Why are "nice guys" so delusional? How can they not tell that they are human garbage?
Why are "nice guys" so delusional? How can they not tell that they are human garbage?
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lack of self-awareness caused by autistic desperation
Stop falling for the conditioning already. Nice guy = unattractive guy, always has, always will.
>Thot describes a nice guy
Yeah sure.
>Be gentleman
>Take m'lady out for food
>Do this often
>She leaves her phone out
>scan contacts a bit
>labeled "free food"
No, it is the children that are wrong.
I try to be a nice person but I feel like you are talking about sex and not just basic relationships.
Stop being nice to people, faggots.
>Be generous
>People take advantage of you
>Find out, don't be generous anymore.
This isn't even a female thing. People will genuinely take advantage of other people for personal gain. So you can't blindly trust people anymore, you can only cut deals.
It's called "smart trust".
I'm a guy and have a friend who is a nice guy and every time he mentions how he's "putting in work" on women I cringe internally. I would never tell him now he's doing things wrong because a) not my problem b) I unironically don't want him to be successful with women. Thing is, I've given him advice before and he will more or less follow it and get the date, but then inevitably does something that will make the girls recoil and distance themselves. Or if the girl is interested, because they're looks-matched, after the second date he suddenly thinks can do much better and will treat those girls like shit. Then starts talking to other women, way out of his league, while he's dating the looks-matched girl. Dude is a 5/10 at best, more like 4/10, and goes for girls that are 8/10. Then when those 8/10 reject him or straight up block him, goes for a girl that is 4.5/10 and it repeats. Sort of got to the point I feel moral responsibility to encourage him to act like a nice guy. I genuinely felt bad for those girls he treated badly after he was pining over them for weeks.
No they're just betas who try and get women through manipulation. Looks has zero to do with it. It's a mentality.
Why do low tier looking men think they're entitled to beautiful women? Is it because of porn?
I don't understand why people are so harsh on "nice guys". They always try to paint them as some sort of Ted Bundy like manipulators that try to win the confidence of women by doing good acts and then rape them, when most of them are just misguided betas that no one took the time to tell how to behave, or even worse were told by their mothers or women themselves that you have to act like a prince to get girls. Its not like movies don't perpetuate that myth that too.
People just need to recognize the opposite sex as human beings.
>Why do low tier looking men think they're entitled to beautiful women? Is it because of porn?
It's because they're retarded and don't know it. It's the Dunning Kruger effect in play. Research has shown that men often perceive women being interested in them even when they're clearly not. It's for biological reasons so they will ask more women out and make a baby through sheer numbers and luck. More likely to recreate than men who are self-aware enough about their looks. Most men think they're 2-4 points above average. These very same guys will also say that the girl they went on a date with is a solid 8/10 or a 9/10, even though they're objectively a 5/10 at best.
Like my friend will think a cashier smiling at him or a cute coworker asking about his day at work means that they're romantically interested. Then will try sneaky tactics to get more face time with these women and ask them out on a """date""" repeatedly throughout the course of a month.
>treat most women like I treat guys
>bants and all
>drunkenly invite them to visit me like I do to my guy friends
>sober up the next morning and realize what an autist I am and think they probably think Im creepy
Femanons did I fuck up? Unless I want to fuck a girl I treat her like I would any other man. Keep in mind the invitations were completely not sexual just
>hey if you are ever around this place and need somewhere to stay then let me know
I will also call them dude sometimes
I was a nice guy for a good long while. It occurred to me after the only relationship I had that really got close to being sexual that maybe I was just an asshole, seeing as it kinda bubbled to the surface afterwards in the form of vagueposting about her and I didnt think I did anything wrong.
>So you can't blindly trust people anymore, you can only cut deals.
>It's called "smart trust".
Please tell me more. I'm tired of being generous with my time and being polite and helpful to people (in general, both sexes). If I were to look at every social interaction as a business deal, I would avoid 99% of them without guilt. Where did you read about this "smart trust" term?
>Why do men want beautiful women?
>Why do low tier looking women think they're entitled to handsome men? Is it because of romantic novels?
If they were Ted Bundys, this meme would even be a thing because women would find them irresistible. Instead the guys are largely hated BECAUSE they're harmless, inoffensive and lack the ability to win over women.
It's because women are still apes who can't think critically. Anyone who isn't a total alpha is garbage to them because their vaginas tell them so. They only see men in terms of their sexual and social worth, they can't wrap their minds around the idea of treating someone simply as a human being. That's how strong their biological disposition towards Chad is.
No that's exactly what you should be doing. Unironically just bee yourself. A woman is either going to fuck you or she isn't, and she decided that within 5 minutes of meeting you. Putting in a ton of work to change your personality or run "game" or whatever is for delusional redpillers. It's all about the face/wealth/status etc.
