How do we solve the whore problem, robots?
How do we solve the whore problem, robots?
Arranged marriage paired with the death penalty for committing adultery.
Press the society reset button
Whores are fun. What's the problem?
Remove welfare and other social services which are largely used by women the way they used to use husband. Remove stuff like no fault divorces. You've basically taken away accountability and consequences for them no matter how they act. It's no wonder they turned out this way at that point.
We literally cannot. Women have been ingrained with their sexual instincts through millions of years of evolution. In the same way that men haven't yet shaken their caveman-esque need to always be bigger and badder than other men, women haven't shaken their need to be treated like fragile baby incubators who provide no other service to the world.
Third-Wave Feminism is basically at odds with the entire female consciousness: they want to be treated like independent and intelligent members of society, but the literally second a superior man comes along and puts them in their place they devolve into blubbering little girls screaming about how much they love their daddy. The female sexuality is without dignity or respectability, and everyone knows it. It's basically impossible to take women seriously knowing that they all more or less amount to children acting up for attention in the hopes that a strong man will discipline them.
t. Never met a woman
It's curious how the go-to argument for any woman isn't an argument at all but, rather, trying to discredit the argument of the other person by suggesting that they're somehow unqualified to have any opinion that counteracts their own.
whores online specifically?
attention is what they need, ignore them. This post was a mistake already
>denying that women are individual human beings
>denying that any person is less than you because they are different
>denying that some women may in fact be dominant sexually
>denying that we all share in one life
You are a disgusting waste of space, a fragile male retard who is insecure about his own idiocy and projects his stupidity on others. Kill yourself.
Extremely high iq post.
Truth is timeless.Does not matter whether it is 120 BC or 2018 AD
Calm down, sweetheart. No need to get upset.
you cant solve biology mate
>Normie numale spotted.
didn't take long to find the roastie
Too wordy. Try again.
I mean your platitudes are really cute and all, and I'm sure they mean something to you as they rattle around through your head and slither out your self-righteous mouth, but I have spent much of my life trying to find women who are different from the norm and I have been disappointed at every turn. Hell, I think the very worst culprits of the crippling nature of female sexuality are, in fact, the women who seem strongest and most assertive in their public personas.
If anything, I'm a disillusioned feminist, not a misogynist. I use to believe that women could be emotionally and intellectually complex beings, but after being contradicted in that point of view one too many times, it seems obvious to me that, if there are any women in this world who have risen above the limitations of their evolutionary predisposition towards extreme submissiveness, they are are far and few between.
Really, it's no different from you assuming that I'm some fragile male stereotype because my behaviour has disillusioned you, really. People are naturally given to making generalisations. Mine just happen to make your feelings hurt.
Wait, you think there are women posting on this board? Are you actually retarded?
Why do you guys gets so butt blasted when you learn women don't want to be treated like princesses
But YOU aren't emotionally or intellectually complex. You make cliche generic posts. Must be a woman.
Because it's usually followed by watching them turn around and demand to be treated like princesses.
Androids, artificial wombs, and a virus that kills all biological females.
I can see you don't really have any kind of argument for me, so I'll just go ahead and leave you to it.
Because betas like you will give in and give them what they want. Meanwhile chads treat them like shit and get what they want, and as soon as the girl starts demanding thing the chad leaves. That's why girls want them so much, they won't put up with their bullshit
Nice unintentionally ironic post.
I'm sure the fact that most of these so-called chads are usually pretty attractive has nothing to do with it, by the way.
This "chads are assholes" thing is a beta myth. Ugly people think they're magically nice. But typically better looking people are nice and ugly people are bitter.
fpbp phamalamadingdong
>I have spent much of my life trying to find women who are different from the norm and I have been disappointed at every turn.
I did this when I was a lot younger and realized they're all slight variations of the same instance of one another. It's an incredibly bizarre thing to observe.
I hate this word so much, don't even really know why. I guess it's just the context in which normies tend to use it.
>"Wow, why aren't you ceaselessly optimistic about situations which have repeatedly proven to not work out in your favour? You're so bitter!"
