Why should I care about poor people...

Why should I care about poor people. The government forces you to be charitable and give your money you worked for to people who didn't work for a damn thing. If they starve it's no skin off my asshole, why should I be forced to make sure lazy people get free shit. Pic HEAVILY related.

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100% agree, debtors prisons and/or workhouses need to be brought back

Why should "you" specifically? That's a dumb question nigger

If you think welfare is the biggest waste of your tax dollars then you are fucking retarded my man.

Quit the semantics bozo. End of the day, the government forces everyone to pay taxes and feed the lazy. Not cool, if they starve because they are lazy and don't want to work no skin off my

Literally who said that in this thread? No one. Retard, all you leftists know is how to build strawmans. Get some reading comprehension and make your own arguments instead of reguritating what you heard on the young turks or whatever shit your listening to libcuck

Well, if it's any consolation, taxes don't fund the government. The government is "funded" by its unlimited capacity to issue money, which is often expressed in the form of treasury securities (aka public debt) for historical reason. Taxes are a demand management strategy, as well as a means of implementing policy (e.g., punitive taxes on cigarettes, and not the same but related, protective tarriffs).
As for why you should care about poor people, I mean, it depends on what else you care about. Unemployment and underemployment are created by money; after all, there are no involuntarily unemployed people in a premoney society. So it's worth being concerned that we've collectively created poor people, so we have a corresponding obligation to them. If you're into that "enlightened self-interest" horseshit, then you should appreciate that labor relations are entirely created by employers and employees, so you should feel some solidarity with your fellow proles so that you might not get fucked as badly tomorrow as you are today.

This is why I'm in favor of abolishing democracy in favor of a technocratic slave-state.

You tell people you wanna increase the NASA and R&D budget and they'll look at you like you're crazy unless they're STEM.

Typical responses are
>hurrdurr people are hungry we need to fix the problems here more food stamps
>hurrdurr waste of money cut the budgets even more

NASA is fucking 0.5% of the federal budget it's pitiful. It gets cut every year to put more money into the war machine or social security. Everything else is insignificant and trivial in the long run. Our legacy should be to conquer the stars not perfect the welfare state.

Fox news sucks kill yourself

This isn't so much a strawman as it is this user saying "if" you believe this is the largest problem you're an idiot, and if not I imagine they question your priorities when you're posting about low-tier funding problems.

this is a good post

I'd rather pay for robots to eat tendies than pay for Paul Manafort to buy $1.3 million worth of ugly clothes but I guess you do you, friend.

Just curious. How old are the people that post in these political threads? Do you work? If you do the, how much do you earn?

socialists don't care about poor people they just hate rich people

Hey I am just popping into this thread to say you seem pretty smart and I enjoyed reading that

Because the poor will rise up if you don't take care of them, and without a safety net more people will become poor

Why is everyone a nazi, ancap or a leninist now, what happened to the normal people who used to post here

>Why should I care about poor people.

Because you're poor. Unless you're making millions, you're poor. The elite spend a lot of money to get factions of poor people to hate other factions of poor people, so they can get their taxes lower. That's the end goal of all of this: the rich want their taxes lower.

They can't just say "we're greedy we want to ideally pay no taxes and live like kings". So instead they say "those people over there. The poorest, those are your enemies. Elect us, and we'll stick it to those people". That's how they get people to cut social spending: by demonizing those who use it as lazy, stupid, etc. The programs are cut, and the rich get their tax-break. Meanwhile, you get more of the tax burden as its shifted to you, but you think you're ahead because some poor people got screwed over.

In addition to taxes, everything else gets privatized, and programs cut, the future of your children is really shaky. Everything costs more. Unless you're in the multi-millions class, you're stagnating or getting worse.

And with the new money they get, the rich gobble up more of the economy, create bigger monopolies, and buy up more media. That media in turn promotes rich people propaganda, mostly attacking the poorest and other easy scapegoats.

Secondly, the poor spend almost all their damn money. This is good for the economy, since it keeps the flow of cash going. So Mr. Poor gets food stamps, buys food with it, and that money is injected right back into the economy. So worst case scenario, this still works as a cash stimulant for the economy, that indirectly benefits you. And it comparatively doesn't cost that much.

The rich are terrified of the poor and middle class joining together, since we're so much more than them. That's why they try these divide and conquer tactics.

