnecessary.
But i can understand if they did treat you badly. Too many people don't realise that raising a kid is FUCKING HARD. I mean try being a perfect saint the whole time. I don't think any of you guys would be capable (especially not me).
I dont hate them. They are just overly opinionated and making them proud requires jumping thru hoops. It feels like they wish i were someone with an intense drive to continue improving while i always think living a simple low stress life is all i want
I love my mother but i despise my father, he worked hard at fucking me up
and he sure did a good job at it.
absolutely zero percent. they raised me as best they could and continue to provide for me to this day. it's not their fault i turned out to be an autistic virgin neet.
I don't hate them at all. I just a bit dissapointed in their lack of selfawareness.
my parents had good intentions but their behaviors pretty much ruined me for life. The way they raised me wasnt just passive, their decisions actively shaped me into a person who is doomed. My mom was very nurturing and she still is, to the point of suffocation. But that's not her fault, she only had good intentions.
my father was and still is a total bitch. In my youngest years he was absent and it was just me and my sister. My most formative years were spent around women only. Even after I met him, in my earliest years he didn't give a single fuck about me. One of my earliest memories is all the males (cousins, uncles, brothers, and my dad) going out on a fishing trip, but they left without me. Even the male cousins younger than me went, but they left me with all the girls. That's my earliest memories. Later in life he was just a compete pussy, all he did was whine and complain and use the family to validate himself. He never brought any of us up, he just used us to bring himself up. He'd come home and literally do nothing but bitch and moan about how no one respects him at work, and tell us all his old stories of when he was "chad" and expect us to clap and cheer for him. The same stories over and over and over again, and we just had to act impressed every time as if we hadn't heard it 1000 times before. I thought this was normal. When I said I wanted to lift weights he told me no and continuously discouraged me. When I joined the baseball team and asked him and begged him to teach me to throw a ball he wouldn't do it. My mom was the one who finally took me out to the field and helped me. When I begged him to teach me to drive he wouldn't do it, and now I'm 21 and still can't drive. When it was obvious I was developing awful traits and spending all my time alone on a computer, not once did my dad step in and try to intervene. He never taught me anything about being a man, in fact we'd all have been better off if he just fucked off. Now everyone thinks I'm gay
i love them but don't like how they raised me. Both are addicts and at the age they gave me opiates and now they blame me and call me a sociopathic brat for wanting to use and being socially isolated/ not having social skills. They now think that tough loves gona fix that, even though im 20 and been on them for 5-6 yrs now. So I don't hate them but i can't help but to feel some anger/ apathy twards them. However if they were to die i wouldn't be able to take the pain and guilt for being a fuck up.I know there are ppl who have it much worse though especially here, but we all have our demons . Moral of the story money=/= happiness, be a role model for your kid if u ever have one.
I realize now that they're human and have flaws, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with the alcoholism.
I'm pretty peeved about them cutting my dick.
Dad was abusive, and ruled over us for 15 years with an iron fist. Wouldn't let us visit my mom's parents. Beat me once when Mom took me to her parents without permission just to get at her. But he let my Mom cut me, being uncut himself.
What a fag.
*at the age of 14-15
You don't know me you dumb faggot.
Furthermore, he never took control of anything. He was too much of a pussy to actually lead the family but he was also too much of a pussy to leave. He was an absolutely pathetic example of a "man". He acted like a total emasculated sickles little bitch. It is more like I grew up with 2 moms. He was and still is a far leftist and had no real strong convictions. I can't describe the vitriol I feel when I think of him. I completely cut contact with him once I moved out at 18, but I still hear him sometimes talking to my mom or sister on the phone and all he does to this day is just whine and moan and bitch and dump all his insecurities and problems on them. Holy fuck someone like him should never have had sons. My mom is such an intelligent and accomplished person, I can't fathom why she had children with such a pathetic sack of shit.
Your shit's somewhat similar.
