Has anyone ever been in love with you? How did you fuck it up?
Has anyone ever been in love with you? How did you fuck it up?
>anyone ever been in love with you?
There was this girl that had a huge crush on me but I never noticed it. She's married now so it's too late.
>Has anyone ever been in love with you?
Can't talk to people.
I had a few confess to me in high school. I was just not interested in relationships at that time (and still am not really interested tbqh) so I rejected them all.
Didn't love him back
Being a depressive drunk, the worst part is she was there trying to help the entire time. She only left me after I was through it. I miss her so much
There were two girls who liked me back when I was in the 8th grade.
Of course I was an autist so the other one stopped liking me and I was completely oblivious to the other one liking me.
Never saw then again when I went to highschool.
I think love might be stupid. Maybe getting along is more realistic.
I treated her like shit while trying to hide my meth problem. Like I fake executed her with a fucking hammer, because she broke one of my LP records cuz she was angry because I took 1k out of our savings account. Lol.
Well, in addition to that I did lots of other shit.
Girl in the year below in school. I was too autistic to notice.
Eventually she got bored or put off by my super autism. She wasn't very pretty so Im not totally upset about this.
>I never noticed it
How do you know?
>I miss her so much
Tell her that.
>I was in the 8th grade
Understandable, to young to care about shit like that.
>getting along is more realistic
Every relationship is just a "gentleman's agreement", "we are both single so why not be together", no one actually loves the other.
This nerd girl at school had a crush on me and I knew that, but I didn't hook up with her because she had an annoying/unlikable personality.
>"Has anyone ever been in love with you?"
A girl in high school was kinda interested in me.
>How did you fuck it up?
I'm fucking autistic.
I dont think so. Most non-relative females just endure my presence.
There was a girl who fancied me but definitely not for my personality, she was fucking gormless. One time she asked "What sort of churches are in your town?" that time i realized she was mental too.
That's dumb. But now we know that.
>implying someone would do this to themselves
good joke op
now kys
>tell her that
I have, I usually ask her out every other month or so. It's sort of a running thing, it's probably pretty beta but whatever.
>How do you know?
My friend told me that she liked me and she would always talk about me. I was nervous around grills in high school so I never made a move.
A girl asked me if I liked her and I said no in a pretty harsh way.
When I was 16 y/o a girl became my girlfriend just to bully me into submission when I finally opened up.
I ended up with trust issues and insecurities, thus the reason I rejected the girl even I liked back. I still hate myself to this day because of that, above all, I still hate that girl who bullied me.
I was so terribly obsessed with making her happy, that I forgot that what brought us together was sincerity, to be able to say what we did wrong without fear of being separated.
I sacrificed myself in everything because I thought that whenever I did not get it, it was because I was wrong, when I was the fainthearted, I was the one who allowed the bad for fear of losing someone for whom for the rest of my days, I will not have nor the least interest in starting a relationship.
It's been enough time not to take it seriously, but whenever I go out, my mind reminds me 'hey, it's possible that she's around and you can say hello'
Just so that just the day I saw her on the street, I would go the other way not to see her.
I know that someday I'll see her and I'll be able to invite her to something without giving a shit about how worried I am about her.
yes, i had no fucking idea.
He was my coworker. He was the first person I really talked to in 8 years. We both didn't have cars at the time, and I was too much of a nerves wreak to ride a bus to get to him. But nonetheless, everyday we would go to work and see each other. We would talk about stupid things what we did outside of work and our childhood. He tried to hug me twice, but both times I backed away before he could because I'm a nervous idiot.
After a while, we started getting different shifts and didn't see each other as much. I also made a new friend, someone I got along with really good. Someone I didn't feel nerves around. Then the doubt set in. I started wondering if I could find someone better for me. Someone who had more things in common with me and didn't make feel so nervous. I think I've come to the realization that if I tried to date my coworker, we would only end up breaking up in the long run. I still love him, and I think he loves me, but I don't want either of us the have to go through the pain of a break up.
How long do you want to stay thinking about what would have happened and what would not?
Just let it happen, if it does go bad, at least you will know that facing it is much healthier than waiting for it to happen.
I didn't love them back cause they were even more ugly, wierd and pathetic than me
probably, im not sure tho
Not really beta if you are asking her out, unless you are paying for shit wile she fucks chad.
I wish you the best of luck getting a gf.
Totally understandable, even if you knew the autism would kick in and prevent you from doing something about it.
I only we had a way to know.
To every one in this Thread go see the movie: Timer (2009)
Yeah. I think it's because I loved my waifu and couldn't hold them to the same level. Never told me.
>I only we had a way to know.
