>that kid who drank kerosene in math class, thinking it was his energy drink.
>same kid who died in the middle of math class, slumped down on his chair.
>those Mexican kids who were watching anime on their Iphones
>that kid who tried to fight like Naruto in order to beat up the black kid
>that black kid who beat up the weaboo who was trying to act like Naruto
That kid thread
That kid who cried at literally everything was me
>That kid who got tazed by a security guard and got arrested
>>That kid who got tazed by a security guard and got arrested
How the fuck did you know that was me?
>That kid who combined real life historic ninja techniques and Naruto fighting styles to successfully fight a the black kid
Here's how the fight goes down
>Throws paper shuriken at black kid
>Whether the shuriken hits or not is irrelevant; the shuriken is historically a weapon used for distraction
>While black kid flinches weaboo (optional: does handseals for the raikiri) and charges at black kid
>Successful hit on black kid
>If that doesn't work weaboo is screwed
>It probably looked amazing though
I don't know all of this because I tried that strategy the one time I got into a fight or anything.
Were you the kid who tried to act like Naruto?
>That kid who played GTA San Andreas in class
>That kid who was terrible at singing
>That kid who ate his pizza with ketchup
>That kid who FUCKING DIED while car surfing
>That kid who had a badly tuned guitar
>That kid who wore a GTA V shirt to school when GTA V came out
>That kid who crashed his Honda Accord into the back of the school
>That kid who wore cargo shorts to school everyday
>That kid who had a terrible mohawk
>That kid that cried like a little girl after getting punked by 2 weeaboo kids
>That kid who licked everything he owned
>That kid who looked like Mclovin
>That kid who dated a 7th grader
>That kid who always had pocket money for snacks
>That kid who pissed himself during the fire drill
kerosine is very toxic did he die
Cause you asked me to help release you from handcuffs u negro.
>The black kid that copied Naruto and tried to fight a white kid who was bullying me with it
>Actually won because I rushed at him and people pulled us apart before he could beat my ass
I've ascended you faggots
>those Russian kids who stabbed the autistic kid to death
>same kids were sentenced to death row
>that downie kid who went apeshit and threw his dinosaur nuggets at a girl who rejected him after he asked her out.
>That kid who was masturbating in the middle of the class
>that kid who blew a horse and tried to kill herself after people gossiped about it
>that kid who fucked a chick so hard it ruptured her uterus and she nearly bled to death in one of the bathrooms
>that kid who used to beat the shit out of me in elementary school and took a shotgun to the face because his girlfriend broke up with him
>that kid who drew dicks all over my artwork
>that kid who raked a metal fork across the back of my neck on the bus and it was so bad my parents had to file a police report
>that kid who regularly bragged about masturbating all the time in middle school
>that kid who always had terrible nosebleeds out of nowhere
>that kid who talked about shooting up the school so frequently that everyone was legitimately worried
>that kid who bit her boyfriends for fun and actually thought she was a vampire
>that kid who talked about getting fucked in the ass all the time
>that kid who watched porn in web design
>that kid who flirted with all the teachers
>that kid who thought Africa was a country
>that kid who thought hemophiliacs fucked blood
>that kid who dressed like a columbine wannabe but was the nicest guy in high school
I could go on forever honestly
How can you survive on this shit?
>That kid that got cucked by half the football team and other 2 black guys
Dude got mega KEKED and still went out with her. Chad kept telling jokes on how his girl gave him a blowie and he made fake smiles.
>>that kid who dressed like a columbine wannabe but was the nicest guy in high school
That was me lad!
>that kid that failed her math test and flipped a desk and threatened kids with a pencil
>that qt Ukrainian girl who was gang raped, and killed by three hispanic kids
>in math class
where the fuck did you go to school user
I went to a normal high school.
That kid somehow misplaced his energy drink, and took a jug of kerosene to class by accident.
What was everyone's reaction?
