What websites do you go on besides Jow Forums and youtube

what websites do you go on besides Jow Forums and youtube

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Other urls found in this thread:


Die you fucking Barneyfag.
Seriously, die

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I'd legitimately like to see you die

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And strangle you until you die

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By all means, please die

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i'm not a brony

Just fucking strangle yourself and die

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 9.25.00 PM.png (649x323, 39K)

Then why did you post the OP image?
If you weren't a shill, you wouldn't have posted it.

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 9.26.23 PM.png (690x121, 27K)

so people would click my thread and tell me what websites they go on

Shills deserve to burn in flames

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And you're saying this as it was absolutely necessary to post that specific one.

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You don't want people to confuse you for a shill, now do you want that?

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barneyfag you are based, you make hanz and utv stalker look like babbies

Now you're gonna get shills all over the place.

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Maybe be a bit more aware about the site's history.

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what websites do you go on?

I hope you learn something from this.

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Not a whole lot that aren't Jow Forums or YT.

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How do you find what images are pone?

It takes a lot of willpower to do this. But thanks.

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That would ruin the secret.

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keep it up man you are legit my favorite poster

But yeah, I hate shills

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Reddit, twitch, discord, facepunch

I will for as long as I have to.

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Discord as well, but I don't use it a whole lot.

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Other imageboards and other sites.

"Other sites" applies to me as well.

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>not watching cute horses

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Please bleed to death you fucking piece of shit

Attached: Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 3.03.04 AM.png (872x54, 20K)

Fuck, I don't like bronies either but this could have been a great thread. I always want to talk about what other internet people do, so I can get an idea where to go online myself.

Besides the internet what else do you do? Do you post in other threads or are you on full time Brony patrol? Why not just get a bot to do this btw so someone will when you die?

>this could have been a great thread.
This thread was a mistake.

Attached: Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 2.46.05 AM.png (715x247, 41K)

At least change up the images you use.

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Lurk moar faggot. Barneyfag is doing Gods work

discuck rarely

Just get beaten to death you fucking freak of nature

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this horse saved my life

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Barneyfag how do you balance your crusade with your uni work and stuff?

I guess he could source more info but maybe he posts sequentially and most threads 404 before he gets to use the other images? Either way it is pretty cool that the people that post the images he uses are immortalized forever in his posts

It's very rare when I hear someone actually talk good about me. So thanks. You're a good person.

Attached: Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 9.28.13 PM.png (766x333, 103K)

I've been aware of bronies online for over 10 years, faggot. Regardless, we can still talk about our internet existences, it's a topic I enjoy.

Funny, now you're a waste of life.

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Y r u so meen 2 me?

Because you don't deserve to exist, simple as that

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Eh, what is he selling? Do you know what a "shill" is?

>you will never help appulhorse pick apples on a comfy autumn day
ouch. this one hurts

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I know what a shill is. Turns out he might not be, but still, no place here

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I'd really like to watch the blood flow out of your fucking throat after it's slit with a razor-sharp blade

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Then just seeing you fucking die as well, fucking waste

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>ywn become trixies assistant and eventually fall in love and marry her
ugh... :(

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pony porn anywhere
3 other mlp forums
i love pony porn flash games
thats basically it :)

Good. You deserve to die

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We are raiding Jow Forums? Fine by me.

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Please die in pain human waste

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Then die some more

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Of course I am not naming then.

Can't have you faggots visiting them, you cancer cells.

>I don't know how to do this specific thing I want to do, so now i can't enjoy my life
OP is an faggot manchild

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