What is your most unpopular opinion? Pro-rape anti-trans, or do you just plain hate incels?
Unpopular opinion thread?
After the age 24 you can't really blame anybody else for your problems.
loli, scat, and especially pregnancy can be very pure and cute things to like when it comes to 2D fantasies. Under the right circumstances, it is less gross than more common things like gangbangs and shipping incest, that treats characters as only fap bait, to be used by several other characters for your voyeuristic pleasure. A loli you love, using the toilet, harms nobody in any sense, while casual sex obviously would leave lasting effects and is corruptive to the character.
I only once masturbated to women getting peed on. It was a porn star I was used to. There was something about that I'm used to doing that stuff.
Damn! Milie Brapper Brap looks like that?
More like 17 honestly
Most people are, its just a small section of the internet. Normies fucking hate them
You mean unpopular by societal standards or Jow Forums standards? I guess I'll give a bit of both.
-Trannies should be treated the same as schizophrenics or bulimics; as a mental disorder that needs to be corrected and not indulged in.
-Nobody is under any obligation to give you anything in life.
-Gun control should be little to non-existent, and there is zero correlation between stricter gun laws and a safer population.
Jow Forums:
-Controlled immigration is a net benefit for Western countries.
-Incels and SJWs are both the result of a society that rewards narcissism bringing out the least desirable kinds of gendered behavior (women get bitchier and more emotionally unbalanced, men become more withdrawn and beta).
-The west only has itself to blame for becoming as weak and culturally-marxist as it is. If it doesn't fix itself, I would welcome a shift in global power to China or whatever, so long as the strongest society wins in the end.
there are only two evils in the world, capitalism and religion
every major world problem we face today can be traced back to one of these two things
I have become fully convinced that everything we do (or not do) stems from our genes from the most part. Of course environmental factors can contribute too, but to a much smaller extent than pop-sci biologists like to convey nowadays. Hair and eye color, height, intelligence, even confidence has been shown to be genetic time and time again, so why shouldn't other aspects of life follow the same route? Why is it deemed absurd to think that your genetics may dispose you to like a certain kind of music, to cherish a certain taste, to succeed in a certain academic field? Baby turtles after hatching on land instinctually know to stroll toward and search the nearest body of water for nutrients. If such complex behavior can be encoded in a turtles' DNA, why is the same unthinkable for humans?
>Any progressive ideology that doesn't actively harm other people (such as the rising popularity of transgender acceptance, LGBTQ+ normalization, and the deconstruction of toxic masculinity) is ultimately good as it allows people to go to bed at night comfortable in their own skin while pumping millions into the economy as it opens doors instead of closing them
>People who are genuinely racist/prejudice while claiming to be "redpilled" or "disregarding societal norms" by acting in that manner tend to be people you don't want to associate yourself with. Anyone who actively buys into hatred/mistrust can have a negative affect on you.
>In order to get ahead in society, you have to buy in. Accepting that the system is flawed and fucked up but still playing the game anyway is the only way toward what you want in life.
>Marriage is essential to building up a stable household due to the combined income and resource sharing. It is substantially more difficult to go through life by yourself than it is to pool your income with another person, and people need to review marriage from an equal parts emotional and economical standpoint instead of fairy tale weddings and happiness forever.
>Without masking your feelings, you will never get ahead of your peers by putting stock into any toxic Jow Forums mindset like lookism, redpills, sexism/racism, ect.
>Standing up for the weak and vulnerable is always the right thing to do. This is extremely popular on Jow Forums because the weak and vulnerable are often harassed into oblivion, and in any setting where self-identified robots hold positions of power (mostly Discord servers) minorities are harassed/banned outright.
>Large swaths of religion are increasingly obsolete in developed nations.
>The brainwashing of gun culture in the United States is rightfully seen as disgusting by the rest of the developed world, and actively banning the discussion of common sense regulation as was implemented through automobiles is bad.
People who consistently play video games or watch movies for more than 4 hours a day, every day, (AKA self-proclaimed 'Gamers') are wasting their time and need to pick up a real hobby, preferably something like drawing, writing, music or something more niche like archery or hunting. However, playing video games ALL DAY once in a while is okay. If you aren't creative you can just pick up reading or something.
That being said, some video games are less mindless and throwaway than others.
Anyone who uses discord, is a member of more than one server and uses it every day is probably a "gamer" (described above), an incel, a NEET or just a loser pretty much. I found that out after 2 attempts at using it and then just being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of low quality people.
"Blackpill" people are gross, depressing buttholes who think that nihilism will make them superior to everyone else.
Fight me.
Your first point may sound idealistically good when it's just words on a screen, but it just shows that you've never been in the same position as the people you dislike and then actually done those any of those things you listed. Unless you are honest-to-God addicted to the feeling those pastimes give you, they only feel like an unenjoyable, unfulfilling, uninteresting drag. If you like them that's absolutely fine, and I do too whenever I feel like it, but I enjoy blowing my head out with one anime after another much more than drawing another canvas of the mountains outside my room or reading a convoluted med publication most of the time.
Oh trust me, I've been in that position. I used to play video games for 10 hours a day and it was the worst time of my life.
There's nothing wrong with "entrapment". If people are so weak-minded they can be easily led to commit criminal acts, maybe they should have handlers like the retards they are.
Ask me how i know you're not white.
Are you fucking serious?
>"hey baby I wanna suk ur cokc ;))"
>jk ur under arrest lmao
how do you know I'm not white
Get out Dmitri
social hierarchies, The Cultural Hegemony of Bourgeoisie, and the ability to be constantly sedated is what leads to people's alienation from society and in-turn leads to the creation of groups people who would rather opt out of society