Self improvement is a meme...

Self improvement is a meme. You have to learn so much and your only reward is normalfags approval and decades of wagecucking.
>learn fashion (hundreds of brand names, so many mistakes to make)
>learn how to gym
>gym supplements plus fish oil
>learn body hygiene (face, shaving, hands and feet)
>dental hygiene
>nail care
>how to buy car
>blood workup and nutritionist
>posture correction
>flexibility exercises
>job cv
>job etiquette
>networking (social one)
>career planning
>university choosing
>frugal spending
>financial planning
>social skills
>life purpose
>masculine hobbies
>dancing plus karaoke
>learn proper routines and productive habits

Everybody is an expert and everything you're doing it wrong all the time. Why even try? If I had a gf I would know body hygiene and grooming and I could ask her. If I had friends I would know how to gym and what to wear to what places. Doing self improvement is a constant reminder how alone and far behind you are from everybody else.
Again: Your only reward is normalfags approval and decades of wagecucking.

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I would assume the reward is feeling a sense of satisfaction and belonging. If you can feel that alone with your anime figurines, I guess it is pointless.

But you don't feel that way, do you?

Okay so I just keep browsing r9k and wait for death to come.

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You know sense of satisfaction and belonging are delusions though? Either way it does not seem worth it, I can not imagine it being satisfying more soul crushing.
The grass is always greener.

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>You know sense of satisfaction and belonging are delusions though?

Is this b8 or are you really this much of a retard

>Everybody is an expert and everything you're doing it wrong all the time.
Not even close. Most adults have unflattering postures, can't budget for shit, cook anything other than frozen meals and grilled cheese, and probably 8/10 people aren't in the gym either.

>Again: Your only reward is normalfags approval and decades of wagecucking.
You can spin that around instead as you can social dominate normalfags and make them feel like shit about themselves. Only thing that drives me. I want to be better than the next guy, just because I can and will. I want to be better than 80% of men at A thing (obviously looks I can't do much about without wanting my face all cut up, so that's one I'll have to go without). I don't want approval. I hate social interaction.

My ultimate dream would be to have "fuck you" money so I can do whatever I want without having to worry that someone will fuck me over. Or start my own business so no one can tell me what to do, when to wake up, or need to put up with anyone's shit and worry how I will pay my rent.

I meant you are belonging to terrible people and gaining sense of satisfaction is getting feel good chemicals in your brain by doing meaningless chores in a pointless society. So you shouldn't be happy.

Self improvement is mainly to make your life easier since you fit in and conform to standards. It won't make you happy or anything, but having an easier life is good.

Youre in to deep normie. Working out etc. doesnt feel good its just exhausting

Your argument is reductionist. You're arguing that I can't ever be satisfied because of epistemology, despite existentialism being a cornerstone of it. Go back to Philosophy 101.

That's what I thought until I realized that I felt better about myself as a fit person than a fat fuck. Nobody's doing it because they like it, they're doing it for the results, duh.

Improving yourself by making yourself have a clearer mind, more healthy body, and knowing what you want out of life is only good. "Improving yourself" by dropping all of your hobbies that you think normies will make fun of you for, and jumping through endless hoops to fit in with and appease popular cool kids and avoid being seen in any negative way is childish and retarded.

Even if you did everything you listed, you would still be alone and couldn't get a GF.

Only way to get a GF is
>being a degenerate
>taking drugs
>going to parties and talking with EVERYONE

or being super lucky, but then again you would have better chances winning at a casino

Kek if you want to understand how normies feel, try

THIS is the reward. They just feel goodness/light/purity/morality/empathy all the time. Normies are happy just by existing.

We, neurotics, aren't

>implying you can't be both successful and neurotic anyway

You really have a very simplistic understanding of people (and by extension society) so it's no wonder why you're the intellectual equivalent of an incel

People can lead "successful" lives despite being neurotic but that still doesn't change the fact that neuroticism actively hampers one's ability to make the most out of their life.

