Youth General #12 (Ages 18-24)

How The Fuck Do You Talk To People Edition

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Fuck off underage b8, you are not welcome here

Also, this is the youth support server. It's mostly about getting to know people and less about Jow Forums style shitposting.

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you show your strength and if they stare weirdly, call them faggots or laugh at weaklings

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The reading skills on display

I'm about to start my last semester of community college and I've made zero lasting friends here, usually the best I can get is table-banter when class is in session.

What're some things I can do to ensure I'm not just "that guy"?

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What classes are you taking? This mostly determines your potential friend pool

anyone else didnt leave the house 14-18 sighhh

it's underage b& not b8

I'm also in this situation. On my 4th year of college and haven't made a singular lasting friend the entire time due to my social ineptitude and anxiety.


Mostly just wrapping up the higher tier education courses. There's lots of thicc women around my age but I already have too many female friends.

First step of talking to someone successfully is realizing you really don't give a shit what they think, you just want them to like you for purely selfish reasons.

How are you doing fellow kids?

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it's getting easier and easier to spot boomers

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>Joining Love's cult
Shibbity pop bow

TERRIBLE sighhhh WHYYYYY did susanna leave me when i stopped growing in highschool

Are girls welcome?

Anyone else starting college soon? I'm going in January, plan on majoring in robotics

>all 3 members of staff either girls or so feminine they qualify
I'd say yes

Are you going to UNI or Community?

Royal Prince is a big manly man what

>casually associating Jow Forums and shitposting
Please stop being so obnoxious.

>server owner looks like this

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That's still LeBron James

>Lebron runs a Youth Support Server in his freetime
The greatest I swear

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Lebron James is such a nice guy. Always thinking of the kids. A good role model

Have you ever joined an Jow Forums Discord?
They literally just treat it like r9k but with names and accounts. It's fucking obnoxious. If I wanted to read that toxicity I'd just go on Jow Forums.


>Youth is still up and running
>Love isn't back still
Who's running the show now? Snixal? Powertools?

Who is Love? Is she a bad person?

Royal Dungeon Guard, actually. It's like a background character winning Game of Thrones, but instead of running the thing into the ground it's pretty vibrant.
All of the old regulars are there but they don't write as much anymore.
Datamining autistic person. They created Youth but fucked off after a week.

I'm 27 and I've never made a New friend since I was 9 or something. All the friends u had then which were around 10, all of them are all I had.
Today i got 1 left.
We went from first to ninth grade together.
Getting personal and opening up and seeing that shining friendship shine through people since grade school has just not happened for me. Everyone is so fucking stupid and such a bad person.

I can talk nut only to get through the day. That is easy. Ask me anything.

How haven't you killed yourself?

I am never really sad. I never feel alone (even though I'm objectively are aline physically).
I think that's the main reason. My family lives me too and my best friend is a very good person who I actually can be myself around. So that I'm not only able to be myself in my room alone but with him too then.
I guess that's enough. Anything else?

What are your goals for life?

I'm 21, all of you are fucking norman faggots, now get the fuck off my board you dumbass fucknuggets.

I'm 20 I have girls and gay guys interested in me, but when I they try to talk to me Idk wildautistm.exe kicks in and I leave

Eh, 10 years probably passes like sleeping through the night if you just do the same things / nothing every day

I'm 19 and since graduating high school I'm predicting that there's nothing good to look forward to in life. Right now I'm wageslaving and the days just pass you by when you need to pay the electricity and rent. You only have time on fridays and all people your age turn into sedentary boomers that sit at bars talking about "back in the day". Maybe not in America since you people can't even drink before 21. I figure if I have the money I'll take a trip to Las Vegas to try to recapture my youth or some nonsense when I turn 21 because it's something new and forbidden that I'll only unlock then.

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Not much. Physically and real world achievable goals?
Then I would guess it is getting in to a good routine of work 3-4 days a week. Saving some money for paint and start to paint bob Ross style on free days.
I already am set on a good 3 years of lifting that will still improve if I stay with my self made programs.
Maybe get a cat later. Keep living in this small apartment and keep the costs low.

Big dreams?
See humanity unite and travel the stars with our brothers and sisters from other planets. Pro will take almost 100 years from now to see any of that.

