We could like the same movies, the same video games, the same music, have the same political beliefs...

We could like the same movies, the same video games, the same music, have the same political beliefs, have the same views on religion, philosophy, same taste in clothes, same taste in food, mutual sexual interests, same goals, same ambitions, we could have so much in common but you won't give me a chance to be your friend because I'm trans.

Why are you so judgmental?

Attached: ratss.png (1339x1505, 1.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because you insist on pretending to be something you are not

What am I pretending to be? I never said I was cis, in fact I deliberately stated that I'm trans. Unless you're suggesting that I'm pretending to be trans.

idfc personally as long as you aren't obnoxious or a shit person

You're pretending to be the opposite gender

I'll be your friend, OP, if you're around my age. How old are you?

Now gtfo.

I was born male and live as a woman. That's the definition of a trans woman. I'm not pretending to be anything, I am simply being who I am.

26. I'm probably too old for you.

You're not "trans" you're a male pretending to be female

So words you don't like aren't real. You're the only one pretending.

t. mentally ill man who never learned the most basic biology

trans isn't a gender it's something that's self given

Says the guy who takes HRT and wears girl clothes
What are you going to do as you get older and you can no longer pass as easily? Commit suicide like most of your kind seem to do?

Trans is not self-given, it's something you're born with. You're the one ignorant of biology.


Kike studies to justify your mental illness, this is all part of the plan to weaken the goy

that's because the brain developed that way due to some sort of trauma or abnormality in childhood experiences

they aren't scanning babies they're scanning adults whose brains are already mentally ill as shit

fucking retarded tranny lmao

Why would getting older make it more difficult to pass? Humans become more androgynous in old age. I started blocking testosterone in my 20s, so that means decades of not having changes from testosterone in my system as I grow into old age.

Those studies are controversial with liberals and feminists though, because they reinforce that sex is biological and that gender is not something you choose. You can't even keep your conspiracy straight.

I'm 32, is that too old to be friends? I' need some mature channers. Drop your discord OP.

Many of the people in that study were very young children and they got the same results.

age =/= mature

you should fucking know this by now if you're 32

Gross, a tranny chaser
I bet you wanna bust a load in OP's mentally ill boypussi

age does correlate pretty well with maturity.

I wouldn't mind being your friend but I feel like if I drop contact that would make this a /soc/ thread and it would get deleted. I was really more interested in hearing from robots why they have a prejudice against trans people.

you can email it if you wish.

[email protected]

False. I have three trans friends. I am totally open to socializing with trans people. I don't even care if they talk about trans issues and whatnot, I find that stuff mildly interesting, it makes decent conversation.

meant this for I am an idiot.

You've got me beat, I don't even have any trans friends myself. The only other trans people I've even seen in person were at a group support thing my therapist asked me to go to, and I was the only MtF among a bunch of FtMs and non-binary people.

Just dont chop your cock off and give your self a fuckable wound and its good

Why didn't you get a FtM bf? Or are you only into natural men?

SRS doesn't create a wound. But I have no intention of getting it.

I didn't stay in the group long because I felt like I didn't belong there. I would have no problem being with a trans man, or a cis man, or a cis or trans woman.

Because you're mentally unstable and make me uncomfortable.

you do realize that people can like the same shit for entirely different reasons and so you clash anyway right?

I'm happy to be your friend, OP. I can't speak for the morons in this thread but most transphobes seem to react to anyone who doesn't fall into their cultural conception of male or female like an autistic kid responds to unfamiliar food - you and I know it's harmless but they scream without ceasing because the carrots are touching the potatoes.

Do you truly believe that to be trans means you cannot ever be mentally healthy and functional? Would you describe yourself as mentally stable?

>you make me uncomfortable

That's what gets me. Most people on Jow Forums have never met a single trans person in their entire life and will probably live their entire life without meeting one, yet they legitimately think that people like me are somehow causing the downfall of modern civilization.

One in a few thousand males having breasts and wearing a dress because it makes them feel better does no harm whatsoever to anyone. It's obviously not contagious or else the entire world would be trans already. And of course they never acknowledge FtMs for some reason.

