How do I win this girl's heart when I'm too scared to talk to her in real life or even online?

How do I win this girl's heart when I'm too scared to talk to her in real life or even online?

Pic obviously related

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Here's another picture.

Is there a secret to get girls to notice you?

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you should probably go for something easier user, she looks too good for anyone that has ever been on r9k

I'm a gentleman who happen to be rich.

I fucked maya in 10th grade. AMA

Give me her contact, ill help

You don't. As with everything in male/female relationships it's your fault for no doing anything. If you missed your chance she's getting pounding and creamed by chad.

On a scale of 1-10, how many cocks have you sucked?

nigga idk let me know if you find out

Poetry is the only way to win a young maiden's
heart. HMU if you want a sonnet or two.

But I do write poetry.

Should I cold send some to her?

Is this good?

An eternity passes by before I feel the wind push me forward. I look up to see her standing there, looking back at me, waiting in the distant horizon.

im a bit more forward with mine for example
I wonder if you'd care
If I could floss my teeth with your pubic hair
I always brush with Colgate
And eat the pussy on the second date
I know this may sound painful
But would you like to have diner with me sometime

No you fucking serial killer.

Does that work? Serious question.

Quiet you.


what the fuck is this shit
get a grip son

don't listen to this poetcelIn all my experinces a sonnet makes 'em soggy

damn g that hoe ugler than a robot

You must be a gaylord

she doesn't have a heart she has a bank account

I don't think she's that type of person. Her face seems genuine, and I'm a pretty good at judging a person's facial structure to determine whether or not they're a good person.

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