Why the fuck does this need to be a general?

To accomodate those that can't post in 25+ threads. Also, blatant faggotry

If it helps at least one person, isn't it worth it?

I've been lurking in this server for about a month, it's really the best for people just looking for supportive people

21 year old here, I'm gonna tell you how to make it:

Talk to people, if they don't like you, talk to someone else. Talk about them. It's not about you. Ask them what they like, what they're doing, what they think, what they say, etc. GET TO KNOW PEOPLE.

Be responsible. Always keep your word. Don't feel bad about a joke at your expense, smile and enjoy it. Materialism can wait, people can't. Treat others like human beings.

Treat yourself nice. Dress nice. Shower, splurge on yourself. Care about yourself. Hit the gym, shower.

And most importantly; Smile.

im 22 and this is pretty solid advice.
Ive been so so much horrible shit in college, but somehow i am staying positive and getting my life together.
Really want a girlfriend tho. was fucking a girl about a week ago really got along but i went full autism

>tfw wasting your youth in front of a computer screen because you're so used to it and you have have little to no money to enjoy other things or get into a somewhat useful hobby that interests you
honestly not surprised it was going to be like this

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I asked her out on a date and she was happy to go with me. Then i havent seen my friend in a while so i also asked if he wanted to come with us. I never told her until i picked her up, and she freaked out and said that the date was supposed to be only between us, and she felt I was acting super weird
Then she said she no longer wanted to go, so I was "alright ill drop you off then"
dropped her off, and never heard back from her

Call her user. Tell her how she's been and what she's been up to. Don't let bridges rot away.

Go to a party or another event. Don't like drinking? Join a club and enjoy it. Don't judge others. You can only judge yourself.

ok i will call her

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Im so worried about college why do I need to live with someone my age abvhnsdfm nskjl;kfdjk fjkbhvbsk AAAH

Turning quarter-century in October and I'm in a crisis over how much of a fuckup I am.
It's weird. I don't feel "old", yet the few people I talk to online (girls, specially) say I'm a lot older, most of them are 18/19, and for the first time I don't feel young anymore. Shit sucks. Life isn't getting any easier, too.

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I feel like I'm already running out of time to fix my life though

>Go to a party or another event.
that requires normalfag friends, which I don't really have.
>Don't like drinking? Join a club and enjoy it.
I joined a club but don't go there because I generally don't like to talk to people and don't want them to see me as weird
>Don't judge others. You can only judge yourself.
I already don't judge people (aside from specifically promiscuous roasties, but they aren't people anyway), at least not out loud. The thing is, they tend to not refrain from judging others such as myself.
I'm not exactly a charismatic chad type, and enjoy silence, so that doesn't really add to charm...or does it actually? in anyway?

>struggle to initiate conversation with a "friend"
>they let it fizzle out and die after a couple of short responses to my icebreaker attempts
>I'm not social enough to know what people actually say at times like this
>keep trying anyway, anxious to avoid awkward silence
>they see one of their friends
>immediately start an organic conversation with them
>I follow
>I just follow
looking back I realise that I was only ever allowed to attend social gatherings because my "friends" were nice enough to not openly hate me as much as I hate myself
I just got ignored constantly and probably shit-talked behind my back

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>mfw turned 25 a week ago

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I am fairly certain most people who post here are between the ages of 18-24, user. I don't really think this thread is necessary. There's no way most people who post here are 25+. Y'all are just kids to me, really.

Copy everything they do, trust me
Recently I asked some stoner guy in my class about a question. Here is how I approached it:
I looked at him and his friends for 2-3 minutes and I observed how they talked to each other. They were very obviously high. After a minute of thinking what exactly to ask, I walked over to them with my paper, began to speak like I woke up 10 minutes ago, and asked 'Hey, do you know this question?'
He didn't know and I walked back to my seat but the interaction worked out and that's fantastic

tfw no zoomer to breastfeed and jerk off

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Stop baiting pedo

so this is just a proxy space for a discord server right?

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To be originally honest yeah

and its purpose is to try and real in more users for the server and because (you)'s are tasty?

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>last 2 years of my life have been taken by surgery's
I wish i was 16 again

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