That couldn't have anything to do with how ugly people get treated like shit while good looking people get preferential treatment, could it? Naah.
muh current year!!
>>denying that women are individual human beings
He never did that though, he said their sexuality wasn't different
>>denying that any person is less than you because they are different
It depends on the difference
>>denying that some women may in fact be dominant sexually
This doesn't exist.
>>denying that we all share in one life
We don't.
The only fragile ones are the women who want to both be allowed to become submissive blubbering babies in sex/relationships and then still have men respect them and see them as equals.
Of course it does. But a good looking guy that has a spine will always be more attractive than a good looking jellyfish
And it's used exclusively by roasties.
It really is very jarring to get a glimpse into the female psychology. In the same way that men pride and define themselves by standing out at every possible opportunity, women seem to define themselves by adhering to some unspoken mold of "peak femininity" for whichever time and social setting they happen to be in. It's as if women, from a very early age, harmonise with what is considered to be the most conventionally attractive image of what a woman is and start to build their entire lives around fitting comfortably within that image. As a man I couldn't possibly understand why they feel compelled to do so, but it's almost as if they're completely unaware of just how much they like to just go along with the mainstream interests of society while simultaneously insisting that they're somehow "not like the other girls"
Ooh, tiramisu will always be a more delicious and distinguished dessert than Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I'm sure as a piece of unbuttered toast that was dropped on the floor, this information will drastically alter my life.
What did he say that was cliche or generic?
Oh sorry, didn't realize this conversation was actually all about you cupcake.
The problem is when there aren't enough non-whores. Whores can't be used as gfs.
This thread is full of retards. You are othering women by calling them whores, the best thing would be to approach all people on a case by case basis otherwise you become a numb sociopath faglord who actually makes threads about how we solve the "whore problem". And you know what, you are right, there are "whores" in the world and there is a "solution" to them! It's called not giving them attention if you don't like their behavior or enjoying their company for what they could provide you.
But no, you guys don't do this out of some autistic desire to "improve" the world or some shit. If we can't convince the masses to switch to Linux or parents to stop genital cutting their babies then how the actual fuck do you expect to stop human nature? Why don't you shut the fuck up, stop using the incel meme, tell your incel buddies to eat a dick and actually interact with people. Like holy fucking shit, some of you faggots actually believe in these stupid meme about people. The dumb faggots and dykes on this board need to fucking get over themselves with this "chad" and "stacy" bullshit.
Literally all of it. Typical robot pretend intellectual post #59963
>used as gfs
I can see why you're single and desperate from 3 words.
Absolutely, unironically based.
The real blackpill here bros
But there was nothing wrong with him pointing out the inherent dichotomy of being universally submissive and desiring inferiority against demanding respect and to be treated as individuals and equals. You can not have it both ways no matter how many times you try to tell yourself you can.
Your original point was that the only reason women seem to pick "chads" over "betas" was bescause those chads don't put up with their shit. My response was that it probably has a lot more to do with how attractive these chads are, as there are plenty of women who shack up with attractive men regardless of personality and assertiveness. You, being an idiot, reiterated that it's all about being confident and dominant around women by pointing out that a spineless chad will still lose out to a true chad nine times out of ten, to which I implied that none of that really matters because both chads are perfectly desirable and the real decider of who is considered more attractive by society is, surprise surprise, attractiveness.
>I know that poisonous snake bit you and injected you with venom when you tried to pet it, but maybe this other poisonous snake will be really cool and nice despite all indication that it'll bite you for getting anywhere near it because it's a fucking poisonous snake.
The attractiveness doesn't even need to be mentioned. Obviously if you're ugly you aren't getting a hot girl. Women go for confident men that won't give in to them, I never said you could be an ugly sack of shit and get any girl if you are confident.
Thanks for shoving words in my mouth, retard. That is not at all what I said. Your analogy is shit because you are talking about snakes, I'm talking about people. You aren't forced to interact with women either, faggot. You could just spend your freetime off of work doing whatever you want and invite only men.
So you're agreeing with the other user, that women's desire for submissiveness is directly contradictory with their demands to be respected as equals and individuals?
