>work in hr
>applicant has a 2 month gap
Into the trash it goes
Work in hr
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I unironically work in hr and for the last 3 months have been binning anyone without an anglo last name.
You know its a 'female' job, right? Its the same as being a male secretary, nobody takes you seriously.
that's the reason many people change their last name to a more anglo one.
I'm at almost a year, so I can't even get mad at this anymore.
tfw 10 years of no work
The only Male HR guy at my last job was amazing and everybody loved him. He actually know everyone's names and would routinely walk around the facility asking people if they needed anything
>being a fucking Toby
I have been binning all resumes that I even think are black people.
blessed posts uwu
Sounds like a soikid
>get 1200 a month in disability
>also make 16 an hour doing tree service work and getting paid in cash
imagine having a white collar job lmao
Imagine lying about being disabled
He was like 5'6 and really skinny but he had a really deep voice and I thought he was a huge like 6'4 redneck on the phone. He didn't let the company push him around or anything he told em to fuck off and took a better paying job closer to his family.
borderline personality disorder, autism spectrum disorder, avoidant personality disorder, binge eating disorder, bulimia, and also anxiety disorder all diagnosed
who knew being fucked up could pay so well
If you can make money at a job you aren't disabled enough to deserve disability payments. Your landscaping gig is probably under the table because you're a dirty leech and a rat
how easy is it to get that shit diagnosed? will a doctor just write it up for you if you go in and say you think you have it?
sounds like he probably fucked all his coworkers
who are they going to report him to, hr?
>If you can make money at a job you aren't disabled enough to deserve disability payments
wrong, that's not how it works. plenty of people with disabilities are allowed to work, you just aren't allowed to make more than a certain amount monthly.
>Your landscaping gig is probably under the table because you're a dirty leech and a rat
i'm disabled by the governments own decree, i'm just smart and ambitious enough to take an opportunity when i see one. you could probably learn a few things from me if you weren't a moralistic cuck
i went in with several sheets of paper with all of my symptoms listed, and what disorders i thought i had based on the symptoms and they diagnosed me based off of that
Learn how to be a rat AND a leech? No thanks, too tall an order for me.
Based & Redpilled
God's work, Brother.
you're awfully salty user
being "a rat and a leech" as you so eloquently put it, puts money in my pockets, and tendies on my plate.
i don't expect neurotypicals to understand though, why are you even here?
Neurotypicals are narcissistic and only care about themselves, even at the expense of others. True assburgers such as myself hold themselves to a higher code than your sort.
>True assburgers such as myself hold themselves to a higher code than your sort.
nice delusions bro, plenty of aspies have been mass murderers
>work in hr
>applicant is applying for hr
into the trash it goes
this is my 2nd non-consecutive year without a job and i flew past the 1 year 1 month mark without even blinking
i have a literal physical disability (hemiparesis, video related is an example) and literally can't lift more than 40 pounds, but i got denied disability. that was like 7 years ago now. since then i developed diagnosable ocd (but can't be diagnosed because i'm a poorfag)
what can i do to get disability? i heard from some sources that I may need a lawyer
In their mind it probably made sense why they did what they were doing. You do what you do purely out of greed.
assuming you're not just shitposting, how hard was it to get into hr? did you need an actual degree for it or what
>but i got denied disability.
even the most compelling cases get denied the first time, you need to appeal it and get a lawyer and as time goes on more and more evidence will build up in your favor.
also, it's possible you're owed 7 years of backpay from the government that you'll get once you get approved
>having no connections
You try-hard faggots who send out hundreds of applications are pathetic and don't know how companies hire people.
Protip: Taking in applications from the outsides after announcing it on the web/newspaper is the last option for a company.
>In their mind it probably made sense why they did what they were doing.
lol this guy, will literally defend mass murder but if someone gets more money than you think they deserve you think they're beneath you.
stay salty and retarded
>made up diseases
uh huh
I applied for disability almost a year ago now and still haven't even been denied the first time, as I expect to happen, to begin the appeals process.
How the fuck do people spend several years of their life unemployed and doing absolutely nothing, and not feel bad that their life choices are making their mental illness worse? I finally applied to university because I'd rather be a schoolcuck than a NEET and my neetbux will take YEARS to ever get
Based. Have you got any advice for struggling NEETs?
I'm redoing my CV tonight.
You aren't just getting more money. You are getting money from the government (whose money comes from it's people) on the grounds that you are DISABLED, unfit to provide for yourself. Then you go and get a job where you don't even have to put money back in to the system you leech from.
>neurotypicals thinking they know anything about mental health
gets me every time
and you actually think this is WORSE than someone killing a bunch of people
I have half the shit in your list and I can function just fine.
No that was a joke. But I do think you're pretty shitty.
I only hire ugly girls and Chads.
>everyone with mental issues suffers to the same degree
idiot doesn't understand work history and social security payment history are required for SSDI
Either this neet has worked enough in the past that this is literally his money he's getting, or he's only getting like $700 a month (or less depending on his living situation) through SSI.
I'd rather be up-in-arms about poor governmental spending than a NEET getting $700 a month if I actually had some sort of qualm with ~wasting the governments money~ but feel free to keep riding that rage wagon, cuck.
i'm not going to lose sleep over what some stranger on the internet thinks, especially now that i have a king sized memory foam mattress with satin sheets.