Maybe by asking it....
I know its simple to say but in reality we would spaghetti it up.
yeah, but I guess I was too insecure and still am
>tfw she was in love with me BEFORE I started making moves
Is this what heaven feels like, lads?
Had a female coworker who went out of her way to talk and hangout with me, god knows why. We liked each other but over time she seemed less and less interested probably because I take my relationships so slowly. I ended up ghosting her because I was paranoid that she would ghost me. I've regretted it every waking moment since then but the damage is done now.
To my knowledge, no, no one had feelings for me.
If it happened, I certainly never knew about it unfortunately.
I didn't fuck it up and we're reaching 6 months soon :^]]
>be me
>lonely autist
>meet cute artfag, hit it off
>text for 3 months
>happiest time of my life
>be autistic, cause her to hate me and tell me to fuck off
>still occassionally look at the sketches she gave me and cry
>Has anyone ever been in love with you? How did you fuck it up?
Yes my first and longest friend who I met in kindergarten was in love with me.
>be me at 15, one of the "popular kids"
>just hanging out with the group and K asks to talk to me privately
>K tells me that she likes me and wants to go on a date
>sperg out and walk away, leaving my popularity behind with that choice
>hangout with Jow Forumsbro athletic guys and the nerds for the rest of my schooling
>ghost her for 6 years and I finally run into her again while walking down the street
>she's still mad and gives me the shiteye while talking mad trash about how I fucked up back then
>tell her "w.e I'm done with life at this point anyways" as I walk away
Haven't seen her since
Thanks for making me remember the moment I became a pathetic volcel OP.
One girl had or still has (idk) a crush on me bc she liked my voice or some shit but I just hit that mean nae nae while yeeting and I turned to dust.
Yup, I messed it up and didn't even try to meet up IRL with them, it was online so you judge how valid it is.
Or maybe its more valid online? since you're not forced to interact like IRL situations.
He was really sweet and calmed me down when I had my episodes, but we quickly stagnated and had to cut contact. I also blocked him and unblocked him at times and he begged me to unblock me, it was embarrassing, I was a IRL tsundere.
Some BPD whore online, didn't last long tho
Only one girl. It was long distance although we managed to visit every once In a while. She ended up cheating on me with the guy I was always "paranoid" about.
Ex gf admitted that she once loved me but those feelings faded with time when she got depressed and i endulged in alcoholism.
It wasnt meant to be. I still miss her so dearly as a friend. But i cut the contact. She fucks around probably and i dont want to know about it. i cant take it. Need to move on with life. Suicide or stop drinking.
There was a girl that I met through old Jow Forums. I think we were both in love with each other, but nothing ever happened. I keep trying to cut her out of my life and move on, but she keeps coming back just to have nothing happen. It's painful for us both.
A girl I knew offered to offered to fly me to her country when she decided to move back there and I be her house husband and travel the world with her while she worked. Basically my dream come true. But I didn't speak her home country's language and had zero means of supporting myself away from home. I did love her and I regretting not pulling the trigger at first but upon retrospect it would have been a retarded move.
By not moving to Japan to be with her.
I moved to a diff school
three girls told me they liked me last year, I managed to fuck it up with all three. one lasted far longer than the others and was the reason I fucked things up with the other two, she said she loved me. unfortunately it didn't work and one of the other choices would have left me much happier and more stable.
but I'm a dumb asshole.
Sure. I married a girl who's virginity I took. I just come here to feel better about myself.
Uhhh can u elaborate
>She opened up to me, telling me her insecurities and stuff
>I did the same days later
Not that I told her anything shocking, but I feel like my facade of assertiveness and confidence tricked her. Once she realized I was as broken as she was, it immediately repelled her.
A bunch of girls had a crush on me but never real love. I fucked it up by getting in the dating game too late and not knowing how to play.
No I'm too ugly for that
So I didnt think i had a chance with this girl so naturally I roofied her and took advantage. She found out and cried how she thought I was the one. She was so destroyed she didnt even report me to the authorities. Stupid cunt should have just told me
My relationship wasn't the first nor the last relationship someone has had in the world, so it's insignificant and I feel bad for telling how special it was to me.
She said "I love you" first. I was there for her, she was there for me. We supported each other in everything. I was the more pathetic one. I had no aim in life. Since it was a LDR, we only saw each other for a few months and then had a longer pause. I wish I could describe how lovely it was when we were together. I could describe how bad we felt during certain moments and how we were there for each other.
Then one day, or through a lot of days, she must have realized how sad I made her with our whole situation. She left me in a way that I can replay forever in my mind, as long as I find the courage the remember it.
