>tfw ISTP
That's too accurate
I don't even look at gore that much. I used to use ED a lot back in the day though and now I mostly just use Jow Forums and twitter.
please kill yourself and shove your horoscope bullshit up your ass
>tfw ISTP and masturbate to gore as well
my favorite one is that girl in the tub.
I think someone nicknamed her Soup-Chan
MBTI is a meme for people who have no personality. Stop falling for it
Forer is a helluva drug, user. Get out of the armchair psychology while you still can.
What the fuck is the INTJ one? it seems familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it.
I recognize all of these but the one for my own type, INTJ. What is that?
kill yourself. mtbi is for people who have no personality
Github origami
>get called out for avatarfagging and mysteriously stop posting
>suddenly back
I browse these shits whenever I am awake. Fuck off centaurnigger
oh right, I got it mixed up with gitgud. Now I feel stupid. I don't really associate INTJs with coding though.
I'm pretty sure you're seeing patterns that aren't there
isfj and esfj are so off, it should be cooking sites or something, not fucking twitter where people are confrontational and toxic for pleasure or steam which doesn't even
It's literally fucking pseudoscience though. Just admit that you use it to identify with something and to make up for your shitty personality
the the funny thing about MBTI and its premise to accurately classify people by arrangement of cognitive functions is it actually contradicts Jung's teachings, namely the concept of individuation which states that every individual's ultimate goal should be integration of all cognitive functions and switching between them at will, whereupon classification no longer matters
also there's a mental placebo effect which is why people in certain lines of work and occupations perceive and answer questionnaires that fit the biases associated with those positions
but yeah nevermind all that, let's ignore how unfalsifiable the tests are and the inconsistency of the typology community to fit anyone into the sixteen boxes they love to quibble over so dearly instead
uuuuhhh estj detected.
nice try. i categorized you so now anything you say to me is invalid
I only hang around DA in hopes of finding a decent person to commission waifu stuff from. The community/comments aren't ever good, and often ruin the art. Trying to look into and talk to artists has been a big mistake, and makes looking at art less fun and comforting.
I always come out as INTP but I used to spend most of my time on wikipedia and other information cataloging websites. Never used social media of any kind, occasionally would shitpost in youtube comments out of sheer boredom. Discord niggers belong in hell by the way, I hate them more than any social media normalfag because they spam their shitty rooms on sites I like.
fuck, you got me there user
I don't believe in horoscopes but it seems like us so-called ISTPs have at least a few things in common. I think we're just the archetypical quiet, emotionless types and nothing much beyond that.
Is there any forum in particular you can think of, it has to be "one of those" sites. If you get what I mean. Like one with a distinct style. I just finished this 2 seconds ago.
This is so off.
Tried it, hated it.
Maybe I am more than one of those because...
>figured out bipolar
Thanks user
Hahaha i'm an ENTJ and it's so accurate
Thanks very much.
Either way gtfo attention whore
I'm ISTP and all I do is watch car videos in youtube
Very typical of your sub human kind
Thanks bitch boy.
>Diagnosed with ''light aspergers''
It's not a meme, bruv
>YouTube for introverts
>bodybuilding.com for extroverts
This list is fucked
intp here, i guess this one is accurate too
INTP every fucking time
So there really is no escaping this shithole, huh?
>namely the concept of individuation which states that every individual's ultimate goal should be integration of all cognitive functions and switching between them at wil
That is an end goal you're supposed to arrive at when you're like 40 or something. You still have a type and even when you reach peak individuation you still prefer your main functions and do best using those.
Kill yourself so you can watch your own gore, gorefag
>tfw i'm INFP
God I hate tumblr.
Wait why the fuck am i Discord?
Idk why I was actually kind of happy that INTP was here. It's like a slight validation of the fact that this is the only place I talk to people now. You fags really are my kind of company ;)
Nigga don't encourage them please. We don't want this thread derailed and ruined
Yeah it is pretty shit
But I guess it is VAGUELY related to getting connections which is important to an entj
The winking face was supposed to be a simple smile, I inadvertently made it look all faggoty whoops
I suck at art and don't appreciate it as much as others.
Hold the fuck up buckaroo. This is not a good fun place. This is the slums of society. You go here when everything else has rejected you. Its a prison of some sort. Overtime you may come to see it as YOUR prison, but dont ever forget that is still a prison. Plus there are some really shitty people here that even the biggest losers wouldn't want to associate with, part of it being a prison more or less.
>not being a sub human makes me a bitch boy
I like this place to be quite honest. I've met some genuinely cool people on here. We're all somewhat fucked up user but that's okay.
Where did I fuck up
The most cancerous of the personality types.
It's okay user, we need balance in this world. Not everyone can be an INTP Chad
kek they wish they were us
Hey neat I'm a Steam boi looks like I can continue to waste my life playing vidya and not feel bad about it
nice anime i love it what anime is that
I'm kinda insulted that INFP's are implied to be tumblrites. However it's a great fucking place for porn and smut.
what's the intj one?
