Have you ever had an accidental one night stand? because i just have and i feel tainted, despoiled and used

have you ever had an accidental one night stand? because i just have and i feel tainted, despoiled and used.

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>accidental one night stand?
wtf does that even mean, even?

he was about to marry her the day after

it means i had casual sex by accident. as in, i didn't plan or want to have a ons.

well it's not as though you slipped and fell and her vagoo cushioned your dick's fall

>had casual sex
>posts on r9k

Get the fuck out of here you normie filth.

Plot tweest: OP is actually a roastie who got spitroasted by Chad and Jamal """""""on accident""""" last night and is now looking to offset the blame (on r9k??? of all fucking places top jej) because you know, woman.

Only a woman would be this fucking coy.

>oops! Just fell into some sex, haha! Kill me now!

No one cares.

fuck. you guys are right. i just assumed OP was a dude.

fuck off, whore

i don't know where else to post and i'm a guy you cretins. i'm divorced and recently started seeing other women. i met this chick on tinder and we kept talking until i eventually went to see her (she lives in neighboring country just across the border). we thought it would work out and we'd stay together, but it didn't work out. we just had filthy perverted sex all night long and then we both felt like shit. idk what to do now. my purity has been compromised.

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Don't know if it counts as accidental but it was definitely rebound related

>be me a few years back
>recently got broken up with
>really felt like i had a connection with her, but she thought otherwise
>high school relationships are bullshit
>tell coworkers about it in attempt to get some pity
>one coworker in particular, we'll call her Scarlet, knew my ex in early high school years
>Scarlet started telling me that my ex was completely different from how I told everyone else
>turns out ex was not the sweet and loving girl I thought I knew, actually manipulative and thick-skinned
>Scarlet says I should hang out with her to help me feel better
>have nothing better to do so fuck it
>we go and see a movie, some decent comedy
>i'm getting kinda into it and am starting to forget about my depression if only for a few hours
>Scarlet starts leaning on me and holding my arm
>I go along with it because I was so fucking lonely
>we're in the back of the theater and it's late, so no one can see us
>our hands are slowly making advances
>fuck she's so soft
>we leave the theater early and go back to my car
>forgot that I had one of my exes hoodies in the backseats
>backseats smell like ex and i'm suddenly getting depressed again
>Scarlet takes off her pants
>Start fingering her, but I'm no longer into it
>Keep going cuz I don't want to upset her
>Car now reeks of this cunt and the sweet aroma of my ex is now gone
>start crying over this bitch's naked body
>Scarlet is confused but isn't really enjoying herself anymore
>she grabs my exes hoodie and puts it on to cover herself
>i don't say anything because we can't find her shirt
>climb back up to front seats and drive home in silence
>drop her off
>worst fucking night of my life
Scarlet still has my exes fucking hoodie and I found out she's about 20 weeks pregnant. Women really do just make life harder for guys.

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lol fag
so where do i subscribe for more user?

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You haven't had any purity since that time you cut a hole in your childhood teddy bear and fucked him silly

Yes, and I felt exactly the same user. Was it your virginity too?

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good times user. i wept too, but after she fell asleep. i saw myself naked in the mirror when i went to grab a cig from the kitchen table, all bitten, scratched and soaked in all our bodily fluids and i wanted to smash the mirror because i had one of those "what have i become?" moments. harrowing experience despite having the best sex of my life. my ex wife used to fuck like a mattress.

Well that is life experience.
Maybe it is all just down to the fact she didnt realize you would be so much that into it with her.
If you had sex on the first night it isnt exactly a glowing example of a relationship start.

you are just melancholic. there is nothing bad in what you did

exactly what it felt like. all i could think about was "why did i do that" afterwards. i thought rebound sex helped people get back into their element, not set them even further back than where they were to begin with

Woops. Reply Was meant for

rebound sex for guys is a bandaid on a gaping wound that requires stitches. women still do it because it gives them the excuse theyve been looking for to be whores

At least you arent failing as bad as me user.
Congrats on getting a date.
Are you German?

double check those quote tags, user

Yep. Spotted that. Definitely fuzzed myself there.
Was meant for

true, but we spend a few days before the fucking to get to know each other a little bit and we clicked. she was more into me than i was into her. but after fucking she realized that she has too much emotional baggage from her previous relationship (just like me, getting divorced fucking sucks).

i think i actually have some strain of depression. and i never had casual sex because i find it very degrading. that's why it keeps haunting me and driving me insane.

i don't know if it was rebound sex in my case, i mean, i actually want to have a new srs relationship and i really don't want my wife back. i did think of her during the act tho, but i think that's normal since our brains tend to make this kind of associations. i don't know why i felt so guilty, maybe i realized it was an accidental ons, which i desperately wanted to avoid lol.


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