>mother had two kids in her early twenties with Chad ('Bad Boy')
>Chad turns into an abusive alcoholic later
>she divorces him
>enter my beta basedlord father
>settles for my mother and she has another child at the age of 34 (that's me)
>father is completely unwilling to spend time with me instead leaving me in his 70 year old mother's care who lives with us
>jesus fucking christ why
>always permanently triggered about something
>rarely allows me to go out and do stuff, his mother and my mother have the same stance
>both step brothers have their own lives going by the time I'm starting to develop as a human bean, end up not really creating a bond with them
Thank fuck I at least had cousins and some people who were more active and outgoing in my life or I probably would have been completely rolled over by the world and already killed myself.
Holy shit are you me?
No father for the first years of life, i lived with only women around me that made me into a unmasculine pussy, my beta father could apparently not be arsed to interact with me. I always had super high expectations laid on me, i went to some psychologist to get evaluated if i needed special education for "gifted children". Apparently my parents were to good to have me get an actual diagnose for my ADD, dyslexia and dyscalculia. I got thrown into school too early and obviously i just fucking failed everything. My parents refused to help me with anything even tho i had a whole fucking dictionary of mental disabilities, it would have been so fucking easy for them to make me succeed in school, both of them have PHDs. My father acts like you described in your post exept that he never did sports or anything that attracted women in any sense. Wowe who would i have guessed that i would become a worthless droppout that will never achieve anything, all i wanted to do was to become a biologist but instead it seems like i will be flipping burgers until i can rid my self of my apathy and finaly neck my self.
Daily fucking reminder that your kid becomes what you make him into.
you stop hating your parents when you move out and get your own life. if you're living at home past the age of 18 you're consumed by unnatural psychic incest that's poisoning the relationship. become an independent adult
I don't hate them but resent them both for divorcing
I don't hate them because they provided for me well enough and continue to do so but I am incredibly resentful and bitter for actually raising me poorly and doing such a shit job at socializing me with other kids which really fucked me over when I became an adult and also for giving me aspergers for having me so old.
They didn't have me circumcised, and they didn't put me on ritalin or SSRIs at a young age, so I don't think I can complain that much.
How did you turn out after all that? What do you work with/study?
Slightly, i'm 18 and they're still overprotective so at least they care about me in their own useless way.
I don't. I mean I hated some of their reactions, especially while in some situations I know now I needed support and received critisism. But I am oldfag already and know I don't differ so much from them. I only hope I will have better life than they do.
>[he'd] tell us all his old stories of when he was "chad" and expect us to clap and cheer for him.
More then they hate me and they want me dead.
My parents let me spend three years of my life in my room with a laptop while everyone else was in middle school. It helped develop my social anxiety disorder and passive nature to goals (my NEET father as a role model didn't help either). My upbringing was shit, would not recommend. The final tail of my answer: my father disgusts me and I love my mother.
My parents are the reason I have man boobs and I don't know if I can forgive them for it.
>spic family
>for some reason being fat is considered healthy by my backwards ass culture
>parents and I get teased because I'm a thin
>parents don't like that
>bought me all sorts of processed junk food and never watched my portions
>drank little cartons of chocolate onions milk for 4 straight years of my goddamn life
I realized I got fucked when I was 16 and started running/working out a fuck ton. 22 years old and I'm still working to get rid of these fucking tits. I'm relatively in shape now, but my chest is disproportionate and my nipples are still puffy. It kills me knowing I would be much more confident with myself if I wasn't super conscious of my pepperoni nips sticking out of every fucking shirt I wear.
You got gyno m8, which is a bitch to get rid of because its actual breast tissue in your pectorals like women have so it doesn't just go away from exercise since its not entirely fat.
you can go to doctor if you have money to. Also if you don't like'em make sure you stay away from high estrogen foods like onions milk etc.
not onions my onscreen keyboard did that. just google foods rich in estrogen and don't eat. and go to doctor. and this. Sorry ur insecure about them :(
I don't hate my parents in the present in any way, but I have some resent about what my mom did in the past. But it wasn't anything seriously abusive, she just projected her on values on me too much.
Of course, I realize that this is what all parents do to some extent. But my father was much better about this.
I adore my parents, they've done everything for me. Someday I want to marry a girl like my mom.
I love my mom. Relationship with dad is a bit more difficult but I believe he's a good person in the end.
