Went on date

>went on date
>don't know what to talk about
>accidentally wore my yellow lantern shirt
>she tries to bring up comics
>tell her i don't actually read super hero stuff but have only seen the marvel movies
>she actually crosses her arms and says 'wakanda forever' excitedly
i'll wait to tell you what I did, because I want to hear what you say I should have done that doesn't involve her leaving

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Other urls found in this thread:


>wonder woman pose

>op gets a date
>thanks to modern SJW culture, dates are literally served to him on a silver platter

Leave the table because she has obviously been blacked

Was she a nignog?

>wears a yellow lantern shirt to a date

Hopefully you got down on your hands and knees and thanked her profusely for going on a date with your weird ass

>incel cacs can't handle a woman liking a movie with black people in it

Cacs are the evilest

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i agree what a dumbass

>he thanks her for letting him buy her food

>blacks have all of the media rooting for them
>but has to come here to spread the word of Groid to people who shun the MSM

no, he thanks her for willing to be seen in public with him

I did my cringe face just reading this and imagining me in this situation

yeah imagine someone went on a date with you.

>poor manchild feels his existence insulted cuz a girl likes things with good negros in it
>implies he did or said a terrible thing to her to punish her for not being a bigot like himself
>hey guise am i cool yet?

Jesus christ go back to Jow Forums manchild. White males have to be the most sensitive insecure bitches in the world.

>"welcome to the jungle bitch"
>7 nig nogs leap out and gangbang her
> stroke your 3 inch cock slowly while they fuck her into the next dimension
> wakanda forever

inb4 several replies

>anyone who doesnt coddle sensitive black man babies is a white male

>sensitive insecure bitches in the world.
Sorry sweetie, but dubious honor belongs to nigger bois.

yeah man! whitey holdin the black man down!

>delusional coddled cac reality aka alternate reality

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nigger just tell us what happened.

>having a difference of opinion means im deluded

t. Tyrone9in with his trip off

Is there anything more insecure than your constant shitposting and general faggotry?

she never existed in the first place hence a paradox occurred which she never left you in the first place while you didn't do anything at all to make her leave.

The only girl to talk to me in the last six years commented on my Civil War shirt
She said she was Team Cap because of Chris Evans's butt

>You mention a roastie excitedly saying some shit from a movie with loads of black people in it
>Faggots already screaming nigger
Amazing and why the fuck were you wearing a lantern shirt user, what the fuck

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>everyone trying to frame this as a blacks vs. whites race war thing
>when really its a company pissing match of DC vs. Marvel

Come on now boy.


As an aside, I don't like Zack Synder's movies, or his brodude, I just read Anthem for the first time and what if like, whoa, it really DOES take a great man to make his mark in history bro? Like haha dude what if bro like what if you know, like being selfish is actually good?

But I think I'd like Zack as a person. I'd like to hang out with him, maybe get him some better books so he could develop a more well-rounded approach to life. You know? He doesn't seem like a bad guy.

>told her I didn't see Black Panther because it was black propoganda
>on advice of my friend who said alphas speak what they want to say and even offensive shit will get a pass if they like you
>she quieted and went to the bathroom
>didn't come back

actually no, one person said that and it waa sarcastically.

Okay, as an aside, I'm not reading your pathetic propaganda if there's reddit spacing.

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and not even Israel wants to let black people in, kinda says something.

Un i
Cally 73841

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also to those smirking at us being racist, its a privilege that you petsonally dont have to since some of us already are.

>cares if subhuman thots get offended back

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Not me...thus, objectively seems like you proved his point huh dumbshit

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thats a bit implication, from someone that doesnt know me and isnt a doctor. tell me, if we are so intolerant, why are you always here?

I've had someone comment on my Yellow Lantern t-shirt, and all I could come up with was "I thought it was a Doctor Strange thing", so they would leave me alone.

You have psychosis, jamal. Not him.
Your claims are no more based in fact than mine are.

heres a point for you - youre choosing to stir this up.

