It's 2018, heightism is no longer tolerated. This blatant prejudice (it's not a preference) has no justification and no reason to exist anymore. Get with the times.
There will be no argument here.
Women need to stop discriminating against short men
Short men aren't men
yeah roasties, stop being so shallow
This is what I'm talking about, something tells me you're a man though.
Not him, but manlets are laughable. Roasties arent the only ones who look down on them. I perceive them as weaklings.
it is a preference. just like how wanting a white man over an Asian man is a preference. just like how men prefer a slim woman over fat one. Or a short girl over a tall one.
preferences are racism
just because you don't like it and you're not apart of what they prefer, doesn't make it racist/heightist/sexist etc
Yes it does, as I said it's not a preference it's a prejudice.
Mike tyson is 5'9". You don't make sense, you sound beta af
Do not pretend for one second that there is any equivalent to the stigma and prejudice women have against short men, in men's preferences to women. There is none. Women's hatred for short men is the most common aspect of all human sexuality.
Incels are tumblr tier feminists. Always whining and trying to force people to love you.
Nope, saying blatant prejudice shouldn't be tolerated isn't saying people should like you. Attacking strawmen doesn't work.
Nope sorry, height is even more important than looks.
Which is my point, this is blatant prejudice masquerading as preference.
The fuck am I then!
Also 5'6 isnt that short r-right?
This is a socially constructed phenomenon that would not exist if it weren't tolerated. You sound like a bigot, no different from a racist or sexist and you have the gall to call people incels. Disgusting
Those are exceptions, not the rule. Cope harder
That's not an exception though, a shitload of heavyweights have been around that height. The fuck are you talking about.
Given similar weight a short guy always has an advantage against a taller one. THATS the rule in physics, not your Jow Forums "muh manlet" memes.
So all manlets out there are heavyweight boxers? Color me surprised
That's not what I said. It's obvious though you don't care about the truth you just want to feel good for being a virgin lanklet.
>That's not an exception though
You were indeed implying that the majority of manlets are heavyweight class boxers now.
And how tall was Evander Holyfield? Yep, just some manlet nigger that roided up and gets coked out and rapes women to compensate for being a manlet
No, I said it wasnt an exception to have heavyweights not be tall, and thus to "perceive them as weaklings" doesn't make sense. Mike Tyson is not an exception. It's not hard to understand what I'm saying, did not imply at all that most short guys are heavyweight boxers.
You sound beta af as well.
Mike Tyson is indeed an exception to manlets not being weaklings. You were using him as a poor example and it just blew up in your face because you are stupid
Nope you are entitled dicks same as the entitled cunts. You have no right to peoples' love and affection and trying to make people feel guilty for their choice does not work and makes people hate you even more.
It's the same deal with the trannys, me not fucking someone with a dick is not prejudice. Stop with the opression olympics you cant's force someone to love you.
>There will be no argument here.
agreed, short men are undesirable and there's no changing that.
No he isn't, there are heavyweights that have been fucking 5'6". When tested, there is not even a difference in punching power between fighting weightclasses:
You don't know what you're talking about and you're stupid
There is nothing entitled about saying blatant prejudice shouldn't be tolerated. It's not the same as transgender people, I'm not talking about "right" to peoples love and affection I'm talking about not tolerating prejudice and discrimination.
There is changing that though.
We are talking about manlets and you are solely focusing on heavyweights. Your average manlet walking around isnt a heavy weight boxer, thus hes an exception to the rule. If thats how you want to keep coping thats fine with me
as soon as racism, sexism, and homophobia stop happening, then heightism will go away too! (haha not.)
You're fucking retarded. They said that most heavyweight boxers are manlets, not the other way around.
Why do you think this is funny? It's not a joke.
Heavyweight boxers are a very small subclass of manlets. Sorry little dude, but my point still stands and they dont represent you as a whole.
We're talking about "percieving them as weaklings", I"m saying this isn't true. Weight is more important than height in terms of fighting, and there isn't even a difference in punching power between weight classes.
The ONLY reason manlets are mocked and though of as weak is because people mock them and think of them as weak. NO empirical evidence shows them to be worse at fighting or surviving or hunting. This is a completely socially constructed phenomenon and it should not be tolerated.
Ok, what prejudice are you talking about?
All of them obviously, but in this thread specifically hatred of short men. The reason women hate short men is because of socially constructed lies that make them feel less feminine or protected or some other bullshit, it's not a real innate trait. It's the same as racial prejudice.
I thought you were going to say something substantial but just rehashed the same thing conflating preference with prejudice.
