>be 34 year old kissless virgin
>also be white devil oppressor
>friend wants to set me up on a date
>28 year old black woman
>he says he told her about me and she's very interested
>he warns me that she's a "handful" though
>say okay anyway
>meet up with this woman for date
>first date goes extremely well
>she seems like a very nice person and she's pretty
>wondered why my friend called her a handful when she's quite pleasant
>decide to meet up for a second date
>met up for dinner at a nice restaurant
>everything going pretty well
>conversation turns towards politics
>she asks me how I feel about trump
>tell her complete indifference
>she asks if I'm okay with all the stuff he's doing
>say I don't really care about what he's doing
>apparently that means I endorse everything he does
>argument ensues
>she starts talking about my white privilege
>she says white males are the worst and says I'm allowing racism
>argue for like 30 minutes
>she says white guys are the worst
>she calls me a lot of names
>was trying to be patient
>sitting there in silence after heated argument
>she says she would have never gone out with me if she knew I was a "bigot"
>have had it with her
>tell her I'll save her the trouble then
>get up
>she asks me where I'm going
>I tell her I would have never gone out with her if I knew she was a cunt
>go home
>next day friend asks me what happened with our date
>he says that she says I called her a cunt and asks whats wrong with me
>apparently she was really upset
>explain everything
>he says I need to be more understanding and patient
>tell him even Gandhi isn't that patient
>few days later she calls
>she apologizes to me
>can't believe she's apologizing to me
>she says she crossed a line
>apologize to her too
>she asks me if I want to maybe meet up again
>tell her we might be too different for each other
>she says she thought I was really sweet before we fought
>begrudgingly tell her I'll think about it
Is it worth it trying again with her?
Dating a SJW Black woman?
I would genuinely rather commit suicide than go on a date with a person who goes on a racist rant about me for half an hour while playing the victim.
Just go on a third date
Then you bash her fucking head in desu
depends what you think your chances are to get some poon. that's all you would use this for. she isn't long term relationship material.
people are conditioned to believe things and hold narratives
maybe she's wrong, if she's willing to apologise that's a good sign
maybe you shouldn't be so politically indifferent
try to help each other be better people
Women, without fail, drop the SJW pretense for guys they like. It's nothing but curtain dressing. Fucking for go for it dude.
Since she apologised I don't see a reason not to try it again.
fuckin idiot retard OP
have some empathy and just try to see where she's coming from as a black woman in Murica
jesus h
get over yourself and ur edgy persona and get some pussy dude maybe youll end up developing a meaningful relationship with this woman
If she hates white guys so much, why is she dating a white guy?
No dont. This black woman i think might be a damaged good.I think you can be friends but not wife material. She will most likely do it again or something. This is coming from an african american person (not a meme) she has been probably listening and watching too much cuck news network and is now spewing their brainwashing stuff.
These super aggro BLM types are the ones who want to get BLEACHED by an Aryan blonde haired blue eyed hywitey devil the most. If you do have sex with her, it will be the best sex of your life, and not only by default of well, being the only sex you've had so far. But, it's not a no-strings-attached situation. Personally, I don't think you ought to, but I don't know who you are beyond what little I can surmise from you stating outright that you're a 34 year old virgin compounded by knowing that we're having this dialogue on the designated frogposting quarantine board of a Jamaican curry recipes forum.
I mean, he is the one being attacked in this situation, not her. There's a difference between trying to defend yourself and being a complete asshole.
do it, what have you got to lose
The hate-sex with her would be amazing OP, she might break you honestly.
I mean she obviously has a thing for white guys. She is a classic example of "doth protest too much" and is clearly tsundere for OP. At the same time there's a reason our ancestors have passed down the sage advice known as "don't stick your dick in crazy".
Her mouth says no but he body says "Bleach me with your cock daddy".
Worst case scenario would be getting her pregnant and her keeping the baby. Call me a prude but I don't believe in fucking girls I have zero respect for. Even losers have standards.
>show woman you have other options by walking away
>surprised that she found it attractive
this is probably the most alpha thing you've done in your life, congratulations
but I strongly recommend you cut all contact, racemixing is disgusting
or at least don't have children with her
t. Jow Forumschad
Here's how I would sum up this situation OP.
The smart move is to never go out with her again and forget she exists. She is a fucking nutter with a classic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and racism directed at you flows out of her mouth. Do you really see a LTR with this girl? Do you really want to risk getting this girl pregnant? Don't stick your dick in crazy.
However, while unwise, the chances this girl would fuck you and you would have some awesome hatefucking sex is pretty fucking high. This girl is clearly into white guys, but hates that she's into white guys. You're such a bastard who doesn't understand the struggle of black womyn of color, yet there's something... so fucking hot... about your self respect, your confidence. It would be so wrong to fuck a guy like you, but there's something so right about it too.
So it depends OP, do you want to think with your brain or think with your dick? I'm not gonna judge you either way. Honestly white people are dying out because they don't think with their dicks enough and constantly meme themselves out of getting laid.
