Winston Churchill did nothing wrong edition
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How long before Churchill statues are removed and the 5 pound note with Churchill is recalled?
oh my god SHUT UP
Is it fair to say that the Guardian is the left wing equivalent of the Daily Mail?
>t. Butthurt yank who cannot handle good British bantz
how dumb do these fuckers have to be.
yes lets just start removing people from out history because they did things differently in a different period of time
I feel your pain, brother.
This is an original reply
Huuurr hurrrr durrrp
Winston wasn't a general you fucking nonce
He was the first lord of the admiralty
Imagine getting furious over a thread
the opinion section is pretty trash but the actual news is slightly better reported and much less sensationalised
state of yanks banter or should I say shanter lol
imagine posting in the equivalent of a facebook group on Jow Forums
When you were young
You were the king of carrot flowers
And how you built a tower tumbling through the trees
In holy rattlesnakes that fell alll around your feet
Ha a dream about DM's chatlogs lads
Really, what did they say
I dont think DManonces chatlogs are a laughing matter to be frank lad
The average r9k thread is pure shitposting and yet you pick on /britfeel/, a harmless containment thread
Just had some rice crispies and OJ for breakfast lads, feeling good.
probably never leftists in america tore down confederate statues because the statues themselves were raised with the intent of keeping black people down
i don't really agree with this, but the intent of commemorating churchill is complete different
>containment thread
its amazing how dumb people on here are
Host just give it up we know it's you pushing the dm shit
About to listen to every Radiohead album, what am I in for lad. Never gave the band a proper listen before but I've heard mixed things
no, it would be a left wing tabloid like the daily mirror. but the daily mirror is actually a good publication.
Been having incest thoughts again, can't stop thinking about fucking mum
tildes RED knickers
serf F.C gern' 6 feet undah
>just got back from care home I applied for
>given a badge with my name and below it care assistant
Fucking kek I lucked the fuck out and actually got myself a job! Neet life is behind me, I'm becoming normal again!
post cheeseburgers or GTFO
very nice post user, very nice
femanons STRIPED knickers
tilde in a set of norf fc knickers
I've warned you once already lad, you're nicked
met my first drug dealer today lads
he was rather polite tbqh
its not illegal to think you daft cunt
This was my thoughts the first time I met a drug dealer, growing up you're taught that drug dealers are all shady scumbags that just want to rip you off, then you learn that most of them are just normal lads with proper jobs and that just making some dosh on the side
shut up you nonce
*splurts all over tildes bum*
gooooooaaaaaaaalllll!!!!!!!! what a result!
If you have the urge to raise your right leg it's appendicitis.
Where are you that a+e is a 30 mile drive away
It's 2018 now chum, you can get arrested for saying mean things on Facebook
why are apuposters always nonces? is it because they get off over avatarfagging as a child frog?
are you sure you want to work in a care home?
Are we just calling anyone that posts apu a nonce now
I had the most amazing shit this morning lads.
It was like everything came out of me. I still feel good now. I feel so light and free. I'm almost crying thinking about how good I feel right now. I never want this feeling to end.
Deji or Jake Paul
If youre going in release order, dont start with Pablo Honey, its their weakest album by far. Try OK Computer, Kid A, The Bends and In Rainbows, I would start with OKC cause its their most entry level album and a lot would say magnum opus but yeah. I mean youll like it if youre into alt/indie rock and art pop, that kind of thing. Just give OKC a listen and youll probably tell if youll like it by the first few songs.
JP the aryan warrior ofcourse
deji looks like a neek but hes also black so all odds are off
I have to say, Deji and KSI, the Pauls are both #NonceNesters
I got some fantastic news lads. My US visa is approved. I'm finally moving to America.
>just got up
>bored shitless already
lads :(
Have fun getting shot lad
>he couldn't get a green card
*dabs on brit feel*
Congratulations Tim
I'm white so I doubt I'll get shot.
You need to get the work visa first then you can start applying for the green card.
As a community we should be doing more to help support DM. think about how you would feel in his position. he is clearly hurt and he has been good to the thread. we should be doing more.
Oi oi mate, check yer calendar, It ain't 2016 or early 2017 sunshine, It's 2018
Pablo Honey is pretty good lads, not sure why it's considered Radio Heads worst album. If this is their worst I might end up liking this band a lot
>we should be doing more.
such as?
Good news boys, the chicken connoisseur has a Channel 4 series now!
Why on earth would anyone want to move to that festering shithole of a country is beyond me
What will you be doing as a job in America?
More money, better quality of life, better weather.
Software developer
Whether it's hostlad our not, DM should post the chatlogs
Nice one. How hard was it to get a visa? My dad tried in the 80s but it was near impossible to get one.
*dabs on officer*
well for one distancing ourselves completely from the radio for exasperating the drama, and shame anyone that involves themselves. Showing DM that we care about him by expressing our support to him when he posts. We could also make an OC image saying to ignore the nonce accusations and include it in the op picture.
does anyone else have any suggestions?
You sad bastard. I bet you snitched at school when lads were only having a bit of banter.
>distancing ourselves completely from the radio for exasperating the drama
Nope! But its better than no job at the moment
In that case could you quietly collect your belongings and exit the thread please, there's a good chap
>a bit of banter.
Its not a bit of banter though is it. DM is genuinely upset and hurt by it. You would not like it if you were in his position, if you were the joke, think of someone else for once in your life
kinda want to fuck a trap lads
youre quite a soft lad, lad, even by /britfeel/ standards
If you're a qualified professional and you have a company in America who wants to give you a job, it's easy.
You still need to get lucky though. They only let 70,000 people in a year on the professional visa and there's about 300,000 applicants, so there's a lottery for who actually gets the visas.
But if you don't get lucky in the lottery, you can try again the following year. This is my 2nd attempt.
There's also visas for people who already work for american companies, and people who are at the top of their field or famous celebrities etc.
here you go, lad.
Fuck off faggot
original oregano
>DM is genuinely upset and hurt by it
Then he should clear up this misunderstanding by posting the chatlogs. It's almost as if he has something to hide...
So what about all the lads talking shit about Zeus's dead family? Oh wait, that doesn't matter but hurting DMs fee fees over a bit of bants is what we should all really care about.
People wouldn't call me a nonce as I don't do noncey things.
just bought some roller blades ;;;)
>Supporting Nonces
bonce the nonce
>So what about all the lads talking shit about Zeus's dead family?
I thought that was wrong, but people dont go on about it every 5 minutes.
Is nonceposting the new norf fc posting
Shut the fuck up you absolute melt and post the chatlogs.
>posts the same thing every 5 minutes
>calls other people melts
you're unironically a downie
Post comfy ww2 planes instead
addicted to yoghurt lads
why do you lads have to ruin the thread, i dont have any friends or any hobbies, i need this :(
We have decided not to prosecute this dangerous predatory paedophile because it hurts his feelings
Case closed.
>Thinking that DM isn't a nonce
No u
the bigger question is what is DMs next move he's clearly managed to gain control of the radio
is anyone safe?
ephebophile desu
Judge Pinder wouldn't say no to an underage tranner..
judge rinder? more like judge bender lol
Same thing lad
Simple as