>Do you truly believe that to be trans means you cannot ever be mentally healthy and functional?
Yes. Pumping yourself full of hormones, cutting off your dick, and living a delusion while insisting that people coddle and enable your insanity means exactly that. You're mentally ill.
>Would you describe yourself as mentally stable?
Yes. Many times more than you.
Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's the whole "going against nature and sanity while looking offputting" thing.

A lot of my friends are trans, user. What do you mean? Who is being this mean and close-minded to you? Let me give you a hug.

You act as if your own body isn't pumping itself full of sex hormones with all the changes that brings. If having hormone levels in the female range instead of the male range was enough to make someone mentally unfit, does that mean you think all females are insane?

SRS does not cut off the penis. It takes the skin and nerves in the penis and reshapes them. It allows you to continue having sex and reach orgasm, just in a different way. Again if having a vaginal opening for sex makes you insane, are all women insane? Surely any reasonable person could see that there might be a few outliers in men and women who would prefer to have the sex organs of the opposite sex. When you only have one life on this earth, why shouldn't people try to use the millions of years of scientific and medical advancement of our species to try and make their lives more comfortable?

>living a delusion while insisting that people coddle and enable your insanity means exactly that.
To be diagnosed with gender dysphoria you have to be free of delusion, that's one of the criteria. The entire point is that you are not happy with the sex you were born. If I actually thought I was born female, why would I transition? Females don't transition into women after all.

Are there degrees of mental stability now? How do you measure that?

>going against nature
You are speaking a constructed language. You are sitting in a chair. You are in an air conditioned building. You are using a computer. You eat with a fork and wipe your ass with toilet paper. Nothing about any part of your life is natural.

>while looking offputting
I think it's safe to say that this is the heart of the matter. You've seen pictures of trannies that looked gross. You've seen twitter screenshots of trannies saying stupid things. You've maybe even seen horror stories of botched surgeries with pictures taken hours after the procedure. Since you probably haven't actually met a trans person in reality, that's all you know.

you have a dick
I do not like dicks
This is the end verdict: I don't want to be in a sexual or romantic relationship with you.

You wouldn't have a platonic friendship with a trans person?

Most trannys look really off putting to me, I will be your friend and all, but its just that you make me uncomfortable. But idk maybe in the future transsexuals will be indistinguishable from normal people and it wont be so awkward being around them.

do you want to be friends with robots so badly OP?

Why do you bother trying to convince robots to like you? Its not gonna work. Robots amd mods dont like trannies and only alow the r9gay general because it contains all the gay stuff in one thread. They dont get out much and woupd prob never meet a trans person irl like alpt of people.

I just want to understand the prejudice.

If I get even one person to consider what I'm saying then I'll feel as though I haven't wasted my time.

>could ... have the same political beliefs

>have the same views on religion, philosophy

>mutual sexual interests

>same goals, same ambitions

>we could have so much in common

>but you won't give me a chance to be your friend because I'm trans.
You are mentally ill and you need help. And I cannot give you that help beyond telling you that you need help.

I had a mtf friend once. """""She""""" got triggered over every little thing and every other time I saw """""her""""" we would end up arguing over the most inane shit. It was tiresome. That's not friendship. That's not bants. That's a fucking chore that's optional.

I'd date a tranerino desu

you won't understand it, try to befriend people who want to be your friend. No one owes you friendship or respect.

>tranner tranertino

Traps are gay (they date other traps.)

This. In high school there was a trans girl that joined the girls basketball team. Her parents had to talk to the district, coaches, etc to accomidate her and put her in. It resulted with the other parents telling their daughters not to hang out with the girl. If they had slumber parties, hanging out at the mall etc they wouldnt bother inviting cus the same parents wouldn't pick her up. And yeah she can play basketball with them and be on the team all she wanted but her peers still didnt want to be friends. And thats just how people are when they are raised in. She brought it upon herself. You cant force people to be friends. And you cant convince robots to be sincere with trans ppl

The problem is that most trannies are obnoxious as fuck and get triggered or flustered over every goddamn thing imaginable. Worse than the rainbow puking queers in that regard. Doubt we would have similar tastes either, here at least most are massive weebs and I hate most weebshit with a passion. Also just because you have the same tastes as someone does not mean you will like them or they will like you, that is an absurdly retarded way to go about getting friendships. I am a sperg and I know that. Now is this ASCII enough you retarded bot?
t. bifag

the problem is that 100% of tranners won't be my girlfriend either way

I'm 25 and I wouldn't mind to be e-friends.
I'm Florian#2506 on discord.

