Can any fembot please just let me hold you. Please I am so lonely!
Can any fembot please just let me hold you. Please I am so lonely!
We can chat first if you want!
Sure, if that's what you want. Let's be friends!
Aw cute. Have fun lovebirds
Do you have discord? I don't want to be flooded with friend requests...
it is aarecksu#3890
Added you!
Those are two guys OP
who cares its still lovely
Someone tell me how this pans out
You're only gonna get traps dude
Yeah, we all want to know the end of the story
We're basically dating now
not again man
oh shit. er oops
Like thats a bad thing.
Wow so orig
absolutely W H O L E S O M E thread. Enjoy your time guys
We are. Thank you, user!
This guy makes a thread and gets fembot gf first reply. Where's my fembot to cuddle with?
even if you get the fembot you desire, who says they're gonna be living nearby to give you the cuddles you need, user
can i comb a fembots hair pls
I hope she(he) fucking cheats on you
no this a cute thread please do not ruin it
feels bad
>tfw this will never, ever happen to you
Never say never user, there is hope for us all.
They probably aren't, but I don't care. We can even just pretend. If we like each other enough, I'll get those cuddles eventually.
I'm too ugly
no one would want to hold me
notice how 99% of the time the 'girl' in these kinds of threads are prefixed with 'cute', fml
Cuteness is subjective though. Even if you're 400lbs monster there are statisically lots of robots who would want to cuddle.
please don't make me cry, user, your hopes and dreams are too pure. i commend you and pray you get your needed cuddles
All you need to do is ask. You fuckers see it now?
The chances of a thread going like this is like one in a thousand though.
Just keep asking
Petitioning for one(1) fembot to give me affection.
May as well leave my contact before I leave the thread.
lads wheres the 5'8+ fembots i need one for scientific purposes
Tfw you've been posting a month and came on 3 fembots and these tardos are begging for hugs
teach us how to initiate contact, user
The larp king himself has arrived
Just by being willing to talk to us a fembot is automatically cute.