>that kid who went to the bathroom when we were all lined up outside just so he could get naked and show us his dick and ass
>that kid who would have conversations with pencils and paper and other shit and then get mad and eat them
>that kid that would go through everyones backpacks stealing random shit and somehow i was the only one who noticed
>that kid who got caught jerking it in the bathroom and then in class right next to his wrangler
>that other kid who would jerk off in class right fucking next to me but he was my friend and he did it ironically
>that kid who was smoking in the bathroom with me but he got caught and ended up punching the supervisor on the face and wrestling with him
>that downie kid who showed his horrifying bent penis towards his classmates in gym class.
>that transgender kid who forced the weird kid to have sex with "her"
>that weird kid who tried to tell the transgender kid no, but only to get called a transphobe, and a racist
I feel you user, I was crybaby until 4-5 grade
They were horrified to see him dead, he was a good kid. He was one of the few who treated me with respect. I heard he went to some party the day before he died.
Actually, while i was typing this, I think I understand why he took a jug of kerosene instead of his energy drink to class.
Where the fuck did you people go to school?
>that kid who drew dicks all over my artwork
gg that was me
Once again, we went to normal schools, just like you.
We just seen some fucked up shit.
>that kid who was picked on throughout school
>same kid who shot himself in English class
>>that kid who drew dicks all over my artwork
>gg that was me
Scott, was that you?
how do you mistake a jug of kerosene for an energy drink
do they put kerosene in energy drink cans now?
are people putting energy drinks in kerosene jugs?
this sounds dubious and homosexual.
He was hungover, user.
He was too hungover to tell the difference between a big can of monster, and a can of kerosene!
that's too hungover to walk user
>that kid who thought Africa was a country
there was a kid like that who went to my school, do you happen to live in PA?
>fight-a the black kid
didn't know mario browsed r/9k
F(M)L actually, but idiots persist wherever you are so I'm sure there are a lot of similarities
>That autist kid who once gone apeshit and broke his chair and the classrom fan with a table then tried to cut his own wrist with a scissors
>that kid who died in a car crash and you found out when your friend called to tell you over Christmas break and you both ended up talking about what a fag he was and laughed about it and realized neither of you gave a shit
>that Chad who died of a drug overdose at a party
>that robot who had to sit at the dead Chad's old desk during exams and see the sickeningly sweet shit his friends wrote on his desk like "We'll always miss you", knowing that if the robot had died nobody would have given a shit
the more important question is
who has kerosene in his house in energy drink sized cans or bottles?
seems more like he got poisoned by his parents
>that psycho girl who held a kid at knifepoint in home ec
>that Jewish kid who was constantly high
>that autistic kid who carried a plastic box full of dice with him wherever he went
>that black kid who acted all tough and gangsta but was short and nerdy and laughed at by everyone
>that white kid who tried to talk like a black guy
>that fat ugly bastard kid who went out with the prettiest girl in the school
>that quiet nerdy kid who never had any friends, was rejected by everyone he asked out, including a guy when he went prison gay and a teacher when he was drunk out of his mind a year after graduation, and became progressively more depressed and emotionally unstable as school went on but nobody gave a fuck because he was a loser
Last one was me
>that kid who brought a crowbar in his trombone case, fumbled it at the moment of truth then got tackled by a vigilant football player in the hallway
>that fat kid who would sweat up a storm every class
>that kid who got poo on his sleeve because he didn't roll them up to wipe
>that kid who turned 18 and got a face tattoo
>that same kid who got killed in an alleged gang initiation a month after graduating
When was this? info?
>That kid who brought a tazer to school and got tackled by the football coach
>that kid that pissed himself on the gym floor because he wouldn't ask if he could use the restroom.
>That kid who brought a tazer to school and used it on a teacher
>That kid who ate raw meat in food class and nearly died
>That edgy kid who brought hard drugs to school to show them off
>That kid who everyone bullied for being edgy and depressed that actually ended up killing himself
Not sure what he had done with those cans.
All I know is that the dude brought brought kerosene in the class, and drank it.
I wasn't sure if it was either intentional or not.
