Tfw no self-harm fembot gf

>tfw no self-harm fembot gf
Life is truly suffering ;_;

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Damn those are even deeper than mine. They're seriously going to need antibiotics for those things.

post yours pls they sound cute

How do you guys tolerate the pain?

jesus christ. i wouldn't mind a gf who self-harmed in the past, but dealing with THAT sounds fucking horrible

Can you tell me guys how to beat down the fear of pain so I can kill myself without one some day?

I met a girl on a different chan who started to cut my name into her arm while self harming. It makes me feel like atleast one person likes me now.

She probably does that for all the guys to be fair.

They're clingy and full of problems
She'll end up suiciding and police will look very closely into you to see if you had anything to do with it

>how to beat down the fear of pain
It doesn't hurt that bad. 80% of the perceived pain if the anticipation. The only thing I dislike about cutting is that the flesh comes loose in chunks instead of smoothly and it feels less satisfying.

If you get sexually aroused for seeing someone physically weaker than you, being cut like that, you deserve to die. Rather through being sliced to death. You should want to protect and take care of people who are weaker than you, not seeing them being cut to half dead.

Besides I do not believe that image is real. Having that many cuts you will die for it.

Also everyone calling me a normie for this, deserves to die, for being completely brainless.

I saw most of her body and scars and couldn't find any other names because I thought the same. We also vc for 12 hours plus each day, so I don't think there is anyone else.

Besides I think most self-cutters are annoying idiots. As they are doing it for AT-TEN-TION, to appear EDGY and DANGEROUS. Stupid motherfuckers should start doing something useful.

damn i wish gemb/opal lived even remotely close to me i would fug and discard

Self-harm is just attention whoring.

If you want to kill yourself slowly, do it properly with drugs.

Eew that shits gonna get infected bad

imagine being this desperate for attention, that you slash your arm like OP's pic. yikes.

>If you want to kill yourself slowly, do it properly with drugs.
Do people say they cut to do this? Never heard that. It just feels nice.

>They're seriously going to need antibiotics for those things.
I think doctors should REFUSE to give any antibiotics to these idiots, at least if they are poor and can't fully pay for them on their own. It's fucking idiotic to cut yourself to half dead and then expect other people to pay for the cure. I mean, it was YOU who cut yourself, fucking pay the cure yourself. Pretty much the same as with anal sex or SM. If you fucking agreed to be fucked in the asshole so that you get rectal prolapse or being beaten up so that you get a broken bone, do not expect OTHER PEOPLE to pay for the treatment.

>tfw r9k is now a place for edgy teens
This is the most retarded shit ever, if you are this edgy you should just inhale some gas and finish this shit quietly

Sage and fuck off, underage

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i don't think your buzzword applies in this case

Would you not treat lung cancer for smokers? Would you not treat heart attacks for people who didn't eat healthy? Would you not treat someone who got beaten by their spouse?

>actively telling people to commit suicide
>calling other people edgy

why do redditors get so flustered in self-harm threads

I will take a picture to show my edginess to unknown people on the internet

If you are OP, I really hope a car drive over you or you drown to your death so that we will have less retards on this planet

What's the reason behind cutting his arm retard?

If he wants suicide he should just go for it, instead of this ruining his body

>I don't like what he says he talks like my parents he must be form reddit

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You're fucking retarded my dude.

>mindy called me fat
>better start cutting my wrists

emos are so stupid

Is that like a self-cleaning oven?

You're fucking cringy, kid

>What's the reason behind cutting his arm retard?
People do that shit for different reasons.
>If he wants suicide he should just go for it, instead of this ruining his body
It's not even close to suicide. I don't understand how cou can conflate the two.

That is fucking disgusting. Sad what people do for attention.

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i bet you came here after the election

>People do that shit for different reasons
You sound like some tumblr teenager
>Jow Forums is Jow Forums
This is how you know a newfag

Trying to find some EXCUSES for retards to demand other people pay for themselves. Even an idiot gets it that SMOKING or EATING UNHEALTHY FOOD IS DIFFERENT from CUTTING yourself. People who smoke, do not necessarily know what length of smoking will damage their lugns the way they need treatment. Similarly, people who eat unhealthy food do not exactly know what amount of food causes heart problems. Also, either of these do not necessarily cause illnesses. There are smokers who never get cancer and obese people who never get heart problems. BUT, IF YOU CUT YOURSELF THE WAY AS IN OP'S IMAGE, YOU FUCKING SURE HELL KNOW YOU NEED ANTIBIOTICS UNLESS YOU WANNA DIE. The same way you know you need some surgery if you let someone drive over your leg.

And what has being beaten up by your spouse have to do with anything? You can not say, in most cases, that your spouse is going to beat you. Usually, it comes out of the blue for the first time. And even if you could tell, it is not YOU who is beating yourself up.

are you new to 'the chans, kid?
you should probably lurk moar or head back to your Jow Forumslution poster containment board.

I don't even lurk in that cancerous board

I'm just pointing out many injuries people are responsible for (obviously to different degrees). The healthcare system breaks down when you make too many exceptions.

this has to be like some satire of 15posters or something right

can someone PLEASE tell me how to cut that deep

you use a knife i guess?

Cut over the same place over and over again.

It would just be building up scar tissue and be extremely hard to cut through

No I mean at the same time. Slashing that deep in one go is difficult, especially if you aren't completely fucking insane. Just go over once to break the skin, wipe the blood off, then cut over that mark again and again until it's really deep.

It is indeed, specially when you wanna dump her and she threats to cut herself again

if you ever get in the position of dumping a girl i envy you

i guess im completely fucking insane cuz ive cut a huge ass gash in my arm just full strength slice. arm went numb and i intended to just let myself bleed out but i got scared when my arm went numb and called 911 then got put in a mental hospital for 2 weeks

If you did that sober then probably yeah. If you're severing all the nerves and bleeding out a limb for the sake of it you're probably off the hinges. If you got worried and regretted it it was probably more impulsiveness than insanity though. I saw a schizo guy who fully stabbed his arm with a plastic fork and forgot about it.

Doing it in one go is easier

You think so? It's probably different when you have a sharp knife. I've used a steak knife for a long time now.

Oh with a steak knife it would probably be different.

kill yourself already noone cares

she only wants to fuck guys who are paunchy to morbidly obese and semi-retarded

I think her current or ex boyfriend was a 30 year old NEET khv with a horrible stuttering problem

don't assume self-harm = suicidal

No it just makes you a broken and sad person.
People who encourage self harm deserve to be gassed and people who commit self harm should be locked up until cured and treated as what they are
Mentally ill.

>People who encourage self harm deserve to be gassed
What if they just want to monitor their self harm and make sure it doesn't kill them

my gf has small scars on her thighs but that was from years ago. she's over her edgy phase and she has me now. i'm so proud of her i love you boo.

jk i don't have a gf l0l

dont play wit my emotions like this

i wish i didnt start cutting.
I always have to wear a longsleeve shirt nowdays because my arm is so severly damaged

if you're female it is attractive

Pfft cut across the tracks not down them thats a fucking BS pussy mistake.

Seriously I don't understand how u think people with serious mental health disorders is cute and would be fun to be around.

Imagine a female clone of yourself with even more autism. sound fun?