how does it feel knowing that many of the asian cuties you're obsessed with actually turn into the grinch once they take the makeup off, just like white women?
How does it feel knowing that many of the asian cuties you're obsessed with actually turn into the grinch once they...
Left looks much better. Fuck the ((((makeup industry)))).
She's not my type on either side.
What is even your point? I'm obsessed with qt asian girls, ugly goblins exist within all races.
I feel sorry for you, I really do.
I feel like this is not the makeup effect
i never said ALL asian women are ugly without makeup. i said that a lot of them are. my point still stands.
holy shit hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah weew
still ugly on both sides. not even a cute one.
Most women are ugly without makeup, including chink women. If women looked fine without it most of them wouldn't be so terrorized at the thought of leaving the house without it on.
>Koreans =/= all Asians
Try again roastie
Natural brown asian women are literal goddess tier. White women can't compete mentally or physically.
Right doesn't look better, just fake. Left is a solid 4, maybe 5 on a good day.
i think left would be qt if she fixed her hair and got some of those circular glasses gooks seem to love
How does it feel to know that most Asian girls look better without makeup than white bitches with caked on makeup, and they aren't moneygrubbing whores like you project?
t. have actually gone to many cities in East and Southeast Asia, and not for sex tourism
Chinese girls are the most attractive out of all of Asia.
We don't like makeup wearing roasties. Most of the cuties you see posted are wearing little makeup unless they're cosplaying of course.
Why are you so butthurt, roastie?
>not for sex tourism guys
>i just wanted to see the many historical monuments the Philippines has to offer
I've never been to the Philippines. You're probably too much of a pussy to travel.
Humans are really easy to deceive, they literally want to be deceived.
i want to punch them in the face with a frying pan
Their faces are already flat, doubt you could do much more damage to it, noob.
now i want to punch your face with a frying pan as well
fuck off 2009igger
What's wrong with left? She still looks very beautiful. God what I would do to spend a day with that cutie.
Not gonna get me, cause my nose wouldn't like it, Whitoid.
i aint got no type
bad bitches is the only thang that i like. u aint got no life
Idk i like the shape of their eyes and how their faces are flat and round. Although I'm aware others don't find those features attractive. Question is, why do you faggots care about what others are attracted to? Does it matter? Beauty is subjective anyways so its not like you're gonna convince anyone. Just enjoy what you wanna enjoy and chill lol
show me those nipples now