My relationship wasn't the first nor the last relationship someone has had in the world, so it's insignificant and I feel bad for telling how special it was to me.
user I feel you, I'm still in a relationship but I think I'm too obsessed and too afraid to lose her, any advice before I fuck up?
>is anyone here a normalfag?
Yes, many people are. None of them belong. Now fuck off with your cancerous thread.
>would be a house husband
>financial situation taken care of
>can't spend all that free time learning the language
Are you retarded???
A girl loved me, and love her for a bit. But, my depression, coupled with workaholic ways drove us apart until we wouldn't talk for days, and I would hardly notice. She begged me to love her, and I didn't. End of story.
joined the army
Nah, never even been on a date. But I've been actively trying to find someone that will. Sure is hard, frustrating, depressing and it doesn't help that I still look 13 (I'm 25) but we all have only one life and to not share it with someone that is truly interested feels like a waste
you have to love yourself before your ready to be loved :^)
no gf for you lol
>Be me, 15yo guy, in the school's rest time.
>Walking around, in the yard with a friend.
>Meet 13 years old girls, they know my friend.
>One of them give me long hugs everytime , in same context.
>Getting fucking happy, i think i love her.
>Get EXTREMELY nervous every time I see her.
>Started to be alone with them.
>One day, her friends ask me if i like some of them, when she wasn't there.
>Give a shit respond, saying nothing practically.
>Start to avoid them everytime i can, walking autistically fast,without even pretending not seeing them.
God, i was and i'm so fucking stupid.
>Remain kissless Virgin at 21yo.
>only 21
>have friends
>beginning experience with dating opportunities
Those are advantages most people on this board don't even have. Keep at it, learn from previous embarrassing shit, you'll be fine
Stopped going to uni and dropped out, completely ghosted her.
I warned her off of me because I'm a mess. She has a boyfriend now and seems happy.
user I hope you know the first sentence of your post made me cry my goddamn eyes out. It's exactly what happened to me, I was so worried about making her happy that I was barely ever honest with her. She left me two months ago and I still can't get over it.
Sadly, i don't have friends anymore, user.
I will try to do it when i make some self esteem.
I really never date a girl, i mean, i was never with her alone, my brain couldn't get the idea or courage to invite her. Her friends were always present.
>anyone ever been in love with you?
tbqh the only emotions the girls ever shown me was disgust and hate
Go back to Facebook roastie trash
yeah, but I was 13 so I didnt care much.
Couple times. I just ignore them until they lose interest. Wouldn't call it fucking up though. I've never wanted to be in a relationship.
People are garbage.
everytime a female expresses feelings for me I reject because I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't know how to accept the fact that someone cares about me so I block them on all forms of social media and avoid them for the rest of my life
Why can't real girls be as good as Mikasa?
>be me
>elementary school
>girl who trains kickbox is a friend of mine
>nothing too serious, only walk home half way
>she is athletic, still feminine
>be bullied by some autist
>she protects me even tho I was "having it under control"
>her dad dies, she moves to Sweden
>mfw my blonde Slav Mikasa is gone...
>mfw I still remember her
>mfw she is now happier over there.
>Be me
>6 ft skelly
>8th grade
>like this girl, we dated for a month (first relationship for me)
>broke up before school ended for summer
>calls me
>literally moaning saying she wants to fuck me
>came as a shock because i'm a good boy and she is a devoted christian
>don't know how to respond but with tard responses
>Does it again but it started out as sexting so i did better
>she acted like it didn't even happen when school started and i saw her again
> i am still confused
>was it a dream?
> what do?
>girls asked me to prom
>too beta to answer and walk away
I fucking knew her too
My friend asked me out to prom.
She is a solid 9-10, for me a 10-10.
I said yes and soon it will be all good, I hope.
>mfw skelly
>mfw at least I look k in a suit
>Has anyone ever been in love with you?
I don't know. Maybe they have liked me before, I've never gotten enough to really for sure say someone loved me
>How did you fuck it up?
By being myself.....
Two girls wanted to sleep with me. Both of them had boyfriends, and wanted me to be their college flings, I guess. Both of them told me about their boyfriends back home, how sweet they were, one of then said they were planning to marry after she graduated. I told them both it wouldn't be fair to me, nor their boyfriends. These were both 3/10 "innocent" girls too. Really fucked up my perception of women. They didn't even bother to try and say they loved me.
Mikasa a shit though. Worst girl by far.
She said she did but I knew that bitch was lying
No, but if they did I just moved to a new town yesterday so it's not like something would have gone from that.
