All you gotta do is go to school and get a job, it's as simple as that. stop being lazy

>all you gotta do is go to school and get a job, it's as simple as that. stop being lazy.

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>wagecucking until your 60s

>>wagecucking until your 60s
how do you get out of it?

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school is actually worthless, the only thing that matters for your career is who you know.
>b-but i worked really hard in STEM and i have a good job
you are now everyones IN to whatever. You are that one skilled guy that everyone knows and will use as their reference or opportunity to get a job.

my first job i worked i had no skills in the field, no knowledge, and in general i didnt want the job. Still made 80k a year. I didn't even take the tests myself and the few that i did for the company they helped me cheat because i was friends with the foreman.

Anarcho-neetism ftw

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by becoming NEET my friend

my country no give bux tho maaaan

*all you gotta do is be smart

holy shit take responsibility for your lives you fucking losers

>take responsibility

Contrary to the bullshit you learned growing up. Financial outcomes are not something we have control over.

>working hard
>not working smart

funny you guys complaining about it now when this is what always happened on a global scale.
imperialistic satanic america and beelzeburope

impossible in america
if you do manage you barley get enough to stay alive and then you have to see doctors and other jews

>poor people being lazy
>picking crops? working!

have you heard of homeless people, dumbass?

those are poor people being lazy

>believing boomer propaganda

>all you gotta do is put some work in and you'll get rich

Yeah it's sure working for those guys in that bottom picture.

Horse shoe theory but on one end it's reddit socialists and on the other it's Jow Forums NEETs. That picture screams "I hate the rich more than I want to help the poor".

Are you trying to tell me success is not about hard work but sheer dumb luck and who you know?Who could have guessed.

irs madden


haha imagine believing this. I absolutely have control over my life because I'm not a loser lmao

Yes. Unfortunately the normies, baby boomers, and basedboys refuse to listen to us whenever we try to explain this to them.

Performing well in school and work is actually achievable, unlike attracting women if your face repulses women. You NEETs have no excuse.

stop making excuses bro. stop thinking the world owes you something. i worked my ass off to get where i am today. the deck was stacked against me since birth. i overcame the odds. this is what i look like btw.

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teachers give good grades to chad for doing nothing. its one big show.

People get extremely assblasted every time this comes up and they talk about how their parents made it through sheer hard work and I ask them about all the people that didn't. Just fuck people and their stupid bullshit "JuSt WoRk HaRd AnD yOu WiLl mAkE iT"

That doesn't prevent you from getting good grades the old-fashioned way: by studying your ass off while Chad is getting his rocks off with the teacher.

>That doesn't prevent you from getting good grades the old-fashioned way
>being this naive
If the teacher doesn't like you you are still fucked no matter how much you study.

It's like youre asking to get laughed at.
Even the fucking AnCaps have more credibility than you lmao

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>Performing well in school and work is actually achievable
Everyone on my football team got straight A because football is more important than class and D gets you kicked off the team.

I got my first job through not hard work but who i knew, which is how the majority of humans get a job and go up the ladder.

"Skill" "talent" "Grit" these are by far the most worthless things a man can have. Connections, networking, family are what makes a man rich.
you can be the best in the world but without strong connections you are as valuable as a schizo catlady and even with connections unless you have the correct ones your skill will never be used


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You are not entitled to anyone else's money

You probably don't work for a large company or the government. In most of the those jobs you need s degree for then to check a box. To get promoted into management you need master's degree to check a box. So the company shells out money for your master's degree so you meet the company criteria.

The richest people in the world (except untouchable pseudo-royalists like the Rothschilds) are mostly self made billionaires like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos.

It is not about how hard you work but about how smart you work

>You are not entitled to anyone else's money

Unless you look like this.

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Then why did we bail out the banks with trillions in tax payers money?

Success is about risk taking. The bigger risks you take the more chance of success.

Now imagine living in a country where you go to work to be able to go to work and the only way to amass lots of capital is by ripping people off and hope the government doesn't fuck you over on a whim.
Also 35% income tax.
everyone else should just kill themselves desu

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the one massive payoff for chad body + poverty is that you can choose rich women as your mate.
When i was inpatient we had a 40 year old boxer who had been neet for the last 20 years because his wife liked his body. He couldn't sleep ever, he had massive anxiety attacks to the point he would throw up in public or pass out, and he treated her like shit.
Once you achieve a certain physical look you no longer have to follow rules that others must because you simply look better than them and they can't argue with you IRL because of that.

That is not how it works. Not in the slightest.

what are the best jobs for Asperger neets?

It is. Zuckerberg put all his hopes in Facebook and succeeded by taking risks. The early Bitcoin investors made millions risking their money. People who bought Florida land when it was an unwanted swamp became rich.

If this isn't bait remove yourself from the timeline immediately. If this is bait remove yourself from the timeline immediately.

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>The early Bitcoin investors made millions risking their money.
I used it to just buy drugs, i got money purely by accident

Drugs are still taking risks

Basically he's trying to say "rich people are rich because they're willing to takes more risks than you".

Interesting. By that logic the cast of "Bum Fights" should have millions of dollars. They took lots of risks. One of the guys repeatedly bashed his head into a metal shutter door.

By that logic I will get rich by taking Fentanyl due to the extreme risk I am taking.

Corporate shills btfo. Well played sir, well played.

prolebots rise up

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make VR porn, I went from being neet to 80k/year

feels good man, I bought some lego today to build tomorrow.

Neetbux doesn't exist here.

Nope. It's about being born in a rich family that can get you the money to take a risk scott-free.

I'm about to go from basically NEET to oilfield slave in northern Canada come September. I'm done being poor. I'm gonna make 32k in four months. Then I can go back to being a NEET for a few months and then go up North again.

I've never traveled before, where should I take a vacation come Christmas? Anyone ever been to Greece?

>life is fair
Normalfaggot delusions never cease to amaze

You're not taking vacations on 32k/y user.

That's just four months my dude. I'm not gonna just stop for the rest of the year. I'll take a vacation and then go back north.

>make VR porn