I love my dad ,he was the only one who was ever there for me. My stepmother however I do not trust and hate how she handles me. She'll yell at me for asking a question, she nitpicks about where a fuckin pizza should go in the oven. She belittles me when I try to stand up for myself.
>mom gave up nursing to be a sushi cashier
>dad gave up hotel security to be a carpenter
why did they leave peru i would've been much happier i fucking hate being poor so much i want to die why couldn't i have just been normal
>being uncut himself
How do you know that?
If your parents gave you opiates as a child they're pretty big pieces of shit and you should probably hate them.
He walked around nekkid to get to his underwear after a shower.
He asked me if I ever had any problems being cut when I was like 12. Said you know I'm not right?
Him and my brothers also have normal to above sized penises and I'm stuck with a micro. WTF God? Before you ask.
We had to shower together until like 15. 2 showers, 3 kids, so we alternated.
i dont hate them but
>making me
overall shit move
My mom died when I was 10. Her and my dad have not been the best to me, but my dad is trying to improve our relationship now that I have moved out and he is all alone. I dont /hate/ him anymore, but i know the past has effected me horribly and that will never change.
Not at all,kinda annoying but they mean well.. Alltough im just 19 so it's probably going to escalate into spite when they realize i'll never give them any grandkids.
I'm really close to my dad but have almost no connection to my mother, which has lead to her being kind of a bitch to me and jealous of my dad. Thankfully we don't argue as much as we used to now, but I still don't like her really. I don't hate her, and I do care about her, but that's the extent of my feelings for her
>Mom died from alcohol when i was 9 she was really strict to me basically she just used me to get child support from my dad to buy liquor
>Generally i like my dad but he never praised me for anything and he tries to save money on everything like a fucking jew despite the fact that he earns 4 times more than an average guy in my country
I hate them to the bone. Friendless, alienating, manipulative, emotionally abusive, domestic abusing, narcissistic, nihilistic homeschooling alcoholics.
I wish my dad hadn't moved to Australia. I still get jealous when I see photos of him spending time with my brothers. I try to move on as best I can, as bringing it up will only make him feel bad for moving there again.
I wish my mom hadn't coddled me so much but she's ok.
Please get a divorce mum & dad.
I dislike them but no not hate. Hate is reserved for myself.
They are two normal people who had the great misfortune to have their firstborn son be a schizoid-sperg. Their inability to view him as such and raise him as if he was normal caused immense conflicts puberty and beyond. Screaming, hitting, crying, begging. They also had very high standards, believed in tough love, and parental micromanagement. Despite working on his normal siblings, a chad and stacy, this did not on him who began to resent them and himself. He now does not call them anymore nor come to family meetups because his parents and siblings are passive aggressive/snide towards him. He lives alone and is not happy.
My mom loves me and I love her, but its fucking obvious that my dad just likes me cuz he has to. I know he secretly hates me and wouldn't be very shocked if I died. Anything I do, in his eyes, is either done wrong or could have been done better, and he refuses to listen to my opinion in any matter. He checks my mothers and my brothers, but never mine, and if he does, he never agrees with it. That's why I love my mom but don't have any feelings towards my dad.
my dad is one of the best person I've ever known but my mom is just a bitch who does everything she can to make our lifes harder. I'm glad their divorced but she's still doing her best to be one of the worst people
Too much effort to hate them or anything at all.
But it's undeniable they gave me these inferior genes, but whatever.
My parent's genetics are the reason my life is fucked.
Love my mum, wish my dad would implode.
Dad was a mean, abusive drunk that kicked the shit out of me almost daily while he sat around drinking. Mom was busting her ass on two jobs to keep a roof over our head while I mowed lawns and did everything I could to help out. I love my mom, but for some reason I was still sad when my dad died a couple years ago.
Quite a bit. I didn't ask to be born. My mom never worked since I've been alive, instead collecting government checks. Barley met my dad because my mom left him.
I don't hate them. I wasn't a good kid and they didn't know how to deal with it.
Except for not letting me keep my foreskin. Fuck that.
My mother is a kind woman. I don't think ill of her. My father however has completely broken my heart.
