How do you guys go about applying for jobs? Do you actually go hand them in in person or do you do it all online?

How do you guys go about applying for jobs? Do you actually go hand them in in person or do you do it all online?

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You apply online, get to the part where you need a resume for an entry level job then realize you have literally nothing to put on it, or you get to the part where you need 3 references and realize you know literally nobody. :^)

There are some jobs that ONLY hire via online applications, but generally your success rate is going to be way higher handing in resumes in person. If you get chosen often comes down to if your acceptable resume is on top of the stack when a manager gets mad as fuck about understaffing.

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did both
got employed from online application
just keep putting in applications until you get a job
then you can afford liquor & escorts

its all about either dumb luck or who you know. Most jobs these day's are done through connections which for NEETs is rough. I was looking for about 6 weeks and must have applied to at least 40 places before I got my job atm. My salary is 30k bong which leaves me comfy

online makes it really convinient, just bust out a dozen apps at once and wait. boom

If you can lift 100 lbs without dying the trades are booming. No requirements needed for my job

>send blank CV to temp agency
>10 minutes later get a call telling me to come in for an interview

if i get a job how do I not fuck it up? I'm so out of touch with real life that I'm afraid I won't be able to talk to people or perform simple tasks when asked.

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Act like you care but dont actually. Its going to be a shitty low skill job just try to remember it doesnt matter if you fuck up.

it's good that you got an intervew but recieving an interview that quickly sounds alarming. I'd imagine turnover is fast due to sht work, pay or both

I don't mind shit pay but I am worried about shit work. I have to take whatever I can get though because I have virtually no experience, skills or connections.

I know fucking up won't be the end of the world but there's so many things that could go wrong.

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>apply for job posting you're qualified for
>no reply
>the ad is still up a month later

>apply for retail job
>hikki khv neet, no references
>somehow get interview
>they want to hire me
>"Don't forget to get back to me with your references user"
>get hired anyway
>two weeks in, already working but one manager is still asking for my references
>have no idea what to do, why would they hire me then still want them
>feel panic as I go in next day still with no contacts
>she's not there
>she quit
>mfw I've been working there 4 years now and never gave any references

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thats a classic. it doesnt hurt to give them a call and ask whats up.

you're lucky user.

Jow Forums told me to fake my references once, saying that employers never ask for them anyway. They did fucking ask and it was embarrassing when I got caught and hung up on them.

fuck whoever told me that they don't check up on references.

My experience is that your calls will go to an answering machine and never returned.

you need to call moar and at different hours. it shows you care, which you dont really. worst case scenario, nothing happens. keep the pressure up, its hard to be mean even on the telephone

>we're sorry user but we decided to go for a more attractive candidate

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what are references? sorry i dont live in burgerland

>Show us your curriculum
>not good enough
>Whats your social media account?
>dont have one?
>How old are you?
>that old?
>What do you do during your free time?
>just that?
>Why do you want to work for this company?
>to earn money?

I HATE KIKES!!!!!!!!!!

Damn forgot appearance

Does joining a church in order to network work?
Someone to vouch for you.

use fuckass. you upload your resume on that bitch then you just wait for employers to contact you for an interview. they only look for people with the qualifications they want for the specific job so youll be bound to have someone find your qualifications adequate enough unless you're a complete NEET with no resume

Who did you use as your reference? You're supposed to use family members