ITT: autistic things only you do
>if i hear an odd noise ill go and check on everybody in my house
ITT: autistic things only you do
>if i hear an odd noise ill go and check on everybody in my house
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I don't say good morning or hello to anyone. Whenever I show up to work all my conversations are as if we've been thete for hours already.
>when I want to convey sarcasm I crack my voice over and over
>mfw i've explained this to people as "a thing I do"
>save funny quotes from posts i've enjoyed on Jow Forums for over 5 years
>i keep a folder of images of my husbando
>but i don't save every single one because it's hard finding good art of him
t. actually diagnosed with autism
same here except i do that with memes
>hate all memes from 2015 onwards
>still quote memes as old as 2008
>still watch youtube poops, whether they're old or new
pretty sure everyone has a folder for their husbando/waifu
Screen shot every meme i come across
Now that's really strange.
>Be me
>Leave house
>Get to car
>Panic thinking i might not have lock the front door
>start thinking about dog evading our home
>go check door
>door is lock but get distracted by other thoughs
>comeback to car
>forgot if I check or not the door
>go back at door
>Door is locked and secured
>Say out loud "lock and load"
Feel secure...feel potato...feel autistic as fuck
If I have a bottle of water I don't want I'll pour it on a pillow and let it evaporate.
Feel autistic
>I say hi or hello to people IRL or over the phone but I don't answer or ask how are you (or any other phrases alike...ex how's it going...)
I lsughed a the bottle of water and pillow
I do that too except I'm more worried about getting robbed then dog getting out of house.
>hold ass cheeks apart when taking a shit
Same, but sometimes even after leaving I'll drive back and check I didn't leave the door open like some autist even though I never have
>>if i hear an odd noise ill go and check on everybody in my house
You're the kind of nigga I'd want watching my back when peak oil and global warming turns society all Mad Max and shit. You keep on trucking you magnificent disaster.
>scared to go in room because there might be a burglar/ghost/murderer
>throw in my cat to scope it out
>I got late to work because of driving back@
There's nothing autistic about not wanting shit stuck to your asshole
I thought of pic related kekmao
I do this too, my greatest fear is walking into a room to find one of my family dead from choking or something, my parents think i'm some sort of neanderthal coming into their room and staring at them mouth agape like a fuckin retard every hour or so
same, i've done this since i was a child, for as long as i can remember.
Are you fucking serious? That's fucking hilarious and it's even more funny you're self aware about this behavior yet you still do it
>stuff my pockets full of things
>cigarettes, lighters, keys, phone, knife, extra pistol magazine, wallet, loose change, headphones, random pieces of trash and paper
>parents say I always overstuffed my pockets as a kid too
>it takes me 30 seconds to dig out keys or a lighter or whatever I need besides my spare pistol mag that I keep in my back pocket alone so I can take it out quickly if need be
>I never wear jeans anymore, only cargo pants/shorts and military surplus trousers
>routinely shit from my pockets spills over when I sit down like spaghetti
>tfw don't have a folder for waifu
I'm doing it all wrong then.
I name each week of my life like an episode of a television drama. Something about finding a theme for the week and coming up with an interesting title based on that thematic domain is fun.
I used to do this, but it made my pants too heavy sometimes. Also I had to take them out before bed, so if I forgot them the next morning, I had absolutely nothing and that was not a good situation to be in.
I always check behind the shower curtain to make sure no one is hiding there to try to prank/kill me, even though that has never happened to me.
>it's even more funny you're self aware about this behavior yet you still do it
Autism? On MY 4Chans? It's more likely than you think!
knowing that you're being retarded but not being able to stop it is a special hell.
t. self aware autist
> have conversations in my head, imaginary arguments
> sometimes get in a bad mood because of an imaginary argument
fuck ADHD
>post in a thread with something well thought out, genuinely want a conversation
>thread dies seconds after i post
this happens literally every fucking time
I don't know what this has to do with ADHD, but I suffer from this too.
i sleep with everything still in my pants pockets though
>genuinely want a conversation
>on Jow Forums
>in 2018
i know your feel user, it is my feel too. it's extremely rare now. REEEing and fingerpointing and buzzwords is the fashion now. sincerity is dead. long live shitposting.
