So I quit my job a week ago and she wants me to turn in my uniform whats the worst thing that can happen if I keep the...

So I quit my job a week ago and she wants me to turn in my uniform whats the worst thing that can happen if I keep the uniform

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Two things come into my mind. Assuming you worked at McDonald's like pic related I'll tell you.
1) They charge you for it and take what the uniform costs out of your last paycheck
2) They call the police and press charges for theft
As a manager at a McDonalds when unruly ex-employees keep their uniforms after being terminated or quitting we usually take the money of our their last paycheck.

Also, why did you quit your job user?

worst case is having an old mcdicknalds uniform in your closet

I had a friend who worked at Mc Donalds and before he turned it in he used it as a cumrag for several days. You should try it OP.

Put itching powder, maybe a little pepper spray, on the uniform and then return it while making minimal contact with the fabric yourself.

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Get nicked for stealing you penis

Fast food really just wasn't my thing I'm a fat bot and I sweat allot the uniform was two sizes small for me and the act was broken. I'm looking for a back room job at a store now.

Tbh if you just ghost them they will leave you alone. Ain't no one got time to be fussin over some uniform.

peepee poopoo on your uniform then return

>complains about the uniform being too small
>wants to keep it
are you using it as a weight loss goal or something?

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I quit the first day and the black girl at the register is a qt im embarrassed and getting anxious about even going back there. I don't even want to order pizzas there I have to makey grandma drive when we go there so I can hide in the back seat.

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you'll never see her again, user. just you do what you need to do.

I did this. Peed in my PPE when I was working for a chemical company

Kek you reminded me of this time

>Work at phone shop
>new guy starts
>he seems pretty normal, can talk to the customers and stuff
>ask him to answer the phone a few days in
>'I don't think I am ready to answer the phone'
>fair enough
>give him some more time
>a week goes by
>asking him if he feels he is ready to answer phone
>response is always 'I don't think I have enough knowledge yet'
>after about a month we tell him that he has to start answering the phone now because he'll need to be left on his own sometimes
>'Okay, okay... I'll answer the phone next time it rings, but I have a headache, I am just going to go to the shop to get some paracetamol'
>never comes back
>keeps uniform
>try to call him and phone is dead
>try to email no response
>left his lunch in the fridge
>literally never saw or heard from him again

Good times.

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plz do this OP

Well when I worked at a dollar general, if someone quit or was fired, and they didn't turn in their keys or name tag, the district manager called the cops on them.
If the district manager didn't like the employee (like if the employee quit without notice and caused a lot of trouble like that), she'd call the cops on the employee anyway. Even if the employee turned in everything, she'd just tell the police that the employee still had an apron or a bathroom key or something. Just as a way of sticking it to them, you know?

This feels like a job for /x/. WE go find him. We need more details

Kek, wageslaves served hard once again.

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Man I don't get how you can be scared of answering a phone but god I will never work a register well I'm turning in the uniform today before I take out my 24 dollars

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It was great. Once the assistant manager no-call-no-show'd. A few days later he came back to drop off his keys and his nametag, but the night he quit the district manager had to find someone from another district to come close the store. She was so pissed that she called the police on him anyway, saying he still had the back door key in his house. Apparently he wasn't home when the cops showed up, so they kicked in his door and shot hit dog.

Fucker deserved it t b q h f a m.

>implying they don't get get the bogdabots into you through the phone
Smart man.

>Deserves getting your dog shot for quitting dude your fucked up.

yeah pretty much
can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen

Sounds like there's more to the story. Like you were giant dick about it or he had some kind of crippling anxiety disorder.

Nah, everyone was really nice to him and he was fine with customers irl and like hanging out and talking. He just really didn't want to answer the phone I guess.

>stay out of the kitchen
but he did
he fucking quit

faggot.I hope the district manager is raped till death and you as well desu.

guess that question was already answered by manager user

what was your job title and what was your take home pay a month?
how much is your take home pay a month as a mcdonalds manager, do you have a degree, how many years of experience did you have and did you get your job via cronyism / nepotism?

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I have a major phone phobia and even get anxious talking to my friends and family. It makes no damn sense and I want it to go away. I've been putting off medical and dental appointments because of it.

Returned uniforms go to the laundry, retard.