Traps are ok. Cute traps are super ok.

Just because 2 people are somewhat similar doesn't mean they'll like each other.

Attached: Satania86.jpg (1066x720, 121K)

I don't think they will add you. they still haven't emailed me. I'm guessing this was just an ego thread.

You can be my friend, OP. However I am a hardcore sadist and into consensual beating while fucking. I can punch your face and belly while fucking you and then we can cuddle afterwards. Are you into being beaten for sexual pleasure, OP? You have to be a masochist. I only date people who are masochists. I know you're not looking for a friend, you're looking for a boyfriend.

Attached: 1533432594751.jpg (1000x1497, 611K)

lmaooo you will never be female, your lifes a lie lmfao

the cringe is real, fuck you're so pathetic no wonder you have no game irl lmao

If you are as much of a failure and cowardly shitty person as me then I will probably hate you for the good of both of us

because you're a faggot? you already know why

disappointing, i wanted to drop my email too

Could talk to them about Jesus dude...
but they'll never get back their penor

So whatever contradicts your beliefs is propoganda

because you are trying to be something you aren't and people with identity issues don't make good friends

if we had the same views on everything you would also think that trans are degenerates pretending to be something that they aren't

well if you're beliefs are pretty reasonable anything arguing with them is probably propaganda

Sure are lots of salty cissies here crying about the fact trans people exist

Actually OP is looking for a boyfriend and no one is interested and asked why people don't want to be friends with trans people

I'm scared that I would fall in love with a passable trap so I hate them all
you hhappy

I said it earlier: I made this thread to understand why robots have a prejudice against trans people. I wanted robots to actually have their beliefs challenged in some way. This thread was never me asking to make friends with anons.

does your first name start with N? Oregano.

Shit like this is why/ You are literally unable to comprehend that you are PLAYING PRETEND in public 24/7, you need real help, you need to be fixed.

I will mail you user

thanks bro. fuck this egotistical OP.

Well at least now I'm definitely glad I didn't email you. was on the money.

That's ok, I don't think I want to bother befriending a tranny anymore. Go fix your life.

I explained twice now that I didn't create this thread for the purpose of exchanging contact information with anons. Why don't you understand that? If you post your email on /soc/ right now you can talk to a ton of trans people or cis people and make friends. You can even find older people since that is what you're looking for. Why throw a fit?

Lets say I did email you right away. You're obviously pretty volatile, so at some point we would have a disagreement or one of us would accidentally offend the other, would you have just said "fuck you tranny" and ended it there the same way?

no one is throwing a fit except you, go away, I already made a friend.

Jokes on you I could care less what you are, but I'm bpd so even if we were friends I'd ruin it eventually like I do all my relationships

>I'm bpd
Just take your meds then?

Tell me which meds people with borderline personality disorder can take to be normal user I'd love to know

I thought you meant bi-polar for some reason

The problem I have had making friends with trans people is many of them (or maybe just the ones I have been talked to) have really high standards plus most of them have some kind of mental health disorder like depression, anxiety, BPD, etc. so it doesn't help that you've all those qualities people see you as someone who has problems (mental health) and no one wants to deal with that.

Honest mistake well good luck making friends and the sort I know life can suck sometimes but hopefully it works out for you

>One in a few thousand males having breasts and wearing a dress because it makes them feel better does no harm whatsoever to anyone
Which is fine. Its when you start demanding people to recognize you as female and find you as partner material is when it becomes harmful. Maybe not you but many trans people not only want to be referred to as female but want other men to utterly ignore that trans are not biologically what they are, even half way demanding men become gay for them because the trans in question sees themself "as a woman"

Then it becomes utter nonsense.