Be homosexual

>be homosexual
>realize that like 50% of gay men are pedophiles (r9k is a great example of this. Notice how the fags here only care about little shota boys instead of regular men)
>now want nothing more than to distance myself from gay culture and the lgbt while still being gay

Why are fags so disgustingly biased towards being pedophiles? I only want a big bara bf to snuggle with.

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unless you're a bara guy yourself, you're just a reverse pedophile. A young, small boy fantasizing about having sex with an older, bigger guy. Once you get old and fat, you'll be as much of a pedo as those fags.

>reverse pedophile
You cant just make up terms to suit your pseudo-psychology argument

bara is shit, 90% of men are ugly
that's why

if you want fat hairy roided men you're more troubled in the head than those people are

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>realize that like 50% of gay men are pedophiles
This is painfully obvious to anyone with a brain and a basic understanding of science. Once you realize that all men who sexually molest boys are by definition gay, then you realize that a tiny segment of the population is committing half of all child molestation. Compare the number or reported molestations to the gay population and suddenly you see that at absolute best, half of all gay men are child molesters.

>criticizes regular boys for liking regular boys
>wants a boomer daddy to fulfill his sexual fantasies but disregards that he's a pedophile due to your urge to have an old dick inside you

slowly ive realized if you're a fag and you have sex as one of your life priorities you deserve beheading cause you're not worth anything in this world

good thing you made a distinction there

I don't think we are pedophiles, the problem is most 2d trap porn happens to be shota because adult men aren't very feminine. I'm not attracted to children or men at all when I'm outside.

We want femininity, not children.

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>We want femininity
no I don't? I've realized I was gay because I grew up attracted to the guys that surrounded me, not the girls
it makes no sense at all that gays are interested in feminine man or that they're a feminine man who talks with lisp themselves
I will never understand this, if I wanted femininity I would try to date a woman. At least I will be able to have osspring with them and lead a normal life

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>We want femininity, not children.
>still decides to fuck children instead of women

Don't blame me, blame the idiots who say we are gay for liking traps even though we've never been attracted to another man in real life. I'm just going with popular opinion.

>>still decides to fuck children instead of women

I'm a virgin. When I see a little boy I feel no attraction, if anything I want him to grow up strong and proud like I never was. I don't see how anyone could want to ruin that by dicking them.

most gay men are quite feminine, if you want even more femininity, go fuck a woman, honestly

oh so you're just a man desperate to have your dick inside a hole even if it's just a boy who trained himself to look like a female
I wouldn't argue that you're gay, because I would never consider fucking a trap and I am gay. I would argue that the act of doing it is gay tho. If you weren't so desperate for sex and brainwashed by the places you go online you would come to your senses

Most fags are created by being abused by men or emasculated early on.

"Homosexuals" who go after feminine men are mostly failed heterosexuals.

are you sure? because I consider myself a failed homosexual (dated 1 person my entire life, live indoors all day) and it never occurred to me that I should be trying women, even tho my experience with them would prove more fruitful

just fuck short asian guys, same thing really

>I would argue that the act of doing it is gay tho.

Of course. I think guys like us are the male versions of woman who are bisexual but would never seriously date or marry another woman. I think nature has it set up so that we have a primary attraction to the opposite sex, but can still have fun with the same sex, it just won't be as fulfilling. Just look at homosexuality in ancient Japan. Older men would have sexual relationships with younger boys, but would still get married and have kids eventually. I think men can be just as causally bisexual as woman, its just more taboo so they get lumped in with the full gays and its assumed they have no real interest in woman.

>If you weren't so desperate for sex and brainwashed by the places you go online you would come to your senses

I have, once I started going outside more and being around real woman I got over my trap obsession. I still like fapping to them, but would never fuck one.


That's not pedophilia, that's hebephilia and I'm fucking tired of you trolls.

say what you will, you're still having pedo fantasies in your mind, only from the molested child's perspective. Once you're not a boy anymore, you'll fulfill those fantasies from the other side.

>All it takes is some fucking retard from Jow Forums to send the gays against each other
You're a fucking faggot. Kill yourself you goddamn queer.