No shit, but we're all trying. The only other option is to an hero, and if you feel like taking the coward's way out, that's one less leech on society anyway.

>Thing that well adjusted people do to survive in the modern world are too hard for me :(
>I'm scared and my feelings get hurt easy:'(

>Your only reward is normalfags approval and decades of wagecucking.

Your reward is improvement upon yourself, you fucking faggot. No one who isn't a retard sets out to do something for the sole purpose of gaining recognition for doing a good job. Life doesn't hand you gold stars and participation trophies.

Your argument is 'waah waah i dont know anything its not fair so why should i bother learning anything'

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Most of those have benefits to you as an individual rather than just a means to fit some convoluted normie archetype. Health, wealth, freedom, autonomy, ability, progress - it's all you. If you compare and base your perspective of yourself by what others think, all you'll be is insecure and inferior. Not because you are, but because you're constantly comparing your current person, ability, situation to an unattainable pool of ability. You'll always pale in comparison to someone when you compare yourself to everyone - losing motivation

Also humans are creatures of habit and your brain uses to normie boogyman to justify not doing anything. Getting to armchair psychologist mode but I stand by it.

>No one who isn't a retard sets out to do something for the sole purpose of gaining recognition for doing a good job.
I am surprised that anyone can be deluded enough to actually believe this. Most people do things to get validation and avoid judgement and criticism. People who think they're judged for vidya/anime/masturbation and then try dropping those things are something we see here every day, for starters. Even within waifufags, a considerable portion of them do things a certain way to fit in and not get made fun of by the other faggots. If your drive to "improve yourself" is that some faggot online told you to stop what you're doing and to do what they want instead, yeah, you're being weak-willed and appeasing strangers because you want that shallow approval.

>I can't even imagine why anyone would ever do anything for any other reason than to fit in.

You're pretty far off keel, friend. Do you think people do things write or play piano to fit in even though its a solitary task? Do you think people shitpost on Jow Forums to fit in? Do you think people wake up every day to fit in? How do you even distinguish whats genuine from a desire to fit in? You can't of course. Because you personally have no desire for anything outside of your comfort zone, and when that nagging voice in your head tells you you should be applying your conscious energy towards some sort of goal you beat it down with the phony believe that 'nothing matters' and everyone is just 'being a sheep' as if that devalues your endeavor (it doesn't even if it were true).

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Not to mention most of the things he listed are part of being a regular functioning adult person

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>The only reason I cant do any of these things is because people are mindless sheep and I'm too enlightened to bother learning dress myself properly or learn to drive a car, even though even though anyone can do it!

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no wonder you're fucking worthless OP.
Kill yourself already.

I agree. Once you're on the deep end it doesn't matter what you do, everything will explode in your face. The only thing you get in exchange is scorn.
Self improvement is a meme for normalfags so they can keep picking on losers.

>basic hygiene is a normie conspiracy

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>learn fashion (hundreds of brand names, so many mistakes to make)
Only vapid faggots care about brand names. Dressing nice is just a social cue that you're not retarded, and there's tons of styles to copy. You're just a lazy autistic kid.
>learn how to gym
Exercise is important for your health. Its really not that hard to learn proper form but it delends on if you just want to lose weight, build muscle, etc. again, you're just a lazy autistic brainlet.
>gym supplements plus fish oil
Half that shit is garbage sold to retards that dont do their research.
>learn body hygiene (face, shaving, hands and feet)
>dental hygiene
>nail care
Again, THIS TAKES LITERALLY NO FUCKING EFFORT, this is basic bitch shit so you dont look like a fucking bum and dont smell like shit and will have teeth more than the first 30 years of your life. If this is actually a struggle for you kid, kill yourself, its already too late.
>how to buy car
This is so you arent fucking retarded and overpay for a car and can do basic maintenance yourself. It saves you money, and if you weren't a lazy stupid leech living on your parents dime, itd be little to no effort.
>blood workup and nutritionist
I... what? You don't need a fucking nutritionist, you have the internet. Bloodwork is for when you start having problems.
>posture correction
I'm sorry you're autistic and hunch over like a fucking retard. Sit the fuck up, its not hard.
>flexibility exercises
What? What the fuck?
>job cv
>job etiquette
>networking (social one)
>career planning
>university choosing
Basic bitch shit unless you're a retard and want to get stuck wagecucking all your life.
Basic shit for living and saving money. But wait, you're literally 15 and had to heat up your ramen on your own for the first time it seems.
Not gonna reply to the rest, you're fucking hopeless and should kill yourself.

