Be me

>be me
>use opera as a browser
>it's default is that it opens the websites that were open before it got closed when starting
>jerk off to some loli
>close it
>take it to school for presentation
>do presentation
>open browser during the presentation to show a youtube clip
>it opens the loli hentai
>everyone in my class sees it
>take laptop and just RUN
i've left the whatsapp class chat
shut down all social media accounts
what do i do now
i can't show myself anymore there

Attached: A7Qun6W.png (898x608, 48K)

Only thing left is to an hero, sorry user.

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that is one of my plans
other one is just leaving the country and changing my name

I wouldn't use a browser if it did that.

I believe this is true and entirely legitimate.

just fucking lol
its over for you
any reaction from them?

u could switch it of if you weren't mentally retarded

Damn all those course credits you paid for you can kiss goodbye lmao

OP what exactly did they see?

you could claim one of your friends pulled it as a fucked up prank to get back at you for doing something extreme like fucking their gf, stabbing their parents or something you might be able to fool enough if you can get the "friend" to make a public apology else ur fucked

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This image is amazing and extremely relevant, thank you for bringing it to my attention.

yeah I totally believe that happened OP
for reals

also gratz on tripz

>say it was a virus
>or u got hacked
>or a sick prank/revenge by someone
>or not be a degenerate cunt

No one is gonna believe that. Especially not since OP is probably autistic.

then he should mention to someone that he is going to kill himself
then get cops called on him and spend some time in mental hospital

yes do that op

Third option:
Stop giving a fuck and act as if nothing happened.

you already admitted shame by deleting your accs. its now to late to alpha it. how much money you got saved ? just fly to india for a couple o years m8

you're now branded for the rest of your life with the mark of the pedo, normalfags will now hate and detest you forever and ever. you might even get shot.

Lad, you use Opera. The Chinese advertising conglomerate that owns the browser, which is about five hundred times the size of your elementary school class, has also seen your browsing habits.

You deserve everything in this fake story, except for real because you're a retard.

nobody has seen it there though, its just an algorithm crunching numbers. and as of yet it dont judge him for that

As with the Jow Forums algorithm, it too is sentient and judging. Like a disapproving grandfather on his death bed, watching your failures and knowing that tangent of his family line is a dead end.

maybe shouldnt have raised total boomer cucks then if hes concerned about the survival of his family

that's what you deserve for being a fucking weeb piece of shit. kys

Move to another country, it's not too difficult. Honestly if your country is large you don't even need to do that. You can move somewhere and not even have to change your name.

Just say it was a social experiment

If OP did that right when he opened it it might have worked

>take laptop and just RUN

him doing this makes him look much more guilty

But let us see how fucked you are OP. Post the lolis!

Wow user that's so badass! I'm sure you were cool in school, huh? :) Any tips for me? I want to be as cool as you and "not give a fuck", haha!

if this is real, user, i seriously suggest you just off yourself or say it was a virus

My advice:
>put all important documents in backpack
>go to camping store and buy tent, sleeping bag, canned food, etc.
>find nearest large body of woods and live offgrid

Society will crucify you, brother. But the Normies hate thick forests, hide among the leaves, nature will protect you.
Godspeed, OP.

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>he bought a pass
o ima laffin

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If you're gonna put all your important documents in a backpack, don't forget to put them in some kind of rigid, waterproof container so they don't get all fucked up.

Also if you're gonna live off-grid, make sure you know how to hunt or farm or fish or some shit and know a bit about survival and nature. Otherwise user will be very miserable after a week.

>he give me free (you)s