I dream of a feminist utopia. a female only society. males exist, but only in the shadows...

i dream of a feminist utopia. a female only society. males exist, but only in the shadows. males are separated from their mothers at birth and raised to be slaves. the bottom 99.9% of males will be castrated and forced to labor in massive underground factories. they will die without ever seeing a female or even know that that females exist. only the top 0.1% of chad males will be used as breeding bulls.

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Women will just end up fighting over how much breeding time they get with chad.

That sounds like shit, you're a cuck. If you're a woman you're evil.
Also how would you know who the 0.1% of chad males are when they're babies? That' not possible

0/10, obvious incel making a shitty attempt at impersonating a feminist. Do better next time.

Grug easy on the sipps.

>"they will die without seeing a female or knowing one exists."

Oh so it's not that bad

How is that a feminist utopia if children are taken from their mothers because they're boys? You hate mothers and women you dirty incel

You're lucky this board is so active

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These types of societies can never work. Non-alpha males will get too violent and uppity; there also needs to be a class of men which basically operate society. This class is a class of it's own, penetrating all other human boundaries.
Women have a hard time admitting it, but the way western society is now and has been for the past however many decades is perfect fir them. Men have never, ever done so much for women at any other point in human history, and women get to take advantage of male nature at every opportunity, and men are more than happy to let them do it.

tfw males Chanel all of their creative energy into productive activities instead of chasing sex and overthrow the feminist overlords creating an all male utopia
Peace peace peace upon man kind forever!

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Why did you take the excerpt from Elliot's manifesto amd twist it the other way around? Either way, good beito user.

No more brotha. No more perversions of the feet!

well it is already happening, so your dream came true.

Interesting hypothetical but this will never happen

In my utopia the sub9 males would not only be working in mines but they would also serve as toilets for their female owners.

Why are you cucks always writing feminist utopias that are cucked, rather than realistic?
You know an actual feminist utopia wouldnt have males at all, whatsoever. It's not going to be some cuck fantasy of strong manly men dominating women and ugly men as slaves. That's a fucking cucked ugly male fantasy, not a female fantasy.
A true feminist utopia has no males at all and women reproduce with artificial sperm. Stop baiting as cucks because it's obvious you're men.

I'm like 99% sure this is autism tier bait but i'll indulge and tell you why this is totally retarded
>the top 0.1% of chad males will be used as breeding bulls
Do you realise how quickly the gene pool would become diluted? everyoneone would be everyone's half cousin and in a few generations it would be full on incest, you fucking moron
>99.9% of males will be castrated and forced to labor in massive underground factories
this is fucking stupid for a few reasons. firstly, getting fresh air down there would be a fucking nightmare, aswell as pumping out other gasses. If they're underground they would quickly develop a vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sunlight, which could only be remedied by an extremely elaborate injection system or similar
also, the mere implication that this would work at all and the men wouldnt start and uprising to take back some sembalence of power almost immediately
stupid retard tier bait

You are delusional.

Do you really think a feminist utopia would include female plumbers, female garbage men and female construction workers? LOL

You can just read the SCUM manifesto to see what the feminist utopia is.

me too just the other way

i don't understand these threads
its bait, people know its bait and reply anyway in character

This sort of lesbos would have to be very isolated to not be raided by some vikings/slavers.

This is why it is called an utopia. It is not meant to be feasible, or even realistic.

She said tranies are fine. I don't even want to live in there.

Imagine for a moment that we ignore every single bait thread posted. How many threads remain on the board?

so if we ignore this is bait you don't think the strongest half of the population would utterly demolish the other half in combat? you know this leads to female sex slavery right?

I think the idea of the OP is that the 99,99% don't even know there is an upper class ruling is secret just like we don't know about the lizard people.

I like the idea of a female only conglomerate holding political, military, religious powers as well as education, technology and medicine. Males would not know how to read and have a strict religious education and women would have many privileges.

judt think about it, living in a society without women

men don't need to know how to read if they are only doing physical labor. Also the world would never reach the state if male enslavement in the first place.

It don't have to be high tech. Bronze age if fine by me.

You're dumb, why do you think this is a good thing? Are you a cuck?

Something like that could never exist because women couldn't keep that shit up
fuck off this board fag

>faggot incel pretending to be woman

What stop them if they have unlimited free male labor?

Why would they have unlimited free male labor? You're not making sense. How would they get this in the first place?
I'll ask you again, why are you a cuck?

Haha you're a nigger!

Relax men, we are talking about fap stories, no need to rage.
This is just some Orwelian shit.

It's a cuck fantasy, you're jerking off to the idea that other men get complete access to women while you're a castrated cuck slave.
It's gay as shit.

>0.1% of chad males will be used as breeding bulls
Humanity will be as inbred as a pitbull in 100 years

Desperate bate

Anna Akana made a youtube video about this. Turns out isn't as good as you think.


What was the post? what was deleted I must know

What if I dream of being the bull?

You're a cuck who needs to sit around fantasizing about some dumb female society where you get sex because all competition is taken out for you and you dont need to fight because you're a fucking cuck who doesn't get sex.

castrated males are weak and have no will to rebel

I'm arguing that men would slap women into slavery long before women could force men into slavery. Gender war does not end in women's favor. Tyranny of women over men fails to revolution as fast as possible.

You don't like the idea of having tons of sex all the time and living a luxury life without having to do anything?

Full balls who can't get unloaded without a feminine help is a better leash than no balls at all.

>You don't like the idea of having tons of sex all the time and living a luxury life without having to do anything?
Just look at bonobo societies if you want that, it's more realistic and more fair for everyone, and not some weird cuck shit.

how are you going to all of mankind before repurcussiobs happen?
>mothers all agree to castrate sons
>fathers find out
>women no longer have rights
>fathers rape women and force them to make more sons.
best case scenario

>women fails as fast as possible.

I don't like social dominance being made explicit by homosex, that you.

I call depraved fetish & or Bait. Sage

It fails on the first step
>mothers all agree to castrate sons
like just thinking this is super misogynistic and anti-mother.

It could happen slowly, over hundreds of years, just one step being done per generation.

Only the females have gay sex in bonobo society, males don't do have gay sex. A male's position is determined by his mothers status, he lives with her his whole life, when the time comes she gets him a female partner who's status is eleveated based on being with a male who's mother is high ranking. A mother with many sons is highly ranked.
Bonobo society is what an actual matriarchal society would look like in humans.

What if one of the bottom 99% rapes one of the guards and isn't castrated yet?

That's why I said it was best case scenario for them. In reality only a small fraction of women could ever agree to castrate their sons and very few would have any safe medical way to do it.
please explain how you force acceptance of castration on the male population over any time frame.

This can't really be the most advanced matriarchal society. I know women fail everything they do, but this is big.

If you want some guarding to be done, you need it to be done by men, obviously.

you have to ask that to OP.

>This can't really be the most advanced matriarchal society. I know women fail everything they do, but this is big.
What are you talking about? Bonobo society is highly advanced for animals. They have almost no war or violence, male on male competition is pretty much non existent while females have complete control over the packs. It's peaceful, intelligent, long living.
Human society would be much better if we did it like them.

>they will die without ever seeing a female or even know that that females exist

So 99% of the male population will post on Jow Forums?

Homo sapiens is an animal too. We drawn a dick on Mars.

I am okay with this.

I don't understand what the point it is you're trying to make. Are you the OP? Are you arguing for or against the OP? Is English your second language?

>Are you the OP?
Nope. OP is a fag and left is own thread.

>Are you arguing for or against the OP?
Just spouting ideas.

>Is English your second language?

Imagine imagining this just to jack off.