I hate the left. I think being a (white, male) leftist today makes you a soiboi, nu-male, beta, cuck. Automatically.
But I don't want to be associated with the right either. Right-wingers (capitalists, libertarians, neoliberals etc.) might be correct ideologically or whatever, but they're usually autistic, annoying, ugly virgins.
What do? How can I hold a sane position and remain respectable in today's madness?
If you reject politics on the meme bases you just enumerated, it's long time to give up on being sane and respectable
Wyatt Sullivan
you sound like those fedora athiests who are self aware and make fedora jokes you're just a self aware neckbeard kekistani
Nathan Miller
I'm just simplifying a wider social issue, obviously. Just trying to get a discussion started.
Jace Gomez
>I think being a (white, male) leftist today makes you a soiboi, nu-male, beta, cuck. Automatically. If you categorize politics in terms of memes, you're already lost. Back to your containment board.
Ryder Collins
How can I transcend this phase and see the light?
See Calm down.
Matthew Wright
You sound like kind of a meathead honestly, if you're underage I'll cut you some slack though. Go read an economics textbook.
Tyler Jenkins
Just go to Europe. Everything is left here by US standards
Bentley Anderson
>How can I transcend this phase and see the light? You hit rock bottom and then began digging down even further
It's hilarious for me to read this post since I have a bachelors in econ and finance.
Brody Adams
How do I convey sarcasm, irony, tongue-in-cheek humour and light-heartedness online? Please help.
Julian Sanders
And what conclusions has it led you to? You should just go with whatever feels right for you.
Landon Harris
Why the fuck do you even care about politics in the first place? Just ignore it concentrate on something productive. It's not worth getting assmad over when you'll never make a difference in it anyway.
Ryder Thompson
I know where I stand economically, but that's my problem. I've focused on statistics, rather than the cultural, social, and psychological aspects of political systems.
Eli Turner
I bet you're a follower of the austrian school going by your posting style.
Landon Davis
I'm not assmad. It's just nice having some clarity on important issues - I don't see how you don't consider politics (which affects us all) not a productive thing.
Julian Smith
This is a common problem, you know the theory but not the substance. You lack critical thinking by the sound of it. I'd say read a sociology or history book instead but you might write it off for not being based in fact, in which case I can only say pick which ever side you feel is less "cringe" or whatever terms you think in.
Aaron Gutierrez
I was at one point, after I indoctrinated myself by reading Hayek, Mises, Friedman, Sowell and the rest of the crew, then I slowly moved to more moderate views (still considered "libertarian" by your average voter, but nowhere near as extreme as Austrian school).
Noah Price
So which conclusions have you come to and do you know of any particularly edifying texts?
Chase Johnson
It's not a productive pursuit if you don't actively participate in it on a regular basis, and if you do, you wouldn't be asking advice on it on Jow Forums. Voting whenever there's an election doesn't count as it hardly even matters and only retards believe that they can make a difference in politics by debating members of the opposite side.
Ryan Kelly
I'd say read Kapital if you haven't already from start to finish. Do it critically even if you think it's cucked since it's important to know the line of thinking presented. Same for Durkheim, Weber, Sartre. You've read Hayek and Friedman already so you have a good alternative foundation upon which to base your opposition.
If you value right-wing economics you should take individual responsibility for as much as you can, and strive for mastery over that which is within your capacity for it.
To me it sounds like you stand on the precipice of becoming an identity politics ideologue since your hatred of the left seems to come from the fact they are cucked rather than economically misguided, which is contrary to pretty much every informed economical standpoint.
Adrian Wilson
I'm not saying any individual is going to change the world by reading politics, but I think there's a strong compound effect an informed voter can have. Example: you read about politics (theory, history, parties, leaders) and talk to your friends, colleagues, family etc. who are ignorant of any of that stuff, and because you're seen as a bit of an "expert", they will consider your opinions. Now combine all the "informed voters" and the effect they have on their social network - what happens is that a small minority of educated people have a strong influence on the rest of us.
Caleb Butler
Thanks. This gives me something to think about. I didn't expect much of this thread, was just drunk shit posting.
Isaiah Diaz
/leftypol/, comrade. /leftypol/.
No identity politics (that includes white supremacy), no shitty Boomer-tier Porky apologetics, just class war. Class war and anti-capitalist theory.
>comrade I was an anti-revisionist before it was cool. Get your shit together your larping autists, Maoist Rebel News can't die quick enough.
Andrew Ortiz
Even if you don't see it this way, politics affect literally everything you do. Everything has a political connection at some level, so it's your responsibility to be aware of the current political climate and how it mhht affect you.
Logan Wood
>bunch of threads about defending feminism and random nigger countries leftypol will never get anywhere unless it connects to the same low income male population that right has managed under trump.
Why not be centrist and hold ideals you agree with
I'm glad Trump passed the forever g.i bill and advocate for the 2nd Amendment but am pro abortion and legalization of marijuana
Adam Thomas
That's not being a centrist really. That's picking and choosing sides depending on the issue, which is fine sometimes, but other times you end contracting yourself like you can't be both pro-welfare state and want low taxes.
Anthony Butler
Who gives a shit about you OP or your banal psychodrama.
Jose Sanders
Everything happens because of the underlying physics that govern the way our universe works, but that doesn't necessarily mean I need to know QFT or GR to be able to take a shit.
Camden Gray
doesn't even matter. most people just pick a side like they are picking a football team or videogame franchise wars their influence is non-existant and the reason they pick it is just to circlejerk with likeminded individuals. autistically screeching in Jow Forums, twitter or facebook changes nothing
Tyler Hernandez
Lol I really like this argument. Unironically well done. But still, you could apply it to almost anything and make life just about being productive in a financial or industrial sense. What about just learning for pleasure? To understand the world?
Brandon Perry
It reaches out to that particular segment of the population constantly. It's just that it's too easily bought off with white identity politics the likes Trump and his ilk sell with anti-brown/black rhetoric.
You know what they say, "The greatest trick the Reoublican party ever played was convincing poor whites that they're the same as the 1%".
Ethan Reyes
>What about just learning for pleasure? To understand the world? Sure. Knock yourself out if that's your thing. Nothing wrong with being interested in learning how something works.
Sebastian Foster
>falling for the american left-right dichotomy meme
It would be even more moronic to support mass-immigration and feminism as a low income male. Both work against me because they drive wages down and price of pussy up. The amount of bullshit and ideology you see on leftypol just makes it unbearable to support. Both parties have lost their senses long ago and the only hope I have that Trump would divide us even further so we'd maybe get civil war or a new system one day.
I agree, in which case a more definitive opinion should be held but being under one political party seems to be difficult to have ideals that coinside 100% of time
Logan Wright
You can if you're for high tariffs and if you cut out almost all of the global military budget and all of the budget used on non citizens. Also stop the war on drugs. Then you can have the same level of taxes and afford more welfare.
Isaiah Cox
Why do you have to pick a "side" I don't identify as anything
Oh, the man who couldn't name a SINGLE FOREIGN LEADER? Seems the sanest choice.
Easton Garcia
I'm in a similar boat. I simply hate women, and the left and numales enable and empower women so I hate them by extension. But I don't give a fuck about the right or their views.
Jaxson Hernandez
I feel like OP is on to something. Just like how I can't subscribe to a single religion political science leaves me unable to pick left or right. I'd make my own party, but wtf am I and the other third parties going to do against super PACs and foreign countries funding the Red & Blue? Guess I'll just stay in my lane.
>I can't identify with a group because they're ugly and weird Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? Just think for yourself and don't start with telling everyone what group you belong to.