Tried finding access to the information, but unfortunately, news sources stating this was blocked in my country. All I know is that she was killed sometime in the early 2010's
>that kid who would always make up excuses not to go out in four square
>that kid who would get irrationally angry if you touched his stuff
>that kid who everyone saw as a rich snob because he would always wear clothes from sports authority
>that kid who was a massive weeb and brought her gba sp everywhere
>that kid who you knew in first grade who got moved to another school for anger issues, and then moved to your high school a decade later, only to be moved to another school for anger issues
>that kid who you became friends with in middle school, only to have the friendship break apart in freshmen year in high school
>that kid who brought his laptop to school conferences to play video games and would always get scolded by his parents
>that kid who got teased so much for liking nintendo games that he lifted weights and beat up three normies while wearing a fucking sonic x t-shirt and mario shorts
>that 6'3" 'kid' in HS that threw a chair across the lunchroom, and threatened to kill me for taking his seat, then threatened me again after lunch, proceeding to punch a dent in a steel pole. Proceeding after that to flip a desk in the principals office when confronted by the staff. Only to get off Scott free bc he was star football player.
Carried a bottle of tobasco in my pocket after that. In the hopes I could smash it and stab him with spicy glass in the face.
>>that kid who got teased so much for liking nintendo games that he lifted weights and beat up three normies while wearing a fucking sonic x t-shirt and mario shorts
Did anybody make fun of him after that? Also how did go out?
>>that kid who would get irrationally angry if you touched his stuff
That was me. I carried a lot of sketchbooks around and didn't want anyone to look inside them without my permission.
>normal schools
I think you mean, American schools. They might not be from here user
>That kid who kept a small thin screwdriver in his pocket, that he sharpened to a point on the mortar between the bricks.
Was me
What would you draw?
Original comment
In middle school this short nerdy kid brought one of those Dreamcast memory cards everywhere with him. All the normies would talk their usual normie talk like "have sex with me lololol" and would act brutal towards him in PE. Then out of nowhere in 9th grade he had a growth spurt, gained a lot of muscle, and beat up three kids during lunch. I wasn't in the same lunch period as him but after that we had one of those anti-bullying assemblies.
Shit I wasn't supposed to draw while in Middle School/High School. Mainly stuff involving guns and swearing. I got suspended for a day or something for drawing Mark from Hotline Miami 2 holding an ax. (I was going to Western Hills High School at the time, graduated recently.)
Pic related, it's something I drew around that time.
You got the drawing of Mark? I love HM2.
Fuck I dunno. I'd have to look, I remember when I was sent to the office and they made a photocopy, my mom got assmad at the school for going through my shit and took home both the original sketch and the photocopy. It's tucked away in one of my drawers, I'll look and see.
Same, I didn't stop crying until the 5th grade too, that's weird. I would often get hung up over things and get confused and frustrated with my school work and I would end up crying saying I didn't understand. Now that I look back on it I really don't know why I was like that. I've always been ultra sensitive, but I don't know if that's the case.
>that kid who was terrible at school and saw marrying her older bf as the only way forward
>That kid who knocked out a teacher and broke his glasses and got arrested and expelled on the spot
>That kid who got in a fight in foods class and pulled out a bread knife
>That kid who would show off and bring brass knuckles to school
>Those kids who all had switchblades despite them being illegal who all eventually got caught and suspended
>That one kid who stole a huge knife with a 5 inch blade from the triads and would show it off at lunch
>That kid who called in a bomb threat so everyone could leave school early and buy GTA 5
>That kid who was gonna fight another kid and brought bear mace to school to 'defend himself'. But instead ended up spraying some bear mace in the air near the cafeteria causing people to cough and a full blown school lockdown
That was pretty much some of the craziest moments from my high school experience.
Maybe it was on purpose...
>that kid who everyone saw as a rich snob because he would always wear clothes from sports authority
Is that the epitome of wealth in your area?
>>that kid who always had terrible nosebleeds out of nowhere
That was me. Having Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma fucking sucks.