Look in the thread you stupid fucking inconsiderate retard. The answer is 10 replies in
>went from infp to intp to intj in the matter of a year
Well which is it?
>wow you didnt read the entire thread fuck you asshole
Not him btw
okay but the order is entirely arbitrary so I stand by what I said, MBTI is half assed Jung
Elon Musk is definitely an INTJ. Elliot Rodger is probably an INFP.
Why is INTP not Wikipedia?
How is it arbitrary? You do know that the types are Jungs theory right? The names and the tests are just MBTI. I do agree though, MBTI is cancer. Socionics is where it's at
The guy who made that poster is an autistic ISTP who really really REALLY hates INTJs for some reason. He used to derail multiple mbti threads in a row just to shit on INTJs
INTJ here. I like both arch and github. my arch desktop.
Wow its another linux coding intj trap
Why are all you niggers the same?
It is so adorable when they think YOU are the dumb one. Say cheese!
>not *snappu*
Imagine talking like that irl
>tfw INTP and deleted all social media and nowadays only lurks Jow Forums all day long
Now delete life
nope not a trap or your stereotypical neckbeard. handsome and in good shape.
Elliot is ISFP
Jow Forums is social media
all the infomation you could possibly need is in the filename
Bro that's shrek he posted an anime girl. Idk but your meme makes no sense bro
Nice try faggot
Thank you but please don't call me that
I am a male!
Do not listen to him
I'm ISTP but I dont really like gore
If anything I think its disgusting
What do you guys see on it?
cool another centaur attentiondump thread
>half assed Jung
jung is just half assed in general.
had some great points, said some great things, but overall he was a fuckwit imo
t. has barely read anything about jung except second hand information he heard on the internet
>t. knows everything about me and what i've done
what else have i done or not done user?
well lets see
It says here you're a FAGGOT
Its obvious you havent read much if anything about jung that isnt second hand information though
you've sucked a fair amount of cock, surely
The Briggs-Meyers type indicator test is pseudoscience. It arbitrarily separates individuals into an arbitrary set number of personalities based off of vague questions. If your test result feels like a zodiac horoscope, it is because there is very little that separates it from being a zodiac horoscope. It is very common for people to get different results taking the test multiple times because the test has little basis in science. This is something you may find frustrating and indeed you would be right in feeling that way because many people tout it as a means by which you find your way in life.
tldr: this test is shit
>Its obvious
what makes you think it's obvious user?
Am i wrong? Be honest
>The Briggs-Meyers type indicator test is pseudoscience. It arbitrarily separates individuals into an arbitrary set number of personalities based off of vague questions. If your test result feels like a zodiac horoscope, it is because there is very little that separates it from being a zodiac horoscope.
This is garbage
>It is very common for people to get different results taking the test multiple times because the test has little basis in science. This is something you may find frustrating and indeed you would be right in feeling that way because many people tout it as a means by which you find your way in life.
This is correct because the TEST is indeed bullshit
Its reverse psychology on those that dont get it
When the paradox is clear as day, you will get it.
This shit basically creates a set of templates that create workable personalities that have intersecting good/bad traits that are complimentary when bonded as a couple (two individuals). People who have no belief in something are generally skeptical and actually tend to read up more on the traits, inadvertently being affected by those things that are attributable to a random number, say- birth month. Oops.
Fortunately is doesnt really matter what you believe, its already had influence over you, or not.
>back in the day
You're missing out on a lot, in EDF2.
yes you're wrong user. i'm not interesting in shitposting at you about how wrong you are, i want to understand why you think what you do.
What the fuck are you even tryingg to say?
Holy shit dude you are such a fucking faggot.
I know you didn't read shit and you're just trying to worm yourself out of this argument. Prove me wrong
I mean yeah I have a github account or two but I've been on Jow Forums longer than github. And really anyone who works in software has a github account, and not ALL software developers are INTJs.
Almost all software developers are either INTJ or INTP. You might have a few ENTPs or ENTJs in there but thats about i. I still think INTJ would by constitute the majority though
i'm sorry that you think my interest in your opinions is worming out of an argument user.
Is it really that hard to stop talking like a faggot and just answer the question?
>Almost all software developers are either INTJ or INTP. You might have a few ENTPs or ENTJs in there but thats about i. I still think INTJ would by constitute the majority though
This is too funny. Replace INTJ with scorpio and INTP with aires and you may start to realize how stupid this whole thing is.
that's a good question user, nice
>replace a word in a sentence with a completely different thing and now it sounds stupid
Wow! You might be onto something dude. Lets try this
>this car needs a new tire to be able to drive again, this one not salvageable
>this car needs a new broomstick to be able to drive again, this one is not salvageable
Whoa, i guess you're right! Who would have guessed?
It's clear that you have not read much about jung because
>but overall he was a fuckwit imo
Generally people who don't really know much about jung think he is some kind of new age mysticism and feelings faggot.
Now lets sit back and watch you shitpost and dance around the subject without saying anything of worth
>defending pseudoscience
>misrepresenting people who disagree with you
>posting at all
wew lad
it's okay that you don't like my opinion user, no worries.