I am his chore. He is a salesman, and when you suffer so badly mentally that you have attempted suicide, and still dream of dying to this day, it does not help to talk to a salesman. That is what he is to me, a salesman. He isn't my father, he is just a salesman.
He had a family before meeting my mother. He had a son with another woman. He used to bring that son to the movies every weekend. Every single weekend. That son got to live in 2 nice homes. He tried to frame my mother for child abuse because my salesman's ex-wife was malicious and angry. But that son got to live in nice houses, and go on trips with my salesman down to the cottage, and experience a lot of fun as a kid.
I grew up in run down apartments, surrounded by gang members. My salesman never taught me how to fight, or even how to fend myself in anyway. He was always to busy selling someone something. And he bought things, though rarely for myself. I saw Finding Nemo with my salesman. The next movie we saw together was over a decade later. When we went to see Finding Nemo his favorite son was there as well. I was just brought along. I wasn't really there as far as they were concerned.
I had a mental breakdown not that long ago. For the first time in my life both of my parents realized how broken I was inside. My salesman tried to sell me the idea that I just needed another job and that I would be happy after that. He still doesn't know that I apply to jobs every day and that I nearly killed myself at my last job because of how stressful it was.
I talked to him about getting help. My salesman still hasn't said anything about it since the day I broke down. I think he thinks that I've "gotten better".
I really wish I had a father instead of a salesman. I can only imagine how it would have all turned out.
I wish he would at least say hi to me.
I don't hate them. But they are as responsible for my shortcoming as anyone else. I do love them though and I know they love me.
I feel your pain, user. For so long I've been beating myself up for my circumstances and for being such a fuck up, it wasn't until other people heard about my upbringing and had the honesty to tell me their thoughts about it. That was when I realized how much my parents, without meaning to, completely ruined me.
Looking back I was pretty much a normal kid, and I'd have been just normal, but they shaped me into something terrible, then at 18 sent me into the world absolutely unprepared and with no support.
No wonder we're burnouts.
I've worked in restaurants since 15. About 3 months ago I got tired of people calling me gay and my social anxiety got so bad I quit my job. I am in community college for computer science.
I turned out awful. I have no friends, most people think I'm a literal faggot. I'm beta as fuck and can not be respected, im weak and untalented, I spend my time in isolation because it's not fair to impose my awful personality onto other people.
my dad never really gave a shit, but always pretended like he had some moral high ground even though it was clear he didn't care for any of us. my mom cared but she was an unstable manipulative bitch.
i'm picking up a pattern in this thread, hmmm...
>tfw when your father doesn't teach how to be a man and actively cockblocks your manhood as you try to figure out on your own in this fucked up world
My parents are the reason I'm a weak bitch with no gf. I have almost had social successes in life with friends and women almost had multiple gfs but every single time my home situation ruined it.
And my father always refused to let me be a real man. He refused to teach me how to fight, and refused to let me workout and try to get stronger.
How can your dad stop you from working out? What did he say or do to stop you? Because working out is just something you do.
That's a very common theme. There's another one: how many of your mom's were over 30yrs old when they had you?
>My parents are the reason I'm a weak bitch
Hey didnt you make a thread about that last night?
I don't hate them, they're just retarded.
Not him, but my dad discouraged me by saying how working out is for "meatheads" and that it's "unhealthy" and that you'll injure yourself by working out, and how if you gain muscles now you'll be fat later. He couldn't actually stop me from working out, but he did nothing to help or encourage me. Ultimately it's my own fault for not continuing to lift weights, but I still look back and ask what the fuck kind of father tells his scrawny 16yr old son "Don't get stronger. Don't lift weights." It's hard to respect that
When I was underage and didn't have money or a car shit. I needed help from someone if I was going to attend a gym regularly and buy a membership. Buying supplements and shit is expensive and my parents made a big deal out of it.
You should try mountain climbing, hiking, kayaking, paddle boating, rafting, and other stuff. It's easier to work out in natural settings.
My dads a massive douche. I don't like him at all. My mom's ok, kinda crazy but she keeps the house spotless. Like, she probably has undiagnosed OCD for how well she keeps everything.