>when i eat i must have a bite of everything on my plate only once before finally eating it normally
>this is why i bring meals into my room
not even specifically Jow Forums, i post on a shit ton of boards but i apparently have the opposite of the midas touch, a thread could be boomed from the +100 post count on a clear upwards linear projection, i'll post, and the thread will just fade to obscurity in page 8
it's not always your fault user, don't take it personally. also, maybe your post was such that nobody can make a decent reply without sounding retarded so they just ignore it. it happens.
i do a lot of autistic things that are really just my collapsing mental health and they would probably be upsetting to read.
I do this shit constantly.
Yh I do this too. I hate work etiquette and soft skills. Just get on with it ffs
I inspect my desk before I leave work for the day to make sure I have not left anything. I check behind the monitor, on my chair, under my chair and then under my desk in that order 25 times. My co workers probably think i am insane but been doing this shit for 6 years since I started. No one brings it up.
>home all by myself
>watch videos or play vidya alone
Talk out loud like I'm with one of my old friends
>one day doing this louder than usual and forget my mom wanted to come for a visit
>also forgot to lock front door
>mom catches wind of my verbal autism and avoids me a lot more since
Ofc I had to open my stupid mouth when ma came to visit 2mo ago.
>constantly check if doors are locked at night despite already knowing that they are
Why am I like this?
>hear some sound like a phone notification
>try to replicate the sound
>completely undress all my clothes to use the bathroom... even when I only have to pee
>organize books/movies/media on theme instead of alphabetically... all the dinosaur movies in the same place
>drink my coffee black and with a side of biscotti every morning
>sleep with a shirt on but no underpants
>rent audiobooks from the library which I listen to in bed
>clean my butthole every night when i'm in bed by rubbing it with my finger and licking it
I don't like the concept of shit residue in my asscrack
but you're okay with it in your mouth and on your hands?
I have athletes foot and i use a knife to cut off pieces of the dead flesh amd and eat them
it has nothing to do with it
t. autist with ADHD
dead skin is yummy, proove me wrong
Or you could do what civilized people do and install a bidet.
That's called OCD.
I like threading my socks between my toes when I'm in bed. It feels good separating them.
All you fags who keep rechecking stuff, especially to a certain number of times have OCD. Get help!
I sometimes do this with the bedroom door lock.
have you tried taking a video of your hand turning the key/lock and watching it?
Back in grade school, I used to wear a sock over my penis if I knew it was penis inspection day.
no I don't.
no I don't.
no I don't.
no I don't.
Can't think of anything that sticks out, other than picking my nose and eating the boogers, but I do have moments that later makes me cringe, thinking back on them, the most recent one was a couple years ago - I don't remember what I said - I went behind a girl I knew and lift her boobs up, saying something, thinking it was funny. She was somewhat fine with me groping her, since she allowed me to do it the day before, but that moment was very awkward.
>pace around and talk alone
I sometimes kind of quasi-LARP as a spy or something. Like I'll imagine I'm tailing someone walking ahead of me or whatever.
>Bite my toenails instead of clipping them
That girl was a cunt, though. I knew the moment I saw her she was going to try to play with my feelings, making me think she wants me, despite having a boyfriend, so I would play along. That's how the groping started - as she went further into acting like she wanted my dick, I started to get a little brazen and see how far she'll let me do things to her... not very far. She was fine when I asked her if I could touch her boob, but when I asked her to send me a picture of her tits, she refused. I kept pestering her about them to the point she broke character and started bitching about how she's not mine to have, how she has a boyfriend, and, soon enough, she left town the week after. Haven't seen her since and never cared if I did - I won.