I don't make millions. But I own over a million dollars in net worth and make 150k a year. I most likely am in a higher tax bracket then you, at the end of the day it doesn't matter if your ultra rich or not, i'm still paying money in taxes to pay dindus who want their free gibs to buy bluntz at the liqour store. Your argument is bunk, commie.

I'm in about the same status as you and I think that is completely correct.

The entire system is a bunch of ladder-pulling billionaires creating a "fuck you got mine" situation. It's the only logical way to interpret the otherwise schizophrenic conservative policies.

To have a functioning civil society. Your attitude is anti-social and would lead to societal collapse. Not even the wealthy would argue your idiocy, at least not openly.

fuck off you larping slime, no way are you that rich

t. poorfag loser

>i'm still paying money in taxes to pay dindus who want their free gibs to buy bluntz at the liqour store
>doesn't understand that SNAP is not extended to prepared or nonfood items
>earns 150k annually
>possesses over 1M in assets
>sweating over a couple percentage points in income

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Well, I guess cutting off all welfare will clean up the gene pool a bit

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But that's the thing you have to grasp. We are NOT rich. I certainly don't feel rich, and I still wake up and slave away at my stressful job, still worry about my finances, all that. We should not be worried about the top 1%, it's the top 0.1% and above that should invoke concern.

>wanting to gridlock yourself into a progressive, weighted, tax that increases year after year if you're not mega rich or a corporation
Yeah, my guy. That'll show those poor people!

Why shouldn't me and the local basketball squad turn up at your home and "liberate" your wealth from you?
Your taxes aren't charity, it's protection money to stop us going gorillas on your white ass

I hope you own a firearm, for your family's sake.

I have 200k at 20 (bitcorn, bought 25ks worth a bit over a year ago). I don't make any effort to dodge taxes because I grew up very poor and realise how shit it is.

You have to be so, so much "better" to do well if you're born "proper" lower than if you're born middle class, it is not down to incompetence. Some examples;

>be me, get A*A*A* at A level (top 1 percent). single mum actively encouraged me to NOT go to university and I almost didn't. Didn't apply to oxbridge or prestigious ones despite grades giving me a good chance everywhere
>be middle class, fail hs, parents send you back, fail again, parents send you back AGAIN and you get there in the end

>be me, if I drop out of uni have to work mccuck jobs/manual work to not become homeless (assuming I didn't have a tonne of money basically due to luck)
>be middle class, drop out and live at home for a bit before getting sent back

>be me, have to work hard to get internships.
>be middle class, parents get you one no matter how much of a lazy retard you are

It's a fucking joke. I did exceptionally well but I know 99 percent of people don't, and it's not their faulty they just had an awful chance at it. I don't mind paying the following gibs at all;

Student loan
Child benefits (because I feel sorry for the child, I feel absolute disgust towards the mother)
Gibs for the disabled
Unemployment (as long as they're looking for a job or in education....)

cause they help give people a chance to escape the lower class.

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How much do you pay per month for health insurance?

I'm willing to bet its 2x what I pay in taxes total and I'm from a socialist country

why should poor people care for you property? we should stop funding the government and provide you security

Imagine believing this shit. Effective tax rates are pretty much the same as they've been in the sixties (inb4 there was 90 percent taxes) and there are more government programs and spending than ever. The boomers are retiring and millenials, especially nonwhite ones, barely pay any taxes so government spending becomes more and more towards gibs. And 'wage stagnation' ignores the fact growth of other benefits

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>pay 40% of my entire earnings in taxes
>big chunks of that goes to pay free gibs to niggers in chiraq who want 40 ounces and sell their ebt credit for weed and guns
woah but those niggers are keeping me safe with their guns right yeah security you know what i think you changed my mind wtf i love giving niggers free handouts now

This guy BTFO'd the OP so hard i have reason to believe that its same fagging.

More funding for public education is stupid. We pour tons of money into inner city schools and they don't improve. More funding for special education is also stupid. They will just build more schools where kids are warehoused and taught nothing. We just pour more money into public schools so they can teach us all sex is rape.

You don't have to care about anyone, but the government is set up in the way it is, so you'll have to change it if you don't wanna feed them.

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Just move lol

This is so patently false lmao. Everyone who thinks this is correct has never seen an econ textbook in their life

Dont like it? Stop paying taxes.