Would you be attracted to neet and shy guy? or that's just a meme? I also have some hobbies.
t. white bot
i would never be attracted to someone who is NEET, regardless of the rest
if he's over 6' then yea
>i would never be attracted to someone who is NEET, regardless of the rest
I hate you Mr Burns
who would though? i feel like most peoples' prerequisite for getting with someone is that they at least have some portion of their shit together
i actually like neets, i cant relate to wagecucks and normalfags.
hi, do you have discord?
Fuck yeah, as long as he's not a complete neckbeard. Hell, that shit is exclusively my type.
no I actually shave every 3 days, I'm also slim but not anorexic.
i do have discord, but im not posting it so i can get spammed by random adds. sorry user
A lot of women here like those types, but when they actually get to know men like that, they find they have the most awful personalities. I'm sure many girls here added guys from r9k and came to find that the shy robot virgin husbando is an idealized concept and isn't so glamorous in reality.
I'm a white guy with a job
Is that enough?
if you want you can msg me here, throwaway email
[email protected]
There must be a fembot out there who wants to help a guy like a real life Misaki.
im going to bed soon, so unless you set something up a bit more permanent ill pass
ok, my user is marsa#9369
there are but he has to be attractive.
Imagine if she talked to more than one depressed guys, she would just end up comparing them to each other, realizing some are inferior, and end up dating the best looking, tallest of her "misaki project" orbiters
No she's not only going to talk to you, there's no real woman who only talks to one man because no one here is special. You might be a neet shy boy but she can find a vastly better one very easily.
I can't even relate to the faggots on this board.
good for you i guess.
Can't we just agree not to compete with each other for fembots, or fight for them?
I cant imagine having a relationship with a neet desu. It seems like the playing field would be really lopsided. I have a lot going on and he would have basically nothing except me.
I would dedicate my life to you and my entire life would basically revolve around being with you, I'm clingy.
What about a not-exactly-shy non-neet non-poor non-livingwithparents whitebot with hobbies? Or is that not enough? What else do you want fembots? Please let us know before the thread ends.
I dont like clingy
this is not me --
>What else do you want fembots? Please let us know before the thread ends.
just company in general, I have some hobbies outside but I just prefer to chill inside. I had a gf before but I was really anxious and didn't work out, I feel like I'm better now, that is why I made the thread
Dude, no one would ever want something serious with a NEET loser, I mean, the name says it all Not in Education, Employment, or Training, you literally are a sack of shit not doing anything
also this is me fyi
I'd be happy to go out with your friends and take part in the same hobbies and activites you had if that was ok. Your life would be my life
You're not a fembot and you're not interested in the people who have posted in this thread, which makes your post so far from being relevant it's almost comical. Fuck off.
>NEET loser, I mean, the name says it all Not in Education, Employment, or Training
I wouldn't say I have no "education", I miss most classes in uni and pass on some exams.
I just prefer to stay at home that is all.
t. I'm on my 2nd year of computer science
Plenty of people are attracted to shy people, and they tend to be the type of people shy people actually want to date.
Nobody is attracted to NEETs. One of the biggest memes on Jow Forums is how women only want chad. Wrong. Women want to date men who have lots of money and can buy them things. Women discriminate by income to an absolutely insane extent.
No. They see men in exactly 2 classes: billionaires (every other trait is overridden in that case), and everyone else (having several millions is not enough to change anything about how you're being rated).
As for shy girls, if they exist, how come they're nowhere to be found? It would be one thing if I found plenty to talk to but none wanted to date me for whatever reason, but I literally can't find a single one in real life. In fact even men are extremely hard to find.
You'd think at least one shy girl would want to look for a boyfriend as she approached the wall yet none seem to be interested in trying anything except being pumped and dumped by chad (hence "every woman only ever goes for chad", because that's apparently how it works, based both on statistics and our real-world observations).
Also, "being attracted to money" != "being attracted to you" (pretty obvious for non-roasties).
>Also, "being attracted to money" != "being attracted to you" (pretty obvious for non-roasties).
Being attracted to your appearance is also not the same as somebody truly loving you dumb dumb. Lots of authors are Chads who come from the patrician class and they're frequently cynical as fuck because they can see how superficial women are. It's a similar phenomenon to rich kids that have a bunch of friends, it's not that they have it as bad as poor kids, but deep down they know they're getting used. They can't tell the difference between people who genuinely like them and people who would ditch them if they lost everything.
The truly happy are not those who have good enough looks or enough money that people suck their dicks. It's people who are loved for who they are at a deep level. It's better to get used than to just get ignored, but it's a third-rate form of happiness.
Would fembots be interested in a depressed college student with no friends
chug kerosene you fucking roastie bitch
I have a crush on a neet because he's a nice and funny person but his neetdom and insecurity is also something I find unattractive about him
dude i'm a chinkbot with a grad job lined up and i'll never get a srs white gf. not worth it if she isn't white.
>upset clingy beta spotted
stop bullying them femanon or i'll bully you
actually an upset clingy alpha, thank you very much!
Please be my girlfrien i'll do literally anything
you should start with getting rid of that attitude you fucking loser. why would a girl want to be with someone who literally is attached to their hip 24/7? jesus christ.
Op here, this thread got a lot more attention then I was expecting.
I posted here I need to sleep it's almost 5am, but my discord is marsa#9369 if any femanon wants to talk I'm usually online
i want to text you a lot and send you cute messages when i miss you. we can cool stuff together
You're not a NEET really then, you're just antisocial
>Being attracted to your appearance is also not the same as somebody truly loving you dumb dumb.
Correct. Glad we agree that women can't love anyone or anything.
Why haven't you told him about your feelings yet?
Also where do I find people like you, assuming (since you are posting on Jow Forums) that you have at least some semblance to the mythical fembots? I'm not a NEET but it's like no matter what I try I can't even get into contact with someone, let alone scare them off with whatever theoretical personality issues I have but nobody wants to tell me about.
I want to cling and suckle titties, Sue me
Like that would change anything, most girls go for chads anyways
I never said I'd date anyone who is not a NEET. Of course it's not enough, but you match a requirement.
im into shy guys and neets
I'd date a neet but not a shy guy. I want an outgoing, extroverted guy. I'm already shy as hell and don't need another autist like me.
be gf indigo
nta but what are the other requirements
>over 6ft3 tall
>fit but not extremely muscular
>thick hair
>thick 7.5in cock
>not virgin
>has friends
>older than me
>into sport, maybe an practice it
>good career (already said!)
>into cooking
>own a car and live in his own place
>caring and supportive
>understands my mental illnesses and support me
>wants children and a family
>not a jerk
>helps me pay srs
I want the real femanons answer not the larp answer
C'mon man can we at least get some believable bait? It's bad enough that we have so much shit posting on here. Up your game and come back with something more subtle and I'll give you twice as many (you)'s
it was me from the beginning you tard
A long term larp lol. Nice commitment
be by friggin gf bots
>6ft 1
>6/10 face
>hot asian gf irl
>mfw I get to laugh at disgusting roastie toastie fembots rejecting their only potential partners over the internet
fucking gross, you know your body doesn't know what to do with the wound and makes you grow hair and shit in there?
i added you once and you literally acted like a thirsty orbiter right away, no thanks.