I think a more rational explanation is they are the equivalent to the omega male in wolf packs where one wolf is chosen as the target of the rest of the pack's agression.
This. Women are absolutely heartless and wish to stomp on anyone who doesn't fit their ridiculously inflated standards. They WANT men who are unworthy in their eyes to suffer, they like it, they enjoy it, they are against us.
Like said, this would be fixed if we all just saw each other as humans. But females will never do that, they hate us with a burning passion, they want us to be extinct.
>and she decided that within 5 seconds of look at you
and then they complain when they turn into woman hating incels which is like the next step after nice guy. The only winning game is not to play (and even then they will give you shit for giving up)
That makes sense because people have a tendency to do that sort of thing. But we have concept of morality, which is against that sort of behavior. So people try to reconcile them somehow.
nice repost, too bd it could be better
good job getting the "evidence" for your argument from things that are literally fictional
Had decent 4 k month job. Got fired because crazy first gf decided not to think before calling and getting me fired. Out maybe she did. Union tells be me this. I ask job, Denies it every happened, defaults to me fired because "at will". Back to no job. No hobbies interest me. Just paying parents rent with savings. Spend a lot of time trying to get out to make something happens. Always get shot down. Not enough motivation to reseek employment in my field. Only barely try. Think I got a job at grocery store as cashier. Never got laid
People only pretend to be moral to fit in. When no one's looking, people revert back to being monkeys in the wild and use the same primitive standards to judge people by.
all of it is fictional and OP's thread is a shill narrative.
>fired because your phone rang
There is a lot more to this story desu
I read up online on it with rulers.
Basically, it's trusting that your "trustee" will try to betray you. So you trust in their betrayal.
The autistic "nice guys" that hold resentment towards women and are generally lack self awareness are a small percentage of people among other guys who are actually nice but happen to be average to unattractive. That small percentage of dudes however comes very in handy when women need a scapegoat to justify why they literally only date assholes and / or people who meet impossibly high standards, implying -ALL- "nice guys" are smelly sociopathic autists.
Women find themselves at a conflict between the thousands of years of biological adaptation to psychological and physical abuse by men, which they evolved to like
PC culture brought to you by 3rd wave feminism. (abuse is bad, men are inherently bad yadda yadda slay gurl never settle)
In short this.
I don't understand if it's sarcasm or not
I had this problem too, being overly helpful. I also was afraid to ever banter or make jokes; I was afraid I would say something mean and everyone would hate me.
Now, if someone asks for help, I just give them the resources to find the answer themselves, rather than explaining it myself. I focus more on giving them advice than solving the problem for them. If they really need your help, then it's on them to specifically ask what they need.
Your pic related is accurate, mostly. There is a seed of truth to the female reaction though. See, when they reject 'nice guy' (aka beta male they aren't attracted to) they cannot parse the idea that this 'nice guy' would be offended by the rejection, therefore they rationalize it by concluding the guy was never nice to begin with and was being manipulative all along, therefore they were right to reject him on account of he clearly wasn't no fuggin good anyway. It isn't only feminists who perpetuate the nice guys aren't nice interpretation for that reason. Seed of truth in stereotypes and all that.
Anyway, speaking of Karen Straughan, her video on this topic is pretty good. She makes several strong arguments.
>they cannot parse the idea that this 'nice guy' would be offended by the rejection, therefore they rationalize it by concluding the guy was never nice to begin with and was being manipulative all along, therefore they were right to reject him on account of he clearly wasn't no fuggin good anyway
girls have been doing this my entire life with everything, not just rejections.
they pretty much rationalize everything. everything they do is infallible. that's how it's been in my experience, that's how the majority of them act. shameless too.
Yes, it's a typical response. Women are extremely fond of reframing the situation, rationalizing, redefining words and concepts, etc. in order to twist things in a way that makes they come out ahead or at least come out as the clear victim in the scenario. It's fun to go through feminist literature and articles and do a search for the word 'redefine' and 'redefine what it means to...'.
Serious question guys, would you ever be nice to a girl just for the sake of it and not to make her your gf?
Or have you aver been interested in a girl just as a friend?
This is not an accusatory sarcastic question to imply anything, i'm actually curious
I'm nice to multiple girls, in fact, I was surprised that my pal doesn't want to text women that he has no romantic interest in.
Yeah, I have a couple of close female friends and other girls I talk on purely friendly terms
yes. they don't know the difference between what types of attention you're giving them either, like they don't know if you're flirting or being nice, i don't know why other people act like they know.
i've had women think i was flirting, then get off put, then that shut down a possibility of friendship and vice versa.
stupid people just jump to conclusions and shy people are too shy to figure out the actual truth via confrontation.
i've also had females friends boyfriends cut me off just because they saw me as a threat.
Define "nice."
>simply act with politeness and civility towards everyone, male or female
irl, yes, of course
>go out of my way to be a door mat
no, not unless I owe someone a favor
>smart trust
The only smart trust is distrust.
