Why do boomers believe this?
Why do boomers believe this?
Because in their youth, things were much easier.
They're capitalist whores.
>lol go to school and get a job
Fucking slave zombie mentality. What they should have been telling you was how the finagle the jewish bankers into giving you a loan so you can start your own business.
But that requires brain power and thinking is hard when you're a fucking retarded boomer piece of nigger shit.
because its true even to this day
It definitely will help you get a job more than posting memes online will.
Memes got Donald Trump elected.
It's why your faggot ass will never be president.
Tell me where I can get a walk in job
Everytime it's
>you'll have to go online and fill out the application there
My parents are fucking boomers. I was a shy kid and they tried to get me to use muh bootstraps. Literally did this and every single manager was like "oh you have to apply online." They just don't understand that nobody gives a fuck who you are anymore now that they employ services to weed out the losers before they even look at applications.
He took no salary. Sure did wonders for him. Memes got him to be one of the most hated people ever, and a zero dollar salary.
Then take the advice on a job interview. Same idea.
>that guy who thinks he has what it takes to be a boss
>I'm not taking no for an answer
Not suprised given you probably lost your virginity through rape of some sort
>it's simply a matter of showing up
>it's simply a matter of wanting to own that house
>it's simply a matter of wanting financial security
gee willikers dad, thanks a bunch I didn't think of it that way.
I'm more of a leader than your ugly ass homo.
They say that to weed out the cowards you fuckface. Make them take it anyways. Online youre just a statistic
yeah leader of the local gay community
So you really think not having the money is all that keeps you from opening a business? lmao
What're you 12? Come back when you have pubic hair homo.
i shave them so they don't get stuck in your teeth
Literally every job I have had I got through word of mouth or sending in a resume and cover letter through Craigslist. There's no reason to go meet the people who work there anymore.
I guess you're right. I forgot boomer FAGGOTS salted the earth right before they retired so they could tip their wine glass as their son and grandkids starve in the streets.
I'm so glad automation is coming soon.
You fucks are craving that humble pie.
Get a room fags. So how come youre so socially inept you cant even get a loan?
Have you been in a bank you fucking retard?
Oh wait I forgot you're all neets, so mommy's the one who cashes the paycheck.
>Literally every job I have had I got through word of mouth
Duh. Thats what you do when going in yourself. Making connections and leaving an impression.
i live at your mom's
Yet here you are, same as me...
>you fucks
Nigga I'm a NEET. Youre the retard whos still trying instead of taking advantage of the social systems boomers have established
Youre not a neet and still here? Bwahahahahahha hahahahaha lol
Because you're an incel loser and you should kill yourself faggot pedophile
In my mind, you make connections by doing a good job. Nobody will hook you up if they have no idea who the fuck you are. I have been a manager myself and of the people who came in to "meet me and make an impression," most were boring and average people, and of the few who made an impression, they seemed like they were trying too hard. It's way more efficient to check resumes first. I would rather not hire people who are assholes on paper even if they seem cool in person.
because in their time thats how you got a job, before the government stoked corporatization by taxing mom & pop stores out of business. boomers are so out of touch.
Sick burns, pal, how about that job tho?
>go job hunting
>50% of places speak spanish
>25% tell you to apply online
>half of the rest are not hiring or will just throw out your resume
>HR for any respectable position will do a social media sweep to make sure you're not some psycho incel
>temp agencies are basically slave markets
I'm not saying there are no jobs, but this heroic boomer bootstrap bullshit pisses me the fuck off. Muh values, muh 'murrica, muh hard work no you fucks enjoyed a nice period 1950-1990 when the rest of the world was destroyed from WW2 or crippled by communism
Eww stop throwing walls of text at me. I'm just here to shitpost
Stop applying to low skill jobs.
>your failure of a father couldnt supply you with a job of some kind after spending several decades on this earth because he is a failure
>due to him being a failure you must now struggle exactly how he did
>the cycle will never break
Im not a fan of nepotism but honesty if your parents ever bother you about finding work when they themselves can provide no help you should ask what theyve been doing to actually prepare for your existence. Feeding you is not a real answer, the government couldve been doing that.
