Do you robots look to Jordan Peterson as your own father figure? I know that you guys didn't have a responsible father in your lives. The best way for a guy to become a robot/incel is by lacking father figures growing up.
Do you robots look to Jordan Peterson as your own father figure...
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Nope. My dad was a good man, very talented you could even consider him Chad.
I see this guy posted incessantly and I still haven't watched a single one of his videos
Jordan Peterson is just another retarded conservatard, pseudo-intellectual.
Yeah, I had to shut it off after three minutes. It's nonsense. Don't even bother giving him any of your time.
I liked him till the neocons hijacked him
Now hes another MILO/Ben Shapiro but with a degree
No.. jordan peterson is my black son.
>tfw zoomer raised by the internet
Watch this one first
no, i look to my father as my father figure. he has read a book by jordan peterson recently though so make of that what you will. he also makes like $350k-$400k a year so he's pretty much a chad as far as i can tell.
He seems scared. Like existentially scared. Scared of himself, of others, of society, of life.
His solution basically amounts to: conform to the space around you, mold yourself into a cog for the machine, you'll find happiness by being useful.
It's basically the biggest blue pill you could get. I understand that it's a workable solution, hell it seems like the guy is pretty fucked up and it seems to have gotten him through most of life. But lets not pretend that it isn't a capitulation of the essential human spirit to the hierarchical dominance of the capitalist machine.
What's with the lobster boy posting around here? The guy's a hack pop-psychologist that got famous because he taught some incels that you need to clean your dick and respect the state.
For a libertarian type board I would've thought Jow Forums would be against him.
I watched a few minutes of one of his vids and I could instantly tell he's full of shit. I feel sorry for anyone who falls for this scam.
The problem is he seems so coherent if you aren't paying attention. The guy is so terrified of chaos that he'd rather conform to whatever role he's shoved into and then cries about the loss of individualism at the same time.
He's just shoving mouthfuls of garbage from the trashcan of ideology down his own throat and then shitting it out on man children who're all lapping it up.
Honestly, why not become a cog, it's menial and soul crushing but you can pretend with all the other cogs that there is a point.
Or do both, my job is to literally destroy the human spirit (teacher) and remove creativity but of all the wagecucks jobs it does offer flexibility and freedom. While not working for the machine I'm shitposting and doing stuff that I find really fun that normies don't don't understand.
I like him a lot. Doesn't mean I agree with everything he has to say, or all of his opinions, but I find a lot of what he has to say valuable.
Him and Alan Watts are my two father figures.
>falls for the scam
>lecutres are free
thats a big UMM from me my nigga
Because it's a tragedy. It's like 1984 on loop. Any plaintive attempts at asserting even a modicum of private dignity is always punished swiftly and harshly by the system.
We as a society are complicit in this, and particularly Peterson. It's this schadenfreude in seeing the system strip each other of us bare, safe in the knowledge that at least the boot is stomping on all of us that's allowing a growing corporate elite to monopolise all power and mechanisms for positive change. It's fucked up yo.
I look to my dad as a father figure. sure he wasn't always around growing up because of the navy, but he's still my dad.
Also, it's not a long term solution, because our current system is already on death's door due to the very real consequences of following an economic policy which rewards limitless growth and exploitation of limited natural resources for the pursuit of private enrichment within a limited environment.
Going on a tangent, the neo-liberal revolution of the 1970s was by the most successful, by moving all the important political decisions onto the financial sector we have grown up in a world where politics is largely pointless arguments over the set-dressing of the stage where capitalism plays out. It has closed all the doors in our collective imagination that may lead to a different socio-political system being conceptualised. No one has the energy, the will or the imagination to see a different world so we trudge glumly towards oblivion while blaming one another for the problems our economic system has caused.
Finding security and self-worth as a cog in this situation is not going to be good. We are already in very unstable times. When this system fails (and it will fail, western economies cannot survive one more crash, the only economic lever they have - central bank's interest rates, are more or less still at 0 to 2%, people will start rioting at negative interest rates) these peoples mental fragility will be laid out in stark relief. In this situation, all the things that made people good cogs will work against them.
Being a cog isn't a solution at all, it's just a coping mechanism.
I support wholeheartedly other forms of social order that don't grind the human spirit into a pulp. We face interesting times ahead.