A lot of guys like a girl with a big ass, are they prejudiced assists against girls with flat asses or what about tits are there oppressive breastists. Where does the oppression train stop if everyone finds something they don't like about themselves and claims oppression.
No, again this is prejudice as it's universal and not biological. It's a taught behavior that manifests as discrimination.
>A lot of guys like a girl with a big ass, are they prejudiced assists against girls with flat asses
There are plenty of men who don't care. Same with the breasts. It is not equivalent, the only equivalent traits would be something like race in the 1800's. While that was obviously more extreme, the principle was the same.
Things like sexuality are innate, you don't choose to be straight or gay, so that isn't prejudice. Height, though, and its stigma, are completely constructed. People are not innately interested in black hair, or green eyes, or short/tall height, or certain races. The are socialized to like them in the society they grow up in. The stigma grows from ideas of masculinity, femininity, the average dimorphism in the species, and social stigmas. It can and will go away if not tolerated.
Stop acing stupid lmao you know what he meant the first time he said it. But I'll explain it to you again so that your retarded brain can understand it. There is a disproportionate number of short men in heavyweight boxing, while tall men are not well represented. This fact is at odds with female stereotypes of short men.
Heavyweight boxers dont take away peoples notions that manlets are weaklings though. Its a bad example and its not the norm. Weakling manlets are though, its a fact of life.
That's exactly the stigma I'm talking about which leads to the prejudice I'm talking about. This is why you can't claim "it's just a preference everyone has them" when the "preference" is caused false stigmas and stereotypes and a prejudiced society.
Is caused by false stigmas*
>There are plenty of men who don't care. Same with the breasts
And there are plenty of women who don't care about height as well
Also there are a lot women who get but and tit implants and its a huge industry even famous people get them. I don't know about biology but even Napoleon was insecure about his height so its not a recent social phenomena.
Lastly, you can argue about this all you want but your height is not going to change. Making it your identity is only going to make you bitter and resentful.
>And there are plenty of women who don't care about height as well
No there arent.
What you're saying doesn't matter, I'm not the one with the problem, there's nothing wrong with my height. It's everyone else who has the problem and discriminates against short men. Short men are paid less, they are taken less seriously, women insult them, men think of them as weak. It's not me who is at fault here, why do short men have to put up with everyone else's bullshit? You are just trying to justify being an asshole.
I wouldnt care at all about my height if everyone else wasn't a piece of shit about it.
It was a rape accusation roasties throw that out like their roasts you fag
Alright I tried, but go ahead and start the short men sjw train idgaf.
>he thinks manlets deserve to not be discriminated against
Just like being fat, being short is a choice. Why dont you just grow more, manlet?
Why should a person be paid less, seen as weak, taken less seriously, and be seen as less attractive, when they are not actually innately/biologically any of these things? It's not the same as the fat woman sjw train, they choose to be fat. Stop pretending like all forms of "social justice" are equivalently bad/annoying.
Good shitpost.
You certainly complain like a fat sjw. Thats why no one takes manlets seriously either, you just whine too much over nothing.
We didn't start this shit, you are the ones who need to stop it. I'm not complaining, I'm pointing out the bullshit.
Giraffes may be the tallest in the kingdom but that doesnt make them the top dog now does it?
>Thats why no one takes niggers seriously either, you just whine too much over nothing.
The absolute blindness of this person.
That statement is irrelevant to the conversation. Its not wrong though desu
It's perfectly relevant. Height is as inherent of an issue as race. You can't choose what race you're born as, just as much as you can't choose how tall you'll end up being. Any argument you can make about race you can also use for height.
People of other races can be versatile. Cant say the same for manlets though.
This doesn't mean anything. Versatile? Sort men can be versatile and every race has short men
being a manlet sucks.
can't date tall ladies
short ladies want tall men
now heres the kicker, I also lost the genetic lottery...
that puts me on the 0.01% chance of finding even a contact with a girl, let alone one that may bare romance
you idiots take this meme too seriously
Except it's not a meme. Nearly every damn woman you talk to lists height as a requirement.
Fuck I love it when manlets get angry
>being this insecure
dude you sound beta af
It's not being beta, it's me pointing out oppression, faggot. Pointing out what's WRONG with society isn't beta.
but you arent doing anything but being a faggot about it. thats prety beta
What the fuck do you expect me to do? Go out and start sawing off the kneecaps of every lanklet I see? Raising awareness of the problem is the start.
bringing people down to your physical eye level would be a good start indeed. all we are aware of now is how shortsighted you are and that youd rather whine than do anything
don't you mean top giraffe?