>tfw you realize this place is unironically intoxicating your brain
I finally went outside again after a few months and I can't stop classifying people as normalfags and hating how promiscuous everyone is. How do I blue pill myself to normality again now?
Tfw you realize this place is unironically intoxicating your brain
Other urls found in this thread:
>How do I blue pill myself to normality again now?
You're here forever.
stay with us op we missed you
no homo
>Opening your third eye
>"""Intoxicating""" your brain
Leave here and never come back, go outside even more, get to know people. A lot of them aren't as they seem. Robots would be promiscuous as well, if they could.
>wanting to be normal
this. you finally realized that this world is full of shit. R9k didnt fuck you up, it opened your eyes to see the world how it truly is.
at least for me this is true
R9k DOES fuck you up user don't fall for the shitty blackpill meme. You just have you just have to learn to recognize when someone here is completely out-of-touch with reality and be able to say "hey, that's bullshit." Promiscuity is gross and you shouldn't fall for that either though. Just don't fall deeper for r9k memes or else you'll end up with extreme anxiety and you'll get insecure about every little feature of yourself
At least you're smart enough to see that in yourself, most people get swallowed by the darkness and think they've become enlightened.
This; it's somewhat truthful, but not to the extent that most people here will say. You'll eventually polarize yourself adopting this board's views, and that's a very hard hole to dig yourself out of. Just go outside more, but stay aware about promiscuity and slight female hypergamy. Also, look out for yourself. Many people in this world will try to use you once they see your abilities (if you have any), but don't give them the chance. On first impression, everyone is a threat. You have to spend time around them to see if they are who they project themselves as (which most people aren't, but that's not always a bad thing). Just stay observant and cognizant of your surroundings.
>not thinking that way before you came here
You and those like you don't belong here.
If anything this place shuts your third eye down tight and instead makes you observe the world through artificial boundaries that don't really exist
You didn't either, you just convinced yourself you did.
Run, run away as fast as you can
You put it in better wording than I could've thank yee user
congrats you have been FUCKED by Jow Forums psyops and are now mentally ill
>red pill
no, this place is normie as fuck
snapchat shit all the time
>that trip
hope you kill yourself soon you stupid faggot
I disagree, I watch alot of normie dating channels and they basically say same shit that r9k does except they focus on solutions. The r9k mindset is like a condom for your life, it might be too much protection, but you shouldn't be focused on pussy anyway.
You need to understand the type of people on here. You assume that people on here are just like you and that most people here are here because of social autism and anxiey or whatever. The truth, is most people here are here because they are just shit. That's it. There is not much more to it. The problem isn't that people victimize them or treat them unjustly, the problem is that people see them for what they are and treat them accordingly. The majority of people here can have their personality summed up as basically being an asshole who literally cares about nothing but his own wants, essentially sociopaths but without their abilities and only their shitty personality. Not everyone here is like that, but most of them are. Some people here are still good peoole who just got fucked over by life, but most people here deserve everything that happens to them
t. Social outcast virgin
Be good looking.
Go to the gym.
Admire the beuty of hot women.
Learn to be funny through being with others and watching funny media.
Jogg to get good condition.
Work to make money.
Consume some drugs.
Recognize nihilism and strive for beauty.
>consume some drug
the reason i came to r9k is that i didn't like normies to begin with
Become libertarian and you stop caring about other people's life choices.
>The truth, is most people here are here because they are just shit. That's it. There is not much more to it. The problem isn't that people victimize them or treat them unjustly, the problem is that people see them for what they are and treat them accordingly.
This tbqh
this user is correct tho
Oh I wish a normie would explain what toxic actually means
>Oh I wish a normie would explain what toxic actually means
The truth is what's toxic to them.
>REEEE R*DDITs in the distance
>Try to bluepill myself by not going on shitty websites
>Go out to bars and meet people and try to make friends
>Don't make any friends
>end up becoming such a toxic person I lose my gf and my job and my gaming friends
>Constantly rage at everyone, say really mean things all the time.
>tfw when r9k is actually better than who you are deep down.