I was very lucky with my family, even though my father died when i was 5. My mother and her new husband (who she married after me and my sister left house) support me whenever they can. I actually love them very much and making them sad is probably one of few things that keeps me away from suicide. I know it wouldn't be bothered with it, if i kill myself. I would be dead in such scenario and indiffrent to everything. Yet, even thinking about their pain after my death, is making me feel even worse.
I will probably kms after their death, but for now, i want to repay for their kindness and support.
My dad got involved with another woman that wasn't my mother when I was very young so I don't remember it. I utterly despise how i was raised because i never properly learn how to look after myself in this world/society. I'm 24 now but from my childhood up untill early teens i would bounce between my mom who was a very strict and suffered from OCD and my dad who wasn't strict atall and pretty much let me get away with anything and got me anything i wanted. I think this has made me a little bit insane, i was diagnosed with ADHD at age 3 but I recently learned that attachment disorders present with symptoms that are very similar to ADHD, so either I have been misdiagnosed or i have both of these thing. Wat do?
I don't, I'm a little dissapointed in my dad he hasn't had a job in like 6 months, but I believe in him.
I was far advanced in academic and life skills but socially far behind. I could do advanced math and balance a checkbook early on but not fit in with others. What kind of parenting causes this?
I actually like my dad, as far as I know he doesn't do degenerate things, besides flirt with other men. [I don't mean being gay is degenerate, I mean the fact is he does even though he's straight-married. weird]
My mom's okay, but she starts drama.
Severely. They mutilated my penis and I will absolutely never forgive them for it.
Mother slept around with other men while she was carrying me, and father killed himself after he found out. I live with my mothers parents now, since she ran away with some nigger.
hate my mom, refuse to talk to her or let her see my family. dad is okay. he's a big, dumb, fat asshole but at least he gives me money when i need it.
They disregarded my well-researched advice and made some critical fuckups out of pure neglect and laziness which severely impacted my life. Eg - I need Accutane right away or else my face will be permanently fucked. Response: you're 13, your acne will fix itself and go away in time, no need for powerful drugs that can hurt your organs. Example 2 - do not move to this neighborhood, the demographics are shit and the schools have shit ratings, I did the research. Action: buy the cheapest house in said neighborhood they can find anyways despite earning six figures, I get to go to a ghetto school as a white kid for 3 years and then commute 2 hours one way (4 hours per day in total) to the nearest university. Also having to take out student loans while my parents buy up properties in multiple different countries.
I don't hate them, but I resent their retardedness and their inability to discern that I've given up. They give me the "we gave you every chance, all the opportunities" speech which I just sigh at.
The last words I said to my mother were verbatim, "Oh, go kill yourself".
I will likely literally kill her the next time I see her.
The last words I said to my father were verbatim, "Sans the Schizophrenia, I'm sure".
He exists, I don't particularly care.
>I don't hate them, they're just retarded.
this basically.
I love my parents and I know they love me, but I hate myself.
I hold no malicious feelings towards them.
I know they're not the greatest of people and such, but I don't blame them for anything, I am a product of what I chose, I can barely blame them for how turned out.
While I'm thankful for my mother for still providing for me after I became 18, and payed and are still paying for my education, I hate her so fucking much, not in a sense that I wish her any harm, she's still my mother, but her manipulative personality, her "pretending to be retarded but still doing harmful things for everyone around her" attitude, how everything is about money, how every single little thing becames reason for fight, the sheer venom in every word she speaks to me, and since I'm a fucking pussy with 0 backbone thanks to how she raised me, I don't fight her back, outta fear of being throw out of the house and throwing my years of college away, and college is my only hope of getting out of here.
There is also the fact that after she divorced my father, she married again with a fat, full-bodied tattoed, dumb motherfucker, whom I fought before and literally threated me with death after a discussion in front of her, and he also manipulates her into thinking I'm the most useless motherfucker ever because I don't have a job, nevermind the fact that I study, which she believes 100% in every word he says, this guy is responsible for so much bad shit in my life, he is one of the few people I actually wish to die a horrible death, he is one of the worse human beings I ever encountered in this earth. Thanks to how she raised me, how she threats me now, and how she is manipulated by this motherfucker and thus acting his manipulation on me, I have developed a major anxiety disorder, depression, social phobia and OCD, which all I need to hide from her and my brother because she calls me a "freak". Thanks to her current husband, she started to smoke pot in the house while knowing I hate drugs and alchool, but she doesn't care, she doesn't respect me.