We had a kid who looked like McLovin. He went by "ska kid" and was a fucking asshole
>That fat kid who was always eating and choked to death with snacks in the literature class
>That l33t hacker kid who wanted me to tell him teacher's username and password (I worked with a tech liaison guy for work study in senior year) in the library and got caught by the librarian when I fervently objected multiple times
>Those kids who grew up and later stabbed and robbed a guy in a grocery store parking lot
>That girl who went missing
>That girl who was very nice, then hit a teacher, went to an alternative school, and came back white trash
>That kid who bullied you and later on got told by a black girl the only girlfriend he's ever had was his right hand
>That girl who left her car in neutral and it later rolled into a ditch
>That kid who vomited like one every two weeks
>That kid you chewed on crayons that we all had to share
>That kid who punched a kid in the halls and started a fist fight as you were walking right next to him as he did it
>That kid who had a seizure in gym class
>That kid who called you a chink for having a henna tattoo, all the while the teacher was Asian
>That kid who actually believed in the pop up ad saying he won a free iPod
>That kid whose daughter died
>Those kids who found a head of lettuce on the playground and played with it for days. I was one of them
>That kid who always turned the fucking lights off in the locker room
>That kid who had sex with his sister
>That token black kid everyone looked at when choosing who would play Tituba
>That Christian girl who grew up to be a thot
>That girl who looked just like Precious
>That kid who was like 6'0 in 3rd grade
>That girl who drank molly water at prom
>That guy who made a jet fuel can't melt steel beams joke in his project
>That kid who owned a new Mustang
>That kid who proposed to a girl in 5th grade
It was me
>That kid who wanted to do a painting of Hitler because we had to choose someone/something significant to us. His reason was because he was powerful.
> that kid that stole everyone's shit but was never caught
> that kid that found the principle fucking the secretary
> that kid that bullied the autistic kid that got sent to the hospital from a tard attack
pokemon is getting out of hand
That slave from The Crucible
>that kid who wore suit to school made out of duct tape
He did heroin and dropped out of school later. Sad!
i know of Tituba from the salem trials, i thought maybe this was some weird yuro school game i had never heard of
> that kid that looked up porn on the school laptop
> that kid that ran over somebody's cat on the way home
> that kid that pissed in a chads soda when he went to use the restroom
> those kids that put 40 lemons in different classes they had. ( it was a group so they had a lot of classes)
> that girl that tried to seduce a teacher for a better grade
> that kid that sung the my little pony song for the talent show
>40 lemons
They bought 40 lemons and put one in each class. ( just in case I wasn't clear)
I dunno why they chose lemons though. Odd guys, they were
>that kid who bullied people a foot taller than him
>that kid who got bullied by people a foot shorter
>that autistic kid who always wanted to do staring contests
>that hot girl who hung herself over a breakup
>that one kid who Saluted hitler in class and made the Jewish teacher faint [it was me]
>that kid with a bad hairline, who wore cringey cat t-shirts everyday
>that same kid who was actually pretty damn cool
>that chubby suicidal kid who you hung out with often
>that kid who, even though he was on the football team, was one of your best friends
>that really cringey kid of Italian descent who wanted to be a navy seal
>those dumb as fuck redneck kids who were always in trouble
>that kid who did cocaine once
>that white kid who said nigga outloud
>that same kid who talked a ton of shit, but never fought anybody
>that kid who fell asleep watching porn on the trip to disney
>those ratchet kids who wouldn't shut the fuck up in math class
>that spanish teacher who was a s o y b o y
>that kid who was a really good christian in middle school, who later went on to smoke weed everyday, and become a douchebag
>those hispanic kids who wouldn't stop yelling in science class
>that fat retarded kid who straight up looked, and sounded like a 5th grader
>that tard redneck kid who got ISS for saying sexual shit to some girls
>that kid who was a neo-conservative, and only hung out with people just as autistic as him
>that 5'6 kid who shat himself on the bus
>that kid who had both ADHD and Bipolar who yelled out "IMMA JEW" in spanish class
>that fat black bitch who cried about slavery in class
>that confederate bisexual kid who loved skateboarding, history, and sweet tea
That was me.
>that killed who pissed outside during recess because he thought it was funny
That was me
>that kid that made his profile pic a swastica and got suspended for it
> that kid that made a teacher quit because "I can't fucking take this crap any more."