If your waste of a father or mother could not at least put in a recommendation for you somewhere they have leverage then they are worse failures then you could ever be.
At least until you do the same thing to your kid. Thats the real boomer mentality right there, the mentality of 'not my problem'.
yeah, I should have known better than to expect robots to care about self improvement
i'm fuckin your mom full time lmoa
Lol yeah and then daddy can help you have sex for the first time too and chew up food to spit into your mouth after. If you're parents gave you a stable safe household that hopefully had a bit of love, that's really all you can ask for.
Didnt even read lol but youre sure gonna improve by writing about it on the internet
Mom, my dick and I think it's time for you to...
I finally got a comfy IT job through nepotism, I'm just saying those are the conditions since I went through that shit for 6 months. I have relatives who are engineers and were unable to find anything for long periods either, it's not a high-skill versus low skill thing.
There's too many factors at play here, but the key point is boomers had it easier overall so there's no need for bewilderment or condescension towards the current generation of jobseekers.
>wanting to work in the same field as your parents
Should have helped you develop a personality
Let me tell you a story about this very subject and what it took to convince my father that this logic is not sound any longer
>father wants me to get a job that will pay enough to cover all living expenses (rent, car and health insurance, college tuition, etc), I tell him that a minimum wage job can't do that, but he insists that I go out there and "negotiate a better salary"
>He buys a suit for me, teaches me how to tie a tie, takes me to get a fresh haircut, and even buys new leather dress shoes
>By all accounts, I look pretty professional despite being 18 years old, Dad has good taste in business fashion
>We drive around to the local malls and, with him waiting outside, I walk into every single establishment and ask to speak to the manager about any available jobs
>Many of the store clerks laugh at me and tell me they aren't hiring, or that I need to go online
>A couple of places actually had forms I could submit and my father and I worked on them together at the food courts
>By the third mall, he started walking in to the stores with me because he couldn't believe that they were turning me away
>mfw my father had to stand there and watch a wagecuck manager laugh in my face when I tried to shake her hand and requested a job
>We went home soon afterwards, he showed me how to hang up a suit and store my dress shoes, and tried to cheer me up and encourage me to give it another shot later down the line
>6 years later I am an unemployed college graduate with a dusty suit and dried-out leather shoes still sitting in my closet
>My father doesn't even try to pep talk me anymore, as long as I do chores around the house and "earn my keep" I am allowed to stay
The world wasn't meant for people like us, Jow Forums, and even the people that made the world the way it is have no clue as to how to navigate through it.
>all I can ask for
Then why am I expecting more? I mean if you want your kid to end up on this board shitposting away because you expected more of him then fine but it doesnt make you right, it makes you a failure.
But I guess the apple really never does far fall does it user?
not what i said at all
What the fuck? Do you normies have a desire to share or something? I just wrote a few words and suddenly youre going off on me with your thoughts and problems. FUCK OFF
Embrace failure, you are destined for it.
Oh you have no idea. I'm gonna become the worst human being ever
>le normie platitudes
Struck a nerve?
Should I still go to school tomorrow? Lol fucking edgelord cuck.
>actively not wanting to be normal
No in that way you massive brainlet. I'm never gonna achieve anything or do anything with my life. Why is violence all you normies can think of
Is this reallife? Are we being invaded by rebbit because of that incel documentary?
That would have worked 30 years ago. Try that today, and they're making fun of you around the water cooler an hour after you leave
yeah user, your worst fears are coming true, it really is all reddits fault. otherwise no one would argue with you ever. i guess everythings ruined now that someone is banting with you, this is no longer real life, wow
The whole point, you fucking retard, is that a healthy person who's parents did a good job raising him doesn't need Mom or dad to continue holding his hand into adult life, that's detrimental
Still not reading walls of text, kiddo
Probably because, save for violence, everything you will do is essentially immaterial.