I detest my father pathologically. Living with him has been nonstop physical and mental abuse (gaslighting, threats, mood swings, etc.) that has basically left me a bitter and resentful mess. Plus, he's extremely bigoted and homophobic so I've been in the closet my whole life. The one time he got an inkling that I might be gay he beat me savagely.
My mom is okay. Dad's a lazy fuck that's failed to get a full-time job since 2009 so she provides for us. We don't talk much cuz I don't have much to say.
There is also my father, who is a literal wife beater nigger. The reason she divorced him is because he thought she was cucking him because my uncles have this thing of calling everyone in the family a cuck out of bantz, but his sub 80 IQ brain can't separate bantz from everything else. To this day, he is still a low tier construction worker (pedreiro for other BRs around here) barelly getting over the minimum wage. Not only she is everything I wrote in the previous post, but also a coal burning whore who indeed payed the tool. She cheated and lied her way throught college and got a administrative position in a theater which she get a decent salary out.
She always talked about family values and how important it is to value family first, but when I fought her husband and it was time to put all those family values to pratice and side with me, both her and my brother sided with him. This only showed me that family isn't important. I know my case is the exception and usually families stick by each other.
Maybe one day I will have my own family and pass down actual values for them, but I doubt I will, since I'm a 21 year old half black/white manlet fat virgin, with so many mental issues that simple stuff are almost impossible for me to do.
If I don't manage to get a good job after finishing college in the end of the year, I'm killing myself, I have suffered enough, and if my only hope of succeding is gone, there is no reason to continue.
My mother is bipolar and a complete and utter mess. She divorced my father when I was 3 and I lived with her to the age of 11. These years I have been beaten, humiliated, starved and empty. I hated her; she was completely unpredictable and unstable, even though she regularly went to treatment and was maintaining. Apparently, she was ok according to her psychiatrist and did not need to up her dose so that I could have a stable mother. She would close all blinds and go to a corner and cry because she thoughts that somebody is spying on her. She was very aggressive towards me. Whenever we were out, she would feel like she is being watched. She would cry, shout and tear her clothes off whenever she had a fit.
My father was good to me. At 11, I went to live with him and I thought that finally I would get my life sorted and that I had a chance to be quite normal. He grew increasingly tired of me and always mocked me for who I am. i could not develop my own identity, everything I would do was disgusting and perverse. Never would he help me or support me in any way, I had to was the dishes for him and work around the house... He would shout constantly and would make me feel guilty about his anger, he would blame the victim constantly.
I never got to be me. I never got a chance to grow. I was never enough, never had any positive about me. I just wanted to be me, I did not want to be the ultra-chad he wanted me to be or be around a person who can beat me right after they hug me.
How are you now user? Did you managed to get them out of your life? Still living with them? What's stopping you from blocking them from your life? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just really curious, I'm and , can't leave because of college.
...I live with my mother. Things are complete shit. The antipsychotics she was taking when she was pregnant made me deficient in dopamine. This meant that I had add even though everybody said I was smart, I were depressed and suicidal for all my life and when finally I got treatment for it, she wanted me to stop taking my meds. She still does. She would speak to my psychiatrist. Luckily, she knew her case too well to listen. I haven't spoken to my father for a year and it is the best decision I ever made. I dont care how it sounds, some people are way too toxic to keep.
...I am a psychologist. I can have her hospitalized any day I want. I don't.
You don't think things are a little better thought? You have education thus the means of getting a stable job if you already don't have. Don't you hate her? Why don't you just leave her place and let the bitch rot in her own misery? Who cares if people will say you abandoned her, as you said yourself, some people are way too toxic to keep.
Anyway, good luck my man, we need to have at least a little hope for things to get better, to drive us forward, that is one of the few things I got out my situation at least, but I can't judge people who gave up thought.
I don't hate them anymore, but I can also say that they aren't good parents