This is what the perfect vagina looks like. Fight me about it

This is what the perfect vagina looks like. Fight me about it.

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Needs to be non-shaved, and then you'd be right.

Too bad bout the gook face tho

Here's more to your liking, lad.

Attached: 1533322085529.png (500x587, 205K)

Looks like a fat toddler to be honest. That's not my thing

You kidding? Red blemishes and pigmentation difference toward the hole. Skin also looks rougher.

It's not bad but not perfect. 7.5-8/10 maybe.

looks about right. roast beef always looks like it stinks

yeah it needs more Photoshop to be perfect

I am sorry, but you have to be 18 or older to post here user.

Those red blemishes usually show up from shaving which I don't understand why people do it

A nicely trimmed soft little bush is much healthier looking and a sign of fertility, it should only be a nice triangle though and not spread into the thighs

no this is the perfect vagina

Attached: 1469380627567.jpg (960x1280, 93K)

simply god tier

Attached: 1532912236860.jpg (960x1280, 129K)

true, so leave

I think neatening it up a little but and not taking it to the bone is best. Have it there but not so long that it gets in your mouth or absorbs moisture

Ew absolute bullshit

and it cums

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A little pink roast on puffy is the real answer, baby vaginas are boring

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looks smelly, like dick cheese

Way better imo

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It's spotless. I think a pornstar gook with shaving rash might be a bit smellier but there's absolutely no way of knowing

>or absorbs moisture

Hnngg am I the only one who wants to take a whiff of the girl rainforest smells there?

Attached: wojak deep breath.png (267x320, 22K)

Might sound fun but having your mouth and dick dried out and scratched gets old fast



Even beter

no sir. i like a lot of roast on mine, and i like it well browned.

Attached: big-pussy-lips-3481.jpg (620x908, 209K)

Well you do you but I developed somewhat normal tastes

Don't find that too bad myself

It's bait, user. That's an open wound from an infected taint piercing.