The things I would do if I was Eren
Had a gf once who seemed like she genuinely loved my stupid ass. I am completely fucked in the head and cant handle relationships though. I could not handle all the new responsibillities coming with a relationship and heavily neglected her, to a point where I started straight out ghosting her. And I instinctively repel all women since, no way I am going to suffer through this shit again.
I was once asked in a middle of a couple fight "will you be my boyfriend"
And when I said "No miss, I am just looking for my umbrella", she was a senior.
Everyone lost their shit, because she was a popular girl and apparently had a fight with her boyfriend.
I lost my umbrella tho.
Never found it.
It was a nice umbrella.
My cap got soaked in rain that day.
Dated a girl in highschool who said she did, but I just wanted the puss. There's a couple girls I know of who are probably in love with me, but one had hangups and the other one is still a developing situation.
>Has anyone ever been in love with you?
Yes. In high school
>How did you fuck it up?
Didn't act like a man. Revealed too much of my insecurities and never put my foot down out of fear that she would leave me (which she eventually did).
At least I know better now.
>Mikasa a shit though.
had someone been in love with me i wouldnt be here
surely, several girls
but you see, i was a latent tranny for all my life and i was never interested much in them
It's true and you know it my dude. Mikasa worst girl.
Had a fat tiddy goth gf back in high school, she was fun but I broke up with her because of long distance and low self esteem. Fucking hate my high school self
>People thinking Ymir isn't best girl
Makes me sick
Yeah, she lives in Sweden. I've dated a lot of girls and none were like her, I really loved her. actually met her on r9k, but shit was doomed because of the distance and eventually some animosity arose between us. Every once in a while I'll have some resurging feelings and talk to her but it's dead for the most part. We were also both like 16 when it started and I know I've at least grown up a bit since then- while all she does is talk to beta orbiters on discord all day. We still talk occasionally but we're mostly just cunts to each other, I've tried to block her many times but could never go through with it. I don't have feelings for her anymore but I still couldn't cut contact because I'm a huge faggot. Hope she doesn't see this hehe
She figured out with the time that I was a depressed and anxious fuckup, her biological clock was ticking and she realised i didn't have my shit together so she dumped me. I saw it coming but couldn't get better and she didn't want to waste anymore time with me
Did nothing because if they're interested in someone like be there's obviously something wrong with them.
Chad move to be quite honest family. Sorry to hear about your cap. Thanks for the (you) have one in return.
Alright story time I guess?
>be me, 19
>spend all of summer 4 years ago with girl, 17
>each day hanging out with a group of friends
>each night spent talking to each other until early morning or the next day
>best friend knows her very well (knew her before he knew me and we've known each other for many years at this point)
>she tells him that she loves me
>I got bullied a lot in high school (britbong) and had barely any friends until my final year of college
>thought I couldn't get that life and had deep resentment and basically, emo
>so even though I'm super happy to hear it I don't make a move because I'm scared
>despite knowing from a very credible source
>one day she tells me that her ex has been trying to talk to her and "he's being nice"
>I flip out internally, block and delete her off everything only saying k. like a lil bitch
>she gets really upset and doesn't leave the house to go out with us because she feels it's her fault
>stop hanging out completely and leave that friends' group so she can hang out with them again
I still have no clue why she said that? I guess to spur me to make a move, but I don't know why I flipped out so hard either, I got really fucked up that night afterwards because I felt really guilty.
She was super hot and even changed some minor things in her appearance to be more attractive to me, i.e. red hair, nose ring and started wearing her glasses despite using contacts for years.
Yes but she was a complete degenarate whore, I'm glad she gave up.
> be me,
> been talking to chicks over an app called minus (later became meow) since 13 to fill the void of not having any friends and not being liked by the girl i loved.
> kept talking to one online friend i met through app
> 7/10 qt3.14
> big ol nerd and she admitted she loved me a few times throughout the whole ordeal with girl i loved. (it went on from 8th till 11th grade. i just wouldnt take a fucking hint)
>being a fuckhead i took her for granted most of the time.
> eventually move past girl i loved at 16-17
> start talking to online friend hoping to make her my gf.
>her and i end up dating.
> the whole time believe im not good enough for her and attempt to control her to prevent her from finding someone else.
>cheat on her several times with other girls online.
> cheating only further ruins my self-image, turning me into a constant depressed sack of shit. despite me genuinly feel love for her
> the only time I would be truly happy is when we visit each other (we lived 6 hours apart)
> we date for 2 years and some months.
> she breaks up with me due to my manipulative habits and my verbal abuse.
> constantly feel bad for it and regret every decision ive ever made that hurt her even 7 months later.
>hate self everyday for ruining her like i did.
i still have no idea why i care and shit