>making sure your kid has a job is detrimental
its kind of impressive, the hoops you jump through to excuse your parents and your own laziness.
yeah but you sure are replyin to em, kiddo
>yeah but you sure are replyin to em, kiddo
How else would you know I didnt read them? And why are you just saying my insult back at me?
Boomers are retiring at fifty on very very good pensions. They did not work harder for those pensions. They are very very very lucky
LOL Sears is slashing pensions as we speak, the world they created is collapsing too.
Because the world they inherited from the post world war 2 generation was amazingly economically prosperous and full of opportunities. The boomers are a spoiled generation that shat on both their parents and their offspring.
What degree do you have? I really doubt that there is no need for any type of manual or skilled work in your area.
Arent pensions a government thing? Like healthcare
>being a kiddo is an insult now
pff whatever you say, bro
Only if you worked for the government. Pensions are retirement plans like 401k.
Oh youre American. No pensions are not handled by the company. You and the company both pay into the pension
Alot of the boomers pension are private ones from thier employer. They worked in the same place for 40 years and then get a final salary defined benefit pension. So basically up to two thirds of thier final salary as a pension. Some of them were non contribution also
They'll also get a state pension too at a much younger age then you will.
Biology, there is nobody that wants to hire me. Either I am "overqualified" because of my college degree, which discourages a company from hiring me because they suspect I will have no loyalty and will take any other offer that come along, or I am underqualified because I do not possess a master's degree or have a 3.5+ GPA. I am in educational and employment limbo, where the people that won't hire me either think I am a better catch than I am or not even worth giving a chance.
I once tried to lie to an employer and claimed that I did not graduate from college, but the background check on me showed that I did go to college and graduate, so he cancelled the second interview and told me to go fuck myself
You're correct. I didn't say the company was in charge of it, but right now what's happening is that for every person working, there's a boomer sitting on his ass collecting a pension. Life expectancy is going up and up and people who retire at 65 and live til 90 are just big money sponges.
i cant stop laughing at that picture
well done, boomers, i like you
don't worry, when they decide to collapse this shit the Fed will wipe everything out with hyperinflation
I feel like that pic is kinda mean. That guy looks like a cool dude who will teach you how to fix a car and tell you how to pick up chicks.
Yeah, my friend's dad worked for one of the big auto companies all his life and retired at 62 with a nice company pension that's a good% of what he was making there.
It's nice and I like it but I don't think too many people in my age bracket will be getting anything like that
why would i want a tumor to tell me how to pick up hags?
You obv didn't have a cool chad dad who taught you how to be successful in life.
this is what i imagine a boomer looks like
>getting hags
>being successful in life
how are these two things related?
I've literally gotten a job doing that, aslong as u try it at a "mom n pop" place it will work.
>I've literally gotten a job doing that
Ok where and when was this
Dad did this once to me, actually got offered a job, Slaved away for 1.5 years in an easy admin role for a couple of dinosaurs who needed help setting up a webpage
I'm pretty convinced to join the military after a graduate, practically army. And I will graduate with a STEM degree next year. Army life seems pretty comfy. They pay for everything from housing and medical bills and you get to pocket your salary. More senior officer pay is on par with 100k salary when you factor in the benefits. Then you can retire and be a NEET after 20 years. I see old boomers working retail and shit jobs.
But the negatives are war. I'm a moral nihilist and don't care who we go to war with. I don't really care about my life or dieing at a young age. I already experienced a lot of what the world has to offer. What more is there besides reddit-tier desires like eating at different hipster restaurant, travleing to 3rd world countries, and going a Le adcenture on motorcycles. The other negative is that officer work can be quite mudane and boring. You could become a desk jockey and work up to 60 weeks.
It beats the constant anxiety of the real world. You always have to network and always at threat at being laid off from thinks out of your control like economic recession and company going under.
>Why do boomers believe this?
Because they lived in the absolute peak of Western prosperity and decadence.