Welk, yes. Snakes are just too cute not to risk getting poisoned.
There is no problem, original.
I half agree. Chads are usually extremely nice, anyone with a chad friend should realize this. But on the flip side they also tend to be a bit less conscientious. They don't mind stepping on toes (which makes them great friends since they'll back you up). That ends up hurting a lot of women in a casual setting, which is why they get that reputation. Chad assumes they realize he just wants to bump uglies and has no qualms walking away when the other party decides they want more.
To further explain, you seem to only be focusing on chads proper (10/10). But even a 7/10 can still have the mentality of a chad, and a 7/10 female will choose him over an 8/10 pushover
t. Octavius Augustus
>Whores are fun for Chad
I mean it sounds almost as if you're admitting that attractiveness is first and foremost and that assertiveness actually means jack shit. It almost sounds as if you're confessing that it wouldn't matter how these betas treat women, because the only reason they would decide to associate with them in the first place is if they found them attractive.
>You aren't forced to interact with women either, faggot.
Which is why I generally do not, thanks.
>admitting that attractiveness is first and foremost
Of course it is you fucking idiot and I not once said anything to the contrary.
roastie hang yourself
The problem with you guys is that you try to argue with a women using facts. Very few women can comprehend logical thinking the same level as men do. This is why they havent accomplished anything in history. They are emotional beings so if you want to talk to them use their emotions againsts them or it wont work.
Found the onions drinker
Okay, so assertiveness is basically irrelevant then because most of these beta males are beta males entirely because they're not as attractive as chad.
Thanks for wasting my time.
You are implying every woman can get a chad.
they're only a problem if it effects you, unless you're trying to marry whores why is it a problem? it's actually good because you can get sex pretty easy now since they're all thots
Every woman can more or less get a Chad for a short period of time, and many of them are perfectly okay with sharing him
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Chad fucking you once because you're the best looking girl available at 3am doesn't mean you "got" him. I'm talking about relationships.
Relationships are more or less a means for women to extort resources out of lesser men while continuing to fuck Chad on the side. I would argue that as long as the man they're in a relationship with is not a complete uggo and is capable of providing for them, most women are perfectly fine with settling for men regardless of assertiveness.
However, with workplace discrimination no longer as much of an issue, women are pretty much able to provide for themselves financially in all but the most pathetic cases. This has pretty much created an atmosphere in which women are freely able to fuck Chad without having to feign interest in a LTR with non-Chads.
So, again, it's really more about attractiveness than anything else. Most young girls aren't even thinking in the long-term: they just want the social status and validation of having pulled in a chad. If and when they do enter LTRs it's usually either done for resources or with a Chad with a lot of social value who they're trying to lock down.
>all women cheat
Stupid incel.
All men cheat too. People cheat and monogamy is a lie enforced by men to keep women from running around being hypergamous whores.
Now I get it, you just hate humanity as a whole and are looking to argue with me for any reason. Have a good day hope you get well soon
I agree and the word you're looking for is Ad hominem.
So do you actually have an argument?
Here we go again It's without fail, really. If you have no way of intellectually engaging with the opposition, you just make the opposition look like they're somehow morally inferior to you.
>operate off the assumption that every person on the planet is a cheating scumbag
>morally superior to anything
Morality doesn't even come into it. In fact, the only reason it even came up in the first place is because, in the absence of an argument, you decided to try and rely on it.
How am I supposed to argue against such a retarded, unfounded claim of "all men and women cheat". Have you considered perhaps the problem is you, and that you actually are morally deficient?
There's plenty of evidence to prove that large portions of the population cheat when given the opportunity to do so. I'm not going to spoonfeed it to someone who hasn't brought up a single argumentative point at all.
Whore are fun every few months for the sexual middle class
I want to believe that this post is not b8
him: [comforts me]
my brain: :)
my pussy: :(
>Implying you have ever comforted a woman.
>Implying you could even manage to given the opportunity.
>implying you don't want to be comforted
Go away, gayboy.
rofl women
am woman can confirm OP image