People are monsters, but women even more so than men. The thing is, nobody pretends men aren't exploitative. But people endlessly pretend women aren't. Moreover, they pretend women don't like this kind of behavior and like kindness, both of which are actually the exact opposite of the truth. Women are turned off by kindness and turned on by unscrupulous actions.
>basic politeness towards everyone
>be a door mat
there's a quite big spectrum between those, do you realize that?
>would you ever be nice to a girl just for the sake of it and not to make her your gf?
That's what I do as a matter of course (see )
>have you aver been interested in a girl just as a friend?
No, every one of them has been completely vapid with nothing interesting to say and moreover no hobby at all, let alone overlapping ones, so it's not like there's ever been a want to even get to know a girl before.
But for example at work if I notice that someone is struggling with something I offer to help. There is no meaning behind it. It's quick, and more useful than twiddling my thumbs while waiting for the tasks to complete.
No shit. Ask vague questions, get vague answers.
first, it wasnt me asking
second, you described two exactly opposite situations/behaviors in a quite specific way, that was definitely not a vague answer.
For comparison, "any number from 1 to 10" is a vague answer.
Why you answer was "if 1, then yes, if 10, then no", ignoring any of the numbers in between.
Sure, if "if 1" is codeword for "if anything below 10".
Yes, that's default approach to women in general for me and I imagine most men. The argument about friend zones and nice guys is only related to women approached, at first, with the intention of dating.
I wouldn't call it abuse, necessarily. Little bit rough, sure.
I'm not going to sit here pretend that my dick won't get rock hard if i had a sexy bossy girlfriend yell at me
Dont bother arguing with incels user
>Women find themselves at a conflict between the thousands of years of biological adaptation to psychological and physical abuse by men, which they evolved to like
Not quite. You are instinctively predisposed to select physically capable, assertive, resourceful men. Women weren't fucking worn down over time to like it. That's not how mating works in any species.
Sure they were. Tall was never of use to monkeys. Big (in the sense of musculature), was. Nowadays most women actually dislike musclefreaks. At a few points in history, chub was attractive and a status symbol. Not so today where women select for unhealthy-tiers of thin above all else for body type (but their primary selector remains facial genetics).
>falling for the conditioning
>posting 0 (zero) (cero) substantive counterarguments
>posting 0 counter arguments
Meme arguments deserve meme replies
>Guy does something nice for girl to make her like him
>Girl does not reciprocate
>Man diverts attention and resources elsewhere to achieve the same outcome
>Chorus of autistic shrieking from roasties and their enablers about how men are so evil and manipulative
It is amazing, AMAZING to me how twisted this concept of the nice guy is. Women actually seem to believe that all men should adore them unconditionally, without any regard as to what they might get out of the interaction. If you do something for a woman for reasons beyond just pure, unreciprocated worship, youre an evil, manipulative pig.
Everyone, EVERYONE, changes their behavior around certain people if they think it will benefit them. This is basic logic and women think they ought to be exempt from it. And men are supposed to be the entitled ones. Lmao
>Its a meme argument because I say so I dont have to justify my position in any way
why would you feed somebody you are not dating, and if you don't have sex after several dates you are not dating you are being used
i think youre lost... this isnt r/niceguys faggot
In theory, yes and yes. In reality, I try to avoid them because it makes me feel bad seeing them become uncomfortable from my presence.
If the guy looks like this it doesn't matter how he acts.
Holy shit this this this wow
>I dont know you
>fucks Chad after 40 seconds
This just makes me sad that feminists have turned a once sacred and intimate ritual into a meaningless free-for-all.
Nice guys are just nice women think its an act because they are retarded
See, when you say this, all I hear is
>casual sex is bad because I can't have it
Be that your opinion and all but seeing as you're on this board I doubt you're getting it either.
Fuck no women are horrible friends once they hit puberty.
well also shame women like that by calling them gold digging whores.
Its not conditioning. Its blatantly obvious
Welcome to the female brain. They think their existence alone is supposed to be a joy to everyone. This is what happens in a cucked society where they're given everything and never criticized.
hoes can't make an argument without mentioning your sex life can they?
>too nice
It's true though. A guy who is super accommodating to women in general bores them. In a way, it means no woman is special in particular. Which unfortunately reflects negatively on the guy, that he's desperate or weak or something. Not a catch.
In contrast, a guy who seems to think women are nothing special in general is more a catch, as it's more validating for the one woman in particular who can capture and keep his attention. Remember that women love the chase too, they too have egos that need boosting.
And, frankly, lots of women are insecure. Being "too nice" just makes them more insecure about themselves. They don't really buy it and they think the person is the same way. The kind of guy who can tell them to shut up is the kind of guy who they think will make them feel more secure. So you have to be a little "mean", it's for the best.