> that kid that vomited on his test and still got an A
> that kid that climbed on the roof of the school for no fucking reason
> that kid that pulled the fire alarm to go home and play cod
> that kid that hit a teachers ass and got expelled
> that kid that got hit so hard in dodgeball his glasses shattered
> that kid that sputtered memes every 9 seconds because he couldn't think of anything else to do
> that kid that fapped to the magic school bus teacher in class and got expelled
> that kid that got suspended for saying "mama Mia that's a spicy meatball" to the Italian kid because it was " cultural mocking"
> that vice principal that fapped to security tapes of girls walking in the halls
Pick one
How did the kid fapping magic school bus and vice get caught? What was everybody's reaction.
A girl noticed him fapping and screamed before fainting. After that everyone freaked out and the kid just sat there, dick in hand, mortified. He got escorted out by the teacher and was never seen at the school again. I think it was the magic school bus teacher, because she was on screen, but he may have been fapping to the blonde girl.
The vice principal was caught when a kid just went into his office without knocking. The idiot didn't ever lock his door while fapping. He was arrested shortly after and we got a replacement maybe a month or so later.
I miss those days. Time flies, doesn't it anons?
I love boys, I love girls, but most importantly, I love Nathan Bedford Forrest.
I'm a mutt who went to a minority-majority high school so I've got some shit
>that kid who would never dress out and thus failed fucking gym class
>that ESL kid in Spanish class that learned English instead
>that black girl in Spanish class who said every Spanish word like an American retard
>that white girl who was a bitch to everyone for no fucking reason and got told by a teacher that no one likes her
>that girl who seemed innocent freshman year but then aged 20 years and got a job stripping immediately after high school
>that black kid who got shot at the bus stop and died
>those 3 (THREE) teachers that got fired and arrested for three separate sex scandals involving students
Nice trips. I love these threads reminds me of the crazy that happend in my school. Makes wanna go back to school. Also I was almost caught jerking it by a friend of mine. He was like a lite Chad
7 people failed gym because of not dressing out at my school too.
>>that kid who would never dress out and thus failed fucking gym class
>that other kid that never dressed for gym and was threatened with ISS for the rest of the year
>that same kid that considered that a good deal, not a threat
>that same kid that spent the rest of the year in ISS
>that same kid that got straight As and never missed any assignments because the entire day was basically study-hall at the point
>that same kid that never had to do gym but got the credit for it
it me
>that kid who shit himself in 3rd grade and was told to go home
>that kid who i beat up and broke his tooth because he was fat
>that kid who died in a car crash in 5th grade
>that kid who looked like hes 20 when he was 14
>that kid whos only friends were some birds
>that kid who vomited on a girl during a math test
The Columbine wannabe kids actually were the nicest kids in school.
>that kid who died to cancer in elementary school
Goddamnit, Kyle.
> that kid that broke his neck falling off the monkey bars
Fucking hell, Billy
>that girl that blew some guy under a desk in class
>that kid that managed to lock himself out of his car the first day he got it
>that kid who's car caught on fire forcing an evacuation
>that kid who looked like he came straight from columbine
>that kid who thinks hes black but isnt and got beat up black people for it
>that girl that lost her virginity in grade 8 raw bc someone convinced her that her boyfriend was allergic to latex
>that girl who i used to be close with and was forced to watch her life spiral out of control and now shes a crack head
Theres probably more desu
>that one kid who successfully hacked the school network and almost got expelled
>that one kid who genuinely thought that a factory worker made more money than a doctor
>that one kid who was a social reject and went full edgelord retard mode after leaving school
>that one kid who was a tough guy delinquent in year 7 but stopped growing and turned into a manlet
>that one delinquent who left school in year 7 as a 'tough guy' and came back in year 9 but was fat as fuck so everyone laughed at him
>that one mexican who was such a fucking faggot that almost everyone hated him
>That one girl that everyone hated except for you but killed herself the day you were going to ask her out.
It still fucking hurts, anons
Tell us the story of that screwdriver's life and why it existed.
>That same girl that left a note for you telling you she loved you and she was sorry she had to do it.
It hurts to breathe, frens...