you're right user, might as well become a morbidly obese sack of shit with no good qualities because whats the use of ever working for anything, you know 90% of people have been given everything without ever having to work for it, despite not knowing these people at all, right?
>Your only reward is normalfags approval and decades of wagecucking.
>Why even try? If I had a gf I would know body hygiene and grooming and I could ask her. If I had friends I would know how to gym and what to wear to what places
on another note, low iq or bait?

Once you're a worthless piece of shit, it gets pretty apparent that you're a parasite not worth anybody's time, yeah. Life isn't fair you pussies. You don't get a participation trophy or jack shit for living. Be a decent fucking person and maybe someone will give a fuck. And if you think thats "wrong", just die then.

why so angry my man

You can stop but you'll start again in a few years. I tihnk the issue with this stuff is people do it for about 3 months then give up... its supposed to be a lifestyle change.

So basically you're confirming that self improvment is a meme. Thanks for proving my point.

Failures who give up and don't strive for anything and yet dare to feel pity for their own lack of action piss me off. It is one thing to try and fail, but to never try in the first place and yet bemoan your own situation that you do nothing about just arouses rage within me.
If i could line half this board up that were just useless NEETs, failed normies, and reddit/tumblr tourists, and put a bullet in them, i would. Chrissakes i got a girlfriend off this shitty board of all places, and you faggots think you have it hard because the bitch you stare at across the street doesn't knock on your door. Admittedly i would fall under cyborg/failed normie tier but at the very least I'm trying to forge something for myself in this shithole of an earth without indulging in the godawful bullshit normies put themselves through.
Faggots on this board think they're Tyler Durden just because you piss and moan about every little thing.

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"get busy living or get busy dying." - old people

There's nothing wrong with never trying

Naw m8, self-improvement isn't a meme, it's that if you want to be a fucking faggot about it and do it just because you think it'll get you brownie points from people instead of allowing you to succeed in your own endeavors, you won't get very fucking far.
This board likes to piss and moan like a teenager that first heard about nihilism but doesn't actually read Nietzsche's works and realize since nothing fucking matters in the end, what does are the things you put value into yourself.
But go ahead. Be a fucking retard and whine like a little bitch that nobody likes you. Because its for a good reason: its because youre a miserable parasite not worth anybody's time of day

There's plenty wrong with it, depending on your philosophy.
Just don't expect sympathy from anybody, and if you want to whine about not having anything, admit its your own fault instead of bemoaning a system you never participated in in the first place giving you nothing.

>its because youre a miserable parasite not worth anybody's time of day
I seem to be worthy of your time since you wasted it throwing walls of text at me

You have a severe superiority complex that you push off on everybody else.
I don't like people either, but sitting on an e-pedestal and acting as though you are an exception and you are better than all the allegedly bad people out there is just so distasteful.


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It takes as little effort to shitpost at you as it does breathing, m8.
If i can push at least one of you faggots to improve or kill yourselves its time decently spent.

>Your only reward is normalfags approval and decades of wagecucking.

I found that out the hard way. Feels bad man.

Meanwhile, my brother, who has a 135 IQ, figured that shit out a long time ago and didn't even bother with self-improvement. All he does is play video games all day. If he were born a century ago, he definitely would have made something out of himself. But not playing this rigged game (unless you're Chad or Tyrone) is the wisest move a man can make in today's upside-down world.