Don't know if it's a sign of early schizophrenia or not but before certain important events in my life such as finals or so I get a voice in my head telling me to do stupid shit or else bad things will happen to me. For example it tells me to ask for a cup of coffee even though I dont like coffee,or engage in stupid conversations with people.
> act like im streaming to thousands of people when playing any video game
> think about how my jaw looks in public and clench it when walking past people
> purposely drool down my chin when masturbating
> change clothes up to 4 times a day
>Constantly check if I left the lights on in my car.
>Tfw I already checked a few hours ago
>Tfw I also checked when I got out of my car last
I cover my eyes with my hands if i make eye contact in a conversation, usually by touching my nose in some way
>slight inconvenience or nothing at all happens
>become fuming mad
I greet people by saying their name.
>hey user
>oh, i'm just saying hi.
Happens every time with everyone i say hi to and no matter how many times i do it they always ask "what" after i say their names.
Unconsciously fold anything foldable that i get my hands on. I can't help it, i don't even realize i'm doing it.
Remove all my clothes when i shit.
>have conversations in my head like someone is interviewing me. Like some famous talk show host or joe rogan or whatever
>get a feeling of being watched when alone in my room
>tell them to go away, or "I know you're watching"
>always arguing with myself about some topic from two opposite sides at once
>try to catch my negatve thoughts like "i'm such a fucking idiot" and change it half way to "I'm a genius"
>sometimes walk around my room arguing loudly with myself, like in that scene from patrick melrose with benedict cumbercuck
I love to smell the crook of my elbow as well as my index finger after I rub it on the area above my chin, or rubbing all the grease off my nose with my index and thumb and taking a deep whiff. It has an oddly sweet smell to me.
You never do them though right.
that could be normal.
probably related to this.
>Remove all my clothes when i shit
I do this too but only when I'm at home.
Do you strip in public toilets like in work/school?
I talk to myself in a female voice at night
nah, but i always feel like doing it when im in a public latrine.
I like you. I break into tiny pieces random papers and such when it's trash, in the same way.
>make screeenshots of yt videos and use them as memes
>When I try to sleep I pretend my battalion left me behind and I have to play dead
>Make odd noises and do imitations randomly
>When I listen to Erika, I hit my desk on the beat
>Pace around like a mfer
>Can't walk normally when I'm nervous, do the autowalk at times
>Make up lyrics to songs with none
This. I piss my self off more than other people.
i write down the hour every time im taking a shit. I've been doing it for years
I actually like this one and I wish more people were like you.
I have ADHD, and I do this all the time. I can't sit still, and I am trapped inside my head.
>unironically flap hands
>Walk down the road drunk at night while laughing and crying like a maniac
> Americans don't know proper hygiene
That is interesting af, i might do this for my months
Do this everyday, even have imaginary business i own and talk to myself about managing it. Thought eveyone does this.
First 2 are relatable
>Randomly show my phone's camera my middle finger in case someone is watching me through it
>Randomly say "fuck off" while looking in the dark areas of my room
>Pretend to have a conversation with unexisting person
Why I am like this
i do all of these. it's great .
Glad to hear that I'm not only one that does this
cute if ur a girul
I don't listen to music because it gives me anxiety.
So I heard you liek mudkipz
>smell under my fingernails when bored in bed or just on the pc
>Keep my arms crossed when in the shower unless I'm grabbing shampoo/shower gel
>Chat to my childhood bear and have a voice/personality for him
Idk why tf I do these things
>talk to myself constantly in the third person, like today we should do this etc.
Talk to myself and Pat my head and stroke my hair and Rock back and forth
>be me
>home on day off
>strategically avoid walking by any windows that aren't covered.
if im watching a movie and a fight scene comes on I pause it and pace around my room for a few seconds
I squat to poop. I'm american.
>be me
>amateur music producer
>compose song ideas by making them with mouth first
I do that for drum beats mostly.