Are black guys who don't like black women just low test? Why wouldn't you marry this?

Are black guys who don't like black women just low test? Why wouldn't you marry this?

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She dresses like a tramp.

as soon as genetic engineering eliminates frizzy hair black women should equalize other races in male reply rates / interest

>when that one year older neggress is your school bully and you end up making out with the hottest sex ever

just a dream

That's only to show off her figure so that you, the prospective husband, can see what body type she has. She would dress more conservatively if her husband told her to

>Why wouldn't you marry this?
>3/10 face
>slut outfit

Have you ever talked to or heard one of them talk to anyone? Thats why, the bitches are fucking crazy. The most mentally unstable demographic

You post on 4ch and get your world view informed by self selected blacks who 9/10x hate themselves and wish they were white. Not a reflection of reality

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It's a certain level of resentment. Just the lack of understanding of black women in general. We assume black women like to be treated like we treat our mom. With fear and thirst for acceptance in the back of our mind.

there's like three of us the rest are larps

>implying they don't just buy one as a slave

Fuck no i would never marry that
But hell yes id use that walking fleshlite

It's not the body, it's the personality. I don't have anything against black women, I even prefer them but a lot of them are just bitter, angry and unappealing to be around. Trust me, a good body isn't worth the rest of her assets being cancerous. The personality always shines, though it's also nice to have a good-looking body as well.

Because she's hot enough to fuck white dudes.

The unfortunate truth for black men is that any black woman who is hot can fuck white guys and get treated like a queen, and will benefit from a larger dating pool.

Simple attraction, sometimes you don't want some one who looks like you.

That's why interracial dating is so popular.

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basically, black girl hair is their only racial disadvantage, black girl skin is nice, smooth and soft. Jungle Asians mog them by combining nice dark skin with long straight hair.

It's also been confirmed by science that black women have the tightest vaginas.

>Queensboro track and field
I pass that school on the way to wage slaving every day I've probably seen her around a few times.

But to answer your question OP black women hate black men, probably rooting from the majority of them having no father and modern feminism slowing taking over.

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We don't dislike black women. Its just the attractive ones can actually get a white guy. We have to date hispanics, whites and asians to get laid. Unless we become basketball americans.

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they just grew up in a white country

nice bait. keep dreaming

Its true look up the stats. Most blacks date blacks. We are on r9k though so it is implied that the op is talking about nerds and virgins. We have to date white girls becuase thats our only option. My first girlfriend was hispanic. I had asked out two other black girls that weren't even necessarily on my attractive level but they rejected me. A week later one of them went out with one of my white friends. Where do you live where this isn't true. I live in Texas man. The struggle is real.

>t. Cac larping

You people are weird asf lol
Nobody gives a shit about dating cacs irl

Hell I'll move there. Where are black women that would date a computer programmer over a baskteball american or a thug?

You guys probably aren't black so you are prolly larping or trolling.

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>black girl hair is their only racial disadvantage


This meme delayed my date with a cute black girl from today to the end of the damn week.

>blacks have bigger dicks
>blacks have the tightest pussys
>births rates are off the charts on africa

makes sense

Yep blacks don't need the jews influence to make other races interested in them. No matter what pol tells you.

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I'm a bit indecisive, so I don't pursue. If they're offering though that's a different story. My test levels are probably fine.

I think frizzy long African hair is beautiful

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i refuse to add more niggers to the world, even half ones

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It's cute I like it too. I think their big nose, mouth and different face might be why men aren't into them. They're beautiful otherwise.

Ebony what is your discord???

hmu Nagi#9857

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if you hate niggas so much, stay the fuck away from our women.

you retards are fucking pathetic. fuck these fucking god damned niggers. you only like their women because of basic primal desires, once you nut you'll realize you just fucked a subhuman ape.

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