>Jow Forums
pick one
did you even read the post he said he didn't care about trump
You can't tell non-whites you "don't care about politics" you doofus. They often don't have the option to not care about politics (hence why she got mad at you about white privilege). You honestly seem like the bad guy in this situation OP, you should try to empathize with people more. That is, assuming you actually want a relationship.
>34 year old kissless virgin
You might as well give it a shot
Ah, sorry there mate, I do believe you clicked on the wrong website! Here's a more fitting one for your post
ABORT user
Oh man, the sex with her is going to be wild. Its worth sticking with her just for that.
Give it another chance. If you guys are gonna talk about politics, set boundaries. No shouting or arguing. Listen before you speak. Etc. Who knows? Maybe you will learn some stuff about yourselves by talking to each other about this. Don't stop it yet OP. Keep an open mind. If it doesn't work out, then accept it but I don't think you're at that point yet. Things went out of hand at the restaurant. That happens a lot with politics. Make her understand your side but JUST AS IMPORTANTLY understand her side too even if you strongly disagree.
I'm low-T and I voted for Trump.
honestly i would if i were you, but im a beta
That's what I'm saying. Dude is 34 and a virgin and he's like, fuck the tutorial fuck the single player campaign not gonna watch the longplays not gonna watch the cringe compilation on Youtube don't link me that steam community guide I'm not having it I'm going straight to the Pepsi Co. sponsored triple gold bar league East Coast division tournament come at me bro 1v1 hahahaha YOOLOOOO
>my face rn
>calling and apologizing to YOU after you called her a cunt
if you can just maintain your alpha momentum you'll almost certainly get your dick wet. 7/10 "strong brave womyn" are submissive cocksleeves behind closed doors.
>They often don't have the option to not care about politics
Yeah they do, lol
She called and said she made a mistake. Do I think she's truly changed? No, but that's not the point.
You go on that third date and try to have fun; try to show her a world that isn't political and still be fun. Do I think a LTR is gonna work with her? I sincerely doubt it but you don't always have to be shooting for it though.
If it doesn't work out you sort of proved a point... she's alienating herself; and you were the bigger person.
Trust me when I say that if you do this properly, regardless of how she responds you'll feel better about yourself.
Heyhey people!
Totally endorce the picture and the comment
OP Do yourself a favor and savour that coon
You're a 34 year old virgin, you honestly don't have much room to be picky. If you ever want your own children, your clock is ticking too. Men often think they have forever, but honestly your children will not be very healthy after old age. To be quite honest, she sounds like every other woman on the market today so you won't gain much by letting her go. Just suck it up and get your shit together dude, beggars cannot be choosers anyways.
This is fucking retarded. Why can't women just tell you straight up that they hate or like you? Why do they have to play these stupid mind games? Homos don't put up with this shit.
She wants your babies. Don't give her babies. Lay some pipe though.
Do it, OP. This will probably happen again, so don't be afraid to put your foot down.
This is the equivalent of the white girl who goes off about "Niggers" and the next moment begs to be railed by the BBC. I'm heavily convinced women don't actually hold ideals.
>kissless virgin
>jump straight to nutjob that's intelligent enough to call out "white people shit"
She said nothing wrong you are all those things and this will be a glorious shit show. Don't forget to make the update thread
The only ideal women have is cocks.
>Extra-woke suburbanite black chick
>Befriends, dates, and marries only whites
Every fucking time without fail
you're a 34 YEAR OLD VIRGIN VIRGIN and girls are statistically likely to fuck on the third date, and she's literally begging at your feet for forgiveness, so she must really like you and not think you're too racist. even if you hate the bitch, at LEAST collect vagina and dump.
>dating niggers
stop this.
Nothing wrong with bleaching some coons.
kill yourself you pathetic desperate cuckold
Yes, feel bad for being white.
Doesn't sound like you'd be very happy or compatible in the long run.
If she flips her shit because you don't 100% agree with her politically, what else will she get pissed you about?
I don't get it, OP isn't even a trump supporter and she's still mad at him. Why aren't you allowed to be non-partisan anymore?
Because in the current year, the king of the world is literally Hitler and has already started gassing people who aren't blonde and blue eyed.
just fuck and cause another fight to break it up
She must be U G L Y. You too.
No self respecting black woman would lower themselves to date a 34 year old neck beard virgin. I can only imagine how ugly you are. Also your kids will be ugly as fuck, genetics dont blend features into something new. They will be as ugly as both of you.
This, kill her user. You'll be our hero.
Why did you go in the first place if you knew she was black? Are you literally gay?
Cool projecting dude. Maybe you should just suicide if you're really that ugly tho.
Personally, I wouldn't do it. I'm a virgin too, but the same adage that this user mentions popped up in my mind:
It's up to you. Remember that SJWs/feminists are more likely to pull rape claims on you, though. Add a darkie with an oppression complex into the mix, and that's a nice Zimmerman cocktail being IV'd to your ass in a penitentiary.