Wow OP hat sure was a really cool story well worth the wait you faggot.

there was no way to win it. If I told her Black Panther was awesome, she would eventually cuck me with a nignog.

>Phone poster

You fucking normies need to GTFO your phones and use a PC like normal people

>on advice of my friend who said alphas speak what they want to say and even offensive shit will get a pass if they like you

this still leaves the option that she didn't like you that much to begin with.

but yeah, probably don't take your friend's advice that literally next time. you can get away with mildly offensive stuff in some situations, all depending on how thirsty the chick is. essentially exposing yourself as a nigger hater on a first date is always going to throw a wrench in things and now you know. valuable lesson! keep at it.

im a phone poster. Jow Forums will destroy your pc

Nigger-animals mad that even black women are starting to prefer whites.

>thinking I'm not a doctor
>IF we're intolerant

PEAK caucus mountain delusion
Lmao literally not existing on this earth anymore

>switches personas mid text

No, I'm not a coddled man baby getting his world view from his basement by reading pol. I love squarely on earth, our perspectives are not equally plausible yours and anyone who feels the same is complete delusion spawned from cac privilege

Yes, it's me not the tards triggered by a girl quoting a movie...peak cac

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>there was no way to win it
Obviously, but I was hoping at least some funny bantz would get thrown around instead of just "she walked out"

Yeah bro it was just sarcasm nuffin else
>A country that stole land and kicked out other ethnic groups because God, so they can dwell there doesn't want another ethnic group there
Colour me surprised also they had east African Jews there for a long time so your still wrong
I truly couldn't give a shit and I doubt that because the statistics give another story

Why are you still posting nigger-animal, you belong in the field, not here.

yeah youre stirring it up, youre more destroyed by it than anyone. all you can do is deny it and say "cac". oh so thats what it means, from those mountains got it.

Suddenly, a black man grabbed his shoulder, sucked his teeth and said "You alright white boi"
His date then said "He cute"

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the whit man holdin the black man down brotha!

actually theyre neutering black jews

I should sublet all this space I'm taking out in your head. It's rent free, why shouldn't I turn a profit if you're not?

You do care, thats why you come here and cry about white people, fragile little nigger-animal. How many of your relatives have we put in cages?

>yellow lantern
>don't actually read super hero stuff
wat in tarnation

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here u go


>random incoherent gibberish

Relax your incel rage and kys


the only one raging is you. you make black people look bad, you black autist

That isn't what birth control is
Although I get bored from time to time and insult crackers I really couldn't give two shits it's either baiting and trolling but now I'm getting tired of it also I'm Somali, so no we just sold Arabs slaves.
Birth control my guy and it isn't even a large part of the black population there so shiggy diggy they better get use to it because international scrutiny halted this shit

jews are deporting blacks. israel is worse than the southern states and the nazis


LOL fucking israel hahahahaha

>cac thinking by virtue of being a cac he decides who is a "good black" or not
>cac delusion +10
>cac hovering and entitlement +15
>cac justifying his deep seated racism + 0 (PEAKED)

You always try and I always BTFO you
Enjoy your bottles, pampers and basement sissyboi

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nah mate, you may be a reverse troll or whatever but i bet you are a racist too.

and yeah you make black look autistic as fuck by larping as one.

Jesus those extra niggers like like fucking shit.

>point out casual cac racism
>cac: Y-You rrracist 2!

Incorrect. calm your cac projection, we don't have your same programming, whenever this is your first assumption it just furthers the point of how delusional white Americans are

>assmad sissy that follows me between threads and gets BTFO every time but has some fetish for me so he always tries again


interesting pov. well thanks for confirming you arent a reverse troll, youre actually serious about what you say.

Nobody is acknowledging
>wears shirt
>doesn't know anything about the character


kys unironically, OP

whiteey holdin the black man down!

>reddit spacing
stopped reading there

Wow this is a shit thread.