What's the excuse today, fembots?
What's the excuse today, fembots?
i think looks cuter on the left desu
I've lost 35 lbs in the last year, I just need to lose another 25 to be thin as fuck
What's the point of slimming down if all three can get Chad?
Im already skinny and ugly as shit.
but how do you know for sure you're ugly and not just overreacting?
That's... a legit question.
I got rated a 4 once on /b/ and I was wearing light mascara at the time.
Im planning to get surgery soon too.
have you done tinder with a decent photo?
>Im planning to get surgery soon too.
What are you getting done? I want a BBL
im too insecure for online dating.
>take photo
>set up tinder in city that is not your own
>confidence boost
but fine misery feels good
Damn she got cute as hell
She's a 5.5/10.
Raise your standards.
she clearly had a nose job & lip fillers. Nonetheless, there are plenty of people who lose weight and look no better, they are not the ones that brag-post on the internet
The last picture reminds me of Frances Bean Cobain.
Chad isn't good enough for women now, they want Chad Prime
Im already skinny and still ugly. Nothing to transform from
>fat bitch starts losing weight and getting guy's attention
>pierce her lips and probably has a shit ton of tattoos
Shoulda stopped in the middle fuck go back go back you stupid cunt. How come women cannot get anything right?
because middle is "normal" and she is wanting to show off for social media
No she's not
We aren't in a "robots why dont you settle for a 5/10 girl thread" relax
She's objectively a 6.5 at least.
It's literally just different lighting and clothes and a slightly different angle...
>tfw it would cost $45-$55k for excess skin removal
I lost a lot of it anyway, but there is no hope. I feel even more disgusting than when I was a massive blob.
Also, I don't understand why so many other fat chicks who lost weight end up getting stupid piercings, daddy didn't love me hair colors and start wearing loads of makeup. I still don't feel like I changed at all.
>REEEEEEE a female got healthy and developed her own sense of style
Do robots literally sperg out any time a woman improves themselves and become out of your league?
>piercings and tattoos = style
roasties belieb dis
He isn't wrong. It certainly seems like a lot of them become trashy whores to compensate for not getting dick and attention throughout the years.
I'm not so sure. being fat really does change your face so much
Not the other user, but people ask me if I'm old enough to work when I'm at my job.
Also receded chin, uneven face, small head, and fucked nose
her makeup is pretty good.
Im thinking of doing bariatric surgery next year I hope it helps my crippling low self esteem and boys start to actually like me
I never said it was a style that appeals to me personally, but I think it's better for people to have find a style they can call their own or they think fits them than for them to be boring bland person.
I'd say the same thing for reviewbrah for example. I think it's cool that he has his own sense of style instead of wearing t shirts and cargo shorts or jeans with some nikes or some shit
go for it, though generally you people just end up obsessing over the skin instead
Is there a reason to not obsess over it? People don't find it attractive.
I am half black and light skinned so it wont make a difference. Too black for whites, too white for blacks.
no excuses needed. im already like 110 lbs and like 4.5/10... somehow got a loving boyfriend with that so i have nothing to complain about
Why is it so hard to find a fembot who would be okay with me paying for her surgeries in exchange for being my sex toy?
Nothing wrong with my looks. I'm just depressed as fuck and haven't left my house in 6 days. Haven't talked to anyone romantically in 3 1/2 years, don't even masturbate anymore. I'm just numb.
I'm losing weight
Asl and interests if you're interested in trying again relationship again
considering me as a person it was genuinely unexpected
why not just work out you lazy fuck. Look up butt routines like doing squats and shit. You'd be surprised how much it helps. Seem to many panpake thots transform their asses this way.
I'm probably older than 95% of users here. But 35/F/Southeastern US. I like horror films, reading, hunting, and WoW.
please god leave this place, please make something of your life. don't waste it in this shithole
Yep, you're a lot older than me for sure. If you're fine with younger and semi ldr I'm down to chat with you (I'm in FL)
fk try yoga meet a lad
>I am half black and light skinned so it wont make a difference. Too black for whites, too white for blacks.
Believe it or not, there's a lot of men in Evrope who fetishize your kind.
Easy mode: Italians
Hard mode: Swedes
Intermediate: Anything else
If you go this route, make sure you spend the extra money and go to a reputable surgeon because a lot of women are absolute retards and don't realize this procedure is what a huge portion of women die from when it comes to surgeries. They get it done by some hack who goes too deep, the fat gets injected into the muscle tissue and they go into cardiac arrest.
I'd still suggest doing what said and try to work on different lower body exercises before doing something like this. Also, don't just do regular squats because you might end up with huge thighs and a tiny butt.
I didn't think I'd see another femanon in her 30's on here.
Hello, fellow 30's femanon. I think we're rare as fuck.
>Nothing wrong with my looks
I don't believe you
Can't post selfies here, so get fucked.
>Falling for the fembot meme
OP you fucked up
you should be ashamed for having such shit taste at 35
Did you want to chat at all or what?
Not with you, no.
im about the same weight as the girl on the right and i still look freaking awful thats my excuse
WTF, that wasn't me. You guys are assholes.
You look okay for a mtf.
And there's nothing wrong with WoW, books, or horror flicks.
why do u call me mtf user
Does that mean you are going to chat with me? Am confused
random user absolutely BTFO
Well sadly I live in Australia and everyone here who is into me is only into me cause big butt/wanting sex :c
Mfw this could be my aunt posting
>age fits
>location fits
>interests fit
im not fat, i was just born ugly, an unfixable disease. im not blessed with white genes. even my own mother talks about how she wanted to have blue eyed blonde baby
I don't have nieces or nephews, don't worry.
why do women think this is a good thing to do
real men are disgusted by fake shit, it doesn't feel right
What the fuck is that??
assumed not then.
you must be retarded or something, it's an olympic feat to fail as a girl.
this lady got a fucking cereal bowl in her ass
I have no excuse. I'm not fat, but I definitely need to lose weight. I have huge thighs and a big belly. I'm skinny except in those 2 places. It's not fair, lads.
you're probably not that skinny in the other places.
Fuck off, I'm 53kg and 165cm.
5'4 116? thats pretty nice desu. asl and interests?
Fair enough
Nice singles user
Thats an ass implant - the same stuff someone in this thread said they were saving for.
they're fucking gross.
fake tits can be the same
>permanently putting holes in your body and injecting ugly looking ink designs under your skin
>improving yourself
It isn't always done with implants and instead with something called reverse lipo, I think. The proper and safest way is to take fat from other parts of your body and put it in the rump or breasts so it feels natural.
Lefts gonna get a mediocre chad at best unless she's very very lucky
Middle and right basically have infinite access to whatever guys they want
>be boring bland person if your appearance doesn't glaringly stand out
>implying copying "goff trends" isn't boring and bland
lmao you normalfags are so entertaining
>plastic ass because you're too lazy to exercise
Those lip piercings just ruin the whole
No way in a million years could the one on the left get a chad