Listen, Jow Forums must promote Reylo fanfiction. Why...

Listen, Jow Forums must promote Reylo fanfiction. Why? Because Disney is trying to push the Blacked narrative on children by preparing us for a Rey and Finn coupling thanks to remake Jew JJ Abrams.

Our only hope is to get Kathleen Kennedy herself to fiendishly masturbate to the idea of Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley having force user fornication before July. Who's with me? Stop the racemixing agenda in these shitty movies!

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Isn't Finn fucking the worst character in the history of Star Wars?

there's more problems with those movies than the possibility of the shitty lead getting blacked

Bumpy bump

You guys won't believe me, but my mom was friends with Reylo's dad... Doug Driver! :D

It's true... on top of all the interracial shit that the kikes are trying to push on us and our kids - they're also pushing Corporatist Neo-Marxism through Star Wars.

Attached: reylo.jpg (540x765, 53K)

Really Adam Driver was in the military and is a decent actor... it would be sad if he's just a tool for the Jews.

>must promote
the new SW movies are shit (the ones without these two fucks sucked less i suppose), how about just not giving a fuck and not going to see it instead?

And the director of this shit is going to direct episodes 10, 11 and 12.

Or just abandon the movie series entirely and show that the emperor has no clothes.

We're not here to take part Disney. We're here to take over.

Children don't give a shit about stars wars.

I was just a kid, but supposedly his dad is hysterical, meaning really funny guy! :D

fuckin weeb

Even if you don't see it... Disney is so widespread in every country - in Japan almost everyone loves Disney theme parks, Disney/Marvel movies, and other properties owned by them. It's similar to how alcohol conglomerates shut out craft whiskies on the shelf. Your kids WILL talk about it at school because all of their friends are bombarded with advertising seasonally and own/wear merchandise. But Disney HATES being politically sensitive because they'll lose money. If we can get the greed to top the interracial political agenda... then that's success...

Oh and both children and man-children alike are obsessed with Star Wars and Marvel... the McDonalds of the creative arts.

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Yes more of this

You mean anti-Marxist libertarian who has no interest in anime whatsoever. I'm more into uyoku dantai than shitty anime. Oh and Japanese music sucks and the women aren't very good in bed. The food, electronics, and scenery are alright.

Ah Netherlands, cucked leftie/hippie home of the Bilderberg Group. Your country has been the Jews' bitch for decades now.

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I'd like to see them try doing that, since it would upset a large chunk of female viewers and possibly be another nail in the coffin. They love Kylo and self-inserting as Rey too much for that to be a good idea. It's like the Jack Sparrow shit all over again.

heil hitler

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They tried really hard to push the blacked meme and btfoed themselves throwing a nazi bad boy.

Every girl love the idea of being in love with a fascist.

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>Adam Driver

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I like this idea, how do we put it in action?

so what is his ethnicity

whenever you see anything related to kathleen kennedy anywhere, beg for reylo to be real... for kylo and rey to fuck each other hard for the sake of purity

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His father has English, German, Scottish, Irish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, distant Welsh, and remote Swedish, ancestry. His mother has English, 1/4 Dutch, and some German and Irish, ancestry.

How is this not white

Attached: tumblr_org8w85aZx1qcd8syo1_1280.jpg (1280x904, 236K)

he looks like a shitalian, maybe crossbred with a jew
nothing White, there

just look at it, ffs
it screams not White

Whatever, better that than Friendly Negro 2187

that there's always worse doesn't mean much

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Finn is a great character. The problem is the setting and the writing around him is terrible.

by their definition half of Africa is white

Reylo are brother sister, pervert.

Finn is shit.
The actor is shit. He looks like an ape. He's going to be the lead in the new Pacific Rim movie as well.

She's full British, with like 5% German ancestry. Basically Anglo-German. How is that not white?

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If you had to choose, would you

A: bang your sister

B: bang a black woman

What would Jow Forums do?

He could have been a great character, but they made him a dumb ass. He could have been like a Lando or a Mace Windu. Yet he turned into this generations new Jar Jar Binks.

talking about "he", you bloody nipple

Agreed. Having the nigger impregnate Daisy’s Ridley is the Jew end goal. Race mixing degenerates


He looks like he'd get lost going to the fucking bathroom. Or be unable to open a door. How the fuck was he a storm trooper?

arent they already going that way though , they put the nigger together with the ugly chink

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>he thinks Disney has a plan behind their new movies
They have absolutely no fucking clue how to steer these movies after Johnson fucked them over by creating the worst entry in the saga by far and shitting on everything established by Jew Jew Abrams effectively wasting at least two hours of screentime by making so much foreshadowed plot amount to nothing in the name of subversion.

At the very least you can rest assured that there's no major Finn content in Episode 9. 8 already relegated him to side-character status since his toys didn't sell and China hated him. Episode 9 will probably be a desperate dash to assemble and then conclusively knock down something halfway definitive within 2 hours. They practically have to start again since the plot has gone nowhere in 2 movies. Darth Goldfinger is dead, the Knights of Ren don't exist, the Resistance is still just the not-rebels and the First Order are the Not-Empire. We're pretty much back to A New Hope AGAIN after 8. They've reset the galactic stakes twice. It's hard to believe how hard Disney have FUCKED Star Wars over. You'd think it's fucking difficult to appease one of the most loyal and content-hungry fanbases on the planet but they just had to throw the worst thing possible next to literal shit in their mouths. Plenty of stupid fucks are still hanging on but the goodwill they've lost is mindblowing.

It's such a fascinating mess. The happenings surrounding these films are amazing fun. Shame the movies are such dogshit.

only a leaf deals in absolutes

Rose is

>implying I'm not black
>implying I haven't already fucked my sister
>implying there is bad choice

>push the Blacked narrative on children
Nothing surprises me anymore

This is a very difficult one to answer

>implying there's a choice for merrymutts

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The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi are horrible shit movies. No coherent story lines, shitty characters, zero attempt at portraying a realistic view of people with force capabilities. Just bad bad bad movies.

Star wars is dead.

Could have kept all the books as canon, and had a lifetime of enjoyable movies now disney fucked up worse than lucas and we are stuck with dog shig writing by people who simply do not know what they are doing.

Disney went for enjewment over enjoyment.


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Who gives a fuck nigga jeez you Jow Forumstards r gay and dumb af

i suppose that we shouldn't be angry at racemixing before the singularity

btw banter sucks

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