Because in their time a middle school diploma and a trade was enough to grant you a comfortable lifestyle. Anything higher than that, a business branch, let alone an academic type of job would be guaranteed to end you up in riches. Even low life people were not concerned with finding a suitable job at all, because they knew exactly that unqualified labor would be enough to get them over the rounds. A stable job was more than enough to provide a quality life for a family and live comfortable with savings.
Today, you can take your PhD and be VERY happy if you're lucky enough to end up in a cubicle job, live in a 1 room cheap shit box and eat ramen every day. Any 'lower' kind of job today is not sufficient to survive. Anyone I know who can afford their basic commodities and rent a place has at least 2, if not 3 jobs. Forget about savings. You live paycheck to paycheck. A lot of people just work full-time and keep living with their boomer parents because they know it's the only way to save for the future.
this is unironically true though. getting a job is fucking easy, especially in this economy
Enjoy your inceldom.
baby boomer employers are psychotic af. "we want your facebook twitter, email, etc passwords or you cant work here" "oh college isnt enough we want 5-10 years experience" "we didnt hire this guy because he didn't have a more diverse outfit" "we didnt hire this guy because we didn't like his tie/shoes/ color of shirt"
In my experience this is accurate.
At least your dad understands and has emathy. Most boomer dads don't. Thay kick out their kids at 18 and expect them to make it and be successful at age 25.
Why didn't you just answer his question fucktard?
Now you basically outed yourself as a liar lol.
This is absolutely true.
The place I work at now only hired me because they thought I was 'sympathetic'. This bitch literally told me they liked my picture more than the other applicants. You need to let that sink in: They hire people because of a picture of their face.
Also the boomers at my job literally do nothing all day. They click around on their computer, then go for lunch break at least 1 hour, then they click on their computer again, then they meet in the kitchen to have a chat over cookies and coffee, then they sit in their office bored until it's 'socially acceptable' to go home. Then they get in their mercedes/BMW and drive home to their own house and watch TV. For all this they get paid insane salaries.
Meanwhile my friends have PhDs and tons of skills in their fields but are working shitty part time jobs and live with their boomer parents.
lmao that was pretty good
>tfw got a comfy IT job because my professor was handing out flyers for a local place that was looking for students about to graduate
Glad I went to class that day
not him but thanks, here's a nude of op's braindead teenaged mom 9 months before I banged her
The handshake meme works directly before and after you interview with someone in person. It must be done within the scheduled interview time frame. It makes an impression. You're not just supposed to walk in without being interviewed and ask for a job.
>Not wanting people who graduated from college majoring in biology
What? Where you applying at McDonald's or something?
My dad literally did this when I was 17. Drove me to the nearest strip mall and had me shake the hand of every 30 y.o. Bangladeshi pizza delivery guy or middle aged grocery store clerk who I talked to about applying, while he hovered a foot behind me. Every single store we went to (at least 20) said to apply online, most managers did not even meet with me ij person. Particularly humiliating was when I saw a girl I had English class with working at kohl's; my dad seemed to think she would give me special hiring treatment because we were "friends". He told me to go back and ask her to put my "application" (which she had no access to or control over and moreover did not even exist yet) at the "top of the pile."
My boomer boss was out for 3 months on medical leave and I did his job in the meantime. When he came back, he gave most of his $40/hr job responsibilities to me, and when he retired 6mos later, Chad who worked there one month (CEO's daughter's boyfriend) got the job.
I also had a job interview where the boomer owner of a pet food company asked me what I'd do to redesign a packing label, got a rejection letter and then saw my idea on the packages in stores months later. Fuck my life.
My parents are Boomers born in the 1960-1964 range. If they know people have to apply online these days why aren't other Boomers aware?
I wonder how the new generation will even raise their kids.
>ok son you need to get a job, go apply for this unpaid intership
Among other places, yes. Getting rejected from McDonalds is like getting rejected by the ugliest girl in the world. How does someone even move past that?
My parents aren't poor so I could afford to do them for gaining experiences.