Why don't you actually read the thread before you post moron
be glad you don't have the other half then Failed Normie.
here, iwould loved to just go back to school and get my masters or phd in something. i paint so i could coast pretty hard for an art degree, but the problem is, aside from being an extreme poorfag, due to my disability, i can't drive -- and i live in texas, so getting around is super fun
The other half are your idiotic "eating disorders" affecting mostly room temperature IQ teenage girls so I don't care.
>i don't care but here i am being salty anyway
>expecting a rat leech mentally ill retard to have reading comprehension
4 year degree in hr and 2 years experience
>being so buttblasted you start shitting buzzwords
damn man, maybe you should apply for disability, you seem to have more mental issues than
I do care about pointing out that you can still function despite all your therapist memes because you have another job.
If you haven't figured this out yourself maybe you should add "down syndrome" to that list of yours.
tree service is brainlet tier work, im sure even you could do it if you tried.
grocery store clerk? mcdonalds? office work?
nope, cant do it, too stressful on my anxiety ridden aspie brain, cant even make eye contact with people
its really not that hard to figure out
anyways, g2g! good luck with all that impotent rage
>hurr all blacks are lazy welfare leeches who don't want to work
>durr let's keep the blacks who want to work out of the workforce
>Have you got any advice for struggling NEETs?
Lie, keep applying, find temp work
They can find something else with affirmative action.
And most also just do it due to requirements of the law.
Meanwhile in reality the job was already given away in an internal process.
>tfw unemployed HR grad with large employment gap
why did you come back to reply to your post from half an hour ago?
also, have you never worked somewhere that hired externally instead of promoting internally?
happens more often than you'd apparently think
There are legit jobs in the trades fyi
>tfw 26 years of no work
how large of a gap? how much student debt do you have?
I know everything from my sister, who has been in the big famous German companies.
They all promote it internally first, and as I said hiring externally is the last option for the company.
Having connections is a legit thing.
My sister has never really run through the moronic application process.
do you guys have rich parents? what are your guys' plans?
0 student debt because rich parents but 0 luck getting a job because I have no connections or networking ability. I haven't worked since May, feels bad man
>reddit spacing
you're almost as bad as the russians on steam
You must truly know a lot about the workplace from the piecemeal amounts of information your sister gives you about her experience in the workplace.
Anyway, good luck shitting up threads where people discuss anything related to the idea of working because you have second-hand anecdotal information from your sister! Samefag away, friend!
damn that sucks. at least no debt and you dont have to worry about finances though.. i'm guessing youre ~21-22 as well, so you should be fine for a bit my dude
>tfw almost 24
Yeah, believe whatever you want user, like the ones who have no connections and have to send out hundreds of applications.
Enjoy your effort for nothing.
I receive autism bux.
I could die tomorrow, why would I plan anything for the future?
>have you got any advice for struggling NEETs?
Don't be a nigger
i still think youll be fine, my man. you have a degree, and you have rich parents who probably have connections. i didn't get my first job until 24 and had no degree. now i work for a startup (found the job posting on craigslist) with some woman and an mba from wharton and who was the vp of some medical equipment manufacturer. funniest thing is she hired me because my shit garbage resume --with like three jobs -- looked professional and aesthetic
>with some woman that received an mba from wharton
had to fix that
I have a 2 year gap. but when i decide to get a job I will just lie and make something up. what you gonna do about it mr hr man
Find a temp agency and be honest about your lack of work XP. They will get you something, it will just be bottom of the barrel type work. You're going to have to just deal with it for awhile, its your fault you have no useful degree or skills or work xp.
>hundreds of applications
If your sister doesn't have to do this, because she has "connections", and you've never worked, you don't even have anecdotal evidence to support this though.
>efforts for nothing
Not all of us are unhirable retards, my effort very literally gets me a job and makes me money. Your effort goes towards telling your fellow robots that ~the workplace~, something you've never participated in, is undesirable so that you can continue your life unemployed under the delusion that it's a truly better life. Feelsbad.
>what you gonna do about it mr hr man
Ask questions and have you making an ass of yourself?
You could ALWAYS work in a warehouse. $9 - $11/hr, maybe $13 if you get on the forklift. They will literally hire anyone that can show up not fucked up on drugs or drunk. Get ready to work you ass off though.
Nope I have a plan for this already. I am going to look through businesses that have recently closed down then I will look for the easiest one that I can bullshit I worked for. for example if a local butchers or grocers shut down, that will be easy " I used to stack shelves, occasionally I would serve customers if we were busy, blah blah blah"
ill also take some xanax so i'll be chill
The fact that she is hired just like that and reading you faggots crying how you apply and apply and don't get even interviewed is confirmation enough.
>Not all of us are unhirable retards, my effort very literally gets me a job and makes me money.
Yes, McDonalds tier money, good for you.
Great idea to go to an interview xannied out
you don't have to abuse xanax for it to calm your nerves. 1mg is plenty to take the edge off.
Welcome to Jow Forumsthink, user! Please truncate your IQ if it is over two s.f.
look up phenibut. it's a legal, non-precription pro-social drug that is similar to benzos. people like using it for stuff like interviews
iv tried phenibut. it's okay but it doesn't have shit on xanax.
Irish are Anglo right?
>be me hispanic
>have hispanic last name
>put in 700 applications
>nobody calls back
>6 years without work
>put my name down as Allison White
>put in about 30 applications
>get 5 interviews first week of trying
>will probably have a job sometime this week
>